Algebra 1 Readiness Assessment

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Algebra 1

Readiness Assessment: Student Portion

• Student Portion • DIRECTIONS  : ©© Read each item carefully. ©© Follow the directions to solve each problem. ©© Circle your final answer(s).

1. Find: |-34|

6. Find the value of 23.

2. Solve: 7 – (–13) 7. Find the value of -32.

3. Solve:

−96 −8

8. Solve for y: 7y + 5 = -23

4. Solve to find the missing part of the proportion:

9. Find the value of 16 .

3 5 = 51 x

5. Subtract and simplify to lowest terms:


10. Solve: -14 ∙ 9

4 = 5

Math-U-See: Algebra 1

Readiness Assessment | Page 1