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NEW BOOKS A Nobel Prize in CzechoslovakiaYaroslav Geyrovskiy. Brabenets, Irzhi. Nauka i Zhizn' (USSR). 6081680. 4 pages. Aug. 1960. 50 cents. Determination of Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, and Calcium in Perhydrol by the Method of Flame Spectrography; Spectrographic Deter­ mination of Traces of Impurities in Solutions by the Method of Sparking on Metal Electrodes; (and) New Method for the Dissolv­ ing of Aluminum Silicates. W. Kemula, W. Brachaczek, and others. 60-21^57. 23 pages. Chemia Analityczna (Poland). 1960. 75 cents.


Fiscal Year 1 9 6 0 : Army Research Task Summary. Vol. 2—Chemistry. PB 171001. Office of the Chief of Research and Development, Depart­ ment of the Army. 392 pages. 1960. $3.75. ' This is one of six volumes which re­ view army research and development projects in major scientific fields that were current in June 1960. I t lists agencies, contractors, principal inves­ tigators, and gives a brief description of the purpose, scope, and status of the projects. Instrumentation and Controls Di­ vision Semiannual Progress Report for Period Ending July 3 1 , 1 9 5 3 , ORNL-169/,, May 1954, 33 pages, φ cents. Master Analytical Manual, TID-7015 (Suppl. 2), May I960, 612 pages, $6.75.

ANTON GAMMA AND NEUTRON DETECTORS ON A JOURNEY TOWARD THE CENTER OF THE EARTH. Everyday, here and a b r o a d , Anton detectors journey more than two miles toward t h e center of t h e e a r t h . They reliably provide reproducible results under severe impact and are unaffected by t e m p e r a t u r e over the range of —55°C to + 175°C. Patented Anton processes eliminate m i c r o p h o n i s m , increase sensitivity and resist t e m p e r a t u r e change. Since Anton pioneered t h e first well-logging nuclear detector more t h a n nine years ago, A n t o n halogen q u e n c h e d g a m m a detectors and BF3 neutron proportional counters have been specified by t h e oil-well logging industry as t h e " r u g g e d detectors designed for high t e m p e r a ­ t u r e and rough field u s e . " Chances are—one of the 3 0 0 some odd α, β, ν and neutron de­ tectors available from stock (or 4 to 6 week delivery) may meet your unusual environmental challenge. If not, we can help you—as we have done others—by development of detectors for your specific needs. Anton Detector data belongs in your file—send for Bulletin E2.

Achievements of Analytical Chemis­ try in China, D. I. Ryabchikov, Zhurnal Analitcheskoy Khimii, 6031277, June 1960, 3 pages, 50 cents. Neutron Cross Section Evaluation Group Newsletter No. 2 , BNL 634 (T-197), 1960, 50 cents. Analysis of Yttrium Metal and Yttrium Oxide (No. 3 of a series), APEX-571, July 1960, 15 pages, 50 cents. X-Ray Spectrographic Determination of Potassium, Uranium, and Tho­ rium in Pyrochemical Samples, HW-65801, June 1960, 23 pages, 75 cents.

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impurity Analysis of Americium So­ lutions, RFP-194, Sept. 1960, 28 pages, 50 cents.