Author Index

Author Index LC AllenFarley, M , 147. Fletcher, A. N., 171...

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Author Index

Downloaded by on May 26, 2018 | Publication Date: December 17, 1988 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1988-0363.ix001

A l l e n , Leland C , 91 Ayers, W. M , 147 Barer, Sol J., 1 Bauch, Christopher G . , 26 Bockris, J. O ' M , 179 Bolinger, C . Mark, 52 Bruce, Mitchell R. M , 52 Butler, James N . , 8 Chandrasekaran, Κ., 179 Dai, C. H . , 133 Darensbourg, Donald J., 26 DuBois, Daniel L., 42 Dumesic, J. Α., 102 Ekerdt, John G., 123 Farley, M , 147 Fletcher, A . N . , 171

Frese, K a r l W., Jr., 155 Freund, H.-J., 16 Jackson, Nancy B., 123 Megehee, Elise, 52 Messmer, R. P., 16 Meyer, Thomas J., 52 Miedaner, A l e x , 42 Miles, M H . , 171 O T o o l e , Terrence R., 52 Ovalles, Cesar, 26 Rethwisch, D. G . , 102 Silver, Ronald G . , 123 Stern, Kenneth M , 1 Sullivan, B. Patrick, 52 Summers, David P., 155 Thorp, Holden, 52 Worley, S. D., 133

Affiliation Index A u b u r n University, 133 Chem Systems Inc., 1 Electron Transfer Technologies Inc., 147 General Electric Company, 16 Harvard University, 8 Naval Weapons Center, 171 Princeton University, 91

Solar Energy Research Institute, 42 SRI International, 155 Texas A & M University, 26,179 University of Iowa, 102 University of North Carolina, 52 University of Texas, 123 University of Wisconsin, 102

Subject Index A Acetaldehyde, 139 Acetone, 139 Acetonitrile adsorption, 200 relative concentration, 201 Acid-base reactions, 11 A c i d i t y constant, 12

A c r y l i c acid formation, 61 Activation catalysis, 28 Activation energies, 112 Activation energy barrier electronic rearrangements, 99 Michaelis complex formation, 95 reduction of ruthenium, 173 Activation o f C 0 2 , 131/ Activation parameters, 31


Ayers; Catalytic Activation of Carbon Dioxide ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1988.