Author Index

Author Index SL BaughcumDasch, Cameron J., 87. Dean, Anthon...

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Downloaded by on May 23, 2018 | Publication Date: April 16, 1983 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1983-0249.ix001

Author Index Baughcum, Steven L., 257 Binkley, J . S., 103 B i t t n e r , J . D., 3 B l i n t , Richard J . , 87 Calcote, H. F., 33 Chou, Mau-Song, 71 Clements, R. Μ., 193 Cole, J . Α., 3 Crosley, David R., 239 Dasch, Cameron J . , 87 Dean, Anthony Μ., 71 Eyler, John R., 49 F a i r c h i l d , Paul W., 239 G i l l , R. J . , 33 H a r r i s , Stephen J . , 23 Howard, J . Β., 3

K e i l , D. G., 33 Lee, John H. S., 119 Longwell, J . P., 3 Melius, C. F., 103 Oldenborg, Richard C , 257 Olson, D. Β., 33 Oran, E l a i n e , 151 R a t c l i f f e , John W., 205 Sheth, Shailesh, 267 Sloane, Thompson Μ., 205 Smith, Gregory P., 239 Stern, David, 71 Toby, Frina S., 267 Toby, Sidney, 267 T u l l y , Frank P., 225 Westbrook, Charles Κ., 175

Subject Index A Absorber, IR, s u l f u r hexafluoride, 240-41 Absorption, l a s e r , nitrogen chemistry i n ammonia flames, 72,73f Abstraction route f o r hydrogen atom, 230-36 Acceleration of flames See also—Flame speed and turbulence, 121-33,163-70 Acetylene, k i n e t i c s decay rate as function of pressure, 245,246f detonations, 176-90 reaction with hydroxyl, 239-55 reactions with C3H3 and C5H5 cations, 54t,59t,60t , 6 l t Acetylene-air flames d e f l a g r a t i o n to detonation, 142-46 speeds, 127-33 Acetylene-oxygen flame near soot threshold ion concentrations, 33-46 neutral species, formation, 44-46 polynuclear aromatics, formation, 41-46 Acetylenic species, a d d i t i o n to 1,3-butadienyl, rate constants, 15-l6t Acoustic-chemical coupling, 151-54 A c t i v a t i o n energy, 112-13 A c t i v a t i o n energy, r e a c t i o n of NH and oxygen, 109 Addition channel rate constant, 249-54

Additives, i n h i b i t i o n o f detonation, 186-90 A i r j e t surface, I69f A l i p h a t i c flames, formation o f aromatic species, 3-16 Aliène, rate c o e f f i c i e n t s f o r cyclopentadienyl cation reactions, 59t,60t,6lt Ammonia combustion, k i n e t i c mechanism, 93,94f Ammonia-doped methane flames, 96-98 Ammonia flame hydroxide r o t a t i o n a l e x c i t a t i o n and temperature, 72,74f,75-77 ion d i s s o c i a t i o n , 82-84 ion e q u i l i b r i u m , 76t ion formation, 71-85 ion p r o f i l e s , 77,80f o s c i l l a t o r strength of NH2, thermodynamic parameters, 75 Ammonia o x i d a t i o n , 103-13 k i n e t i c s , 77-85 k i n e t i c s of nitrogen oxide and nitrogen gas formation, 87-100 concentrations as function of equivalence r a t i o , 93,94f mechanism, 90,93-95 Amplitude of sound wave and heat release, 153f Aromatic species formation i n a l i p h a t i c flames, 3-16 Aromatic species formation i n a l i p h a t i c flames, r o l e of v i n y l acetylene, 16-20 Arrhenius p l o t rate c o e f f i c i e n t data, 230,231f 279

Sloane; The Chemistry of Combustion Processes ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1983.