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“THE GOOD WIFE” ENDS! Season Finale Guide Inside


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Penny Dreadful Wayward Pines So You Think You Can Dance



PREACHER AMC’s Newest Series

Contents 0516

20 Douglas Family Gold



Features 6 Goodbye, “GOOD WIFE”

On the cover: Bryan Cranston: Credit: Austin Hargrave / AUGUST. Roots: © A+E Networks Credit: Kareem Black.

Douglas Family Gold: Credit: Robert Maxwell/Oxygen Media.

The beloved CBS drama comes to a close — plus a complete list of season and series finales.

10 Show-ing Your AGE Does age affect how we choose our favorite shows? We have the intel!

12 How Well Do You Know YOUR TV PRESIDENTS?

Think you’re a TV POTUS insider? Test your savvy here.

14 “All The Way” Is LBJ Bryan Cranston talks bringing his Tony-winning stage performance to the small screen in HBO’s timely look back.

16 What’s NEW Roots gets a redo, FOX unites Harry Houdini and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and AMC calls the Preacher.


In Every Issue DISH Chatter 28 DISH Cinema 238 Channel Directories 242 Puzzle Page 5

Find What You Want To Watch 26 34 36 98 102 112 114

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DISH Cinema Calendar Premium Profiler Movie Listings Specials Listings Sports Listings Series Source Daily Programming Listings

21 Returning FAVORITES What you need to know about new seasons of Wayward Pines, So You Think You Can Dance, Royal Pains and Penny Dreadful.


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News & Views Meet THE CREW

Editor’s Note

Age And Prestige We recently debated over whether a TV show was a good fit demographically for our audience. A spirited conversation followed — some thinking The Walking Dead was for millennials, others thinking reality shows like The Bachelor and The Bachelorette were surely for middle-aged, winesipping housewives. So we tasked one of our veteran journalists to work with Nielsen to get us the answer on whether or not age defines what we watch on TV. Her results can be found on page 10. Equally enlightening this issue is the kindeyed Bryan Cranston, who for three decades has wowed us with his Emmy-winning performances and his Everyman personality. Cranston is almost unrecognizable as our 36th president, LBJ, in the HBO original All the Way. Inside he shares his thoughts and humor on his role and politics (page 14). And while we were on the topic of presidents, we also put together a fun trivia challenge to test your knowledge of TV and movie presidents. Another standout TV event to take note of this month is History’s remake of Roots, an eight-hour, four-night event. The powerful and iconic story remains as important today as it did when it first premiered in 1977. Read more about it on page 16. Happy reading! And happy viewing!


ART & PRODUCTION Executive Art Director: Tom Czisny Art Director: Todd Garrett COPY Copy Chief: Jill Klitz Copy Editor: Katie Kuenkler VP OF ENTERTAINMENT ADVERTISING Tom Comi [email protected] BUSINESS Publisher: Andrew DeAngelis

To contact the publishers of Hopper Magazine: email: [email protected] write: Hopper Magazine, 1720 W. Florist Ave., Suite 150, Glendale, WI 53209 call: 1-414-352-8700*

My mom loved watching: Happy Days and Little House on the Prairie.

JEFF First on my list to DVR: History’s Roots My mom’s worst TV viewing habit: Watching local news and then telling me about every scary news item she hears.

LORI First on my list to DVR: HBO’s All the Way. Close second: The Dresser on Starz.

RYAN First on my list to DVR: Formula One Monaco Grand Prix on NBC My mom watches: Way too much Fox News.

web: *Please Note: We are not DISH. To report a change in address, cancel your magazine or to change any DISH services you need to contact DISH at or go to DishHOME on Channel 100 or call 1-800-333-DISH (3474).

Hopper Magazine (USPS 015-347) (ISSN 23344423), Volume 21, Issue 3, is published monthly by NTVB Custom Media, LLC, 1720 W. Florist Ave., Glendale, WI 53209-3836. Subscription rate, 1 year $60.00. The goal of NTVB Custom Media, LLC is to deliver your publication by the 1st of each month. If you are experiencing delivery delays, or your publication arrives damaged, please contact the U.S. Postal Service at your area post office to obtain a publication watch form. You can also log on to, or call 1-800-275-8777. Periodicals Postage Rates Paid at Milwaukee, WI and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Hopper Magazine, 1720 W. Florist Ave., Glendale, WI 53209-3836. For questions or comments about this magazine, contact us at [email protected] or NTVB Custom Media, LLC, Attention: Editor, 1720 W. Florist Ave, Suite 150, Glendale, WI 53209-3836. NTVB Custom Media, LLC is not responsible for changes in programming times and dates. HOPPER MAGAZINE is a publication of NTVB Custom Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in any form without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. © 2016 NTVB Custom Media, LLC. If you are moving to a new address, please visit your local Post Office and complete USPS Form 3575, or access the web at


First on my list to DVR: AMC’s Preacher

Mom and I bonded: Watching The Secret Storm together — engrossed her vacuuming the couch, clueless me in my cushion fort.

Barb Oates, Editor in Chief

Editor in Chief: Barb Oates Director of Editorial: Jeff Pfeiffer Assistant Managing Editor: Meredith Ennis Television Listings Manager: David Lange


KELLIE First on my list to DVR: Wayward Pines on FOX. Season 1 was freaking awesome/ awesomely freaky. My mom and I are nerds because: We choreographed a dance to the Three’s Company theme song. HM

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DISH Chatter

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Readers Respond: Which Movie Do You Think Should Be Made Into A TV Show?

Why Do Networks DO That?

I thought the powers that be are supposed to bring us entertainment. Why then do they not check their programming? They say it’s an hour show, [but] the ending is never complete; it’s on some future show somewhere on another channel. It’s so frustrating to watch a show for one hour and be cut off! So sick of incomplete shows. MONTH: I hope you pass this to the proper department. — Chester

I think Conan the Barbarian/Destroyer would make a good TV show if done right. There are several books and stories, so it could potentially last for a while. Also The Matrix; it could show how characters became the people they were in the movies. — Matt


What TV series do you never get tired of watching?

Chester, we are assuming you are talking about canceled TV shows — and we completely agree. Social media sites like Facebook Email us at [email protected] and Twitter are good places to vent and lobby to bring a show back. I get the feeling you would enjoy a I would want the movie Nicholas and baseball hat, so look for it in the mail. Alexandra to be made into an epic TV show. This movie came out in 1971 Mel Is My Favorite and it was about the life of Nicholas II, tsar of Russia, and his beautiful wife I did not watch all of the Oscars for this Alexandra and their loving family. It was reason: I don’t like Leonardo DiCaprio based on a book by Robert K. Massie. In and Russell Crowe. They cannot act my mind, I have cast all the actors for the worth a HOOT! I’d rather see Mel Romanov family, but I’m having trouble Gibson, who has yet to get an Oscar nod casting Rasputin. What actor has his for Best Actor. Hopefully, at next year’s piercing, hypnotic eyes? I’m working on Oscars, Mel will be a presenter. — Miss it! — Jean Clemens The Invisible Man. — Allen You are correct. Mel Gibson has not won a Best Actor Oscar yet, but it’s not too Thanks for the input; I am sending you all late. As for the others: I love Leo (“Catch T-shirts. Woo-hoo! Me If You Can,” “Titanic” — total faves) and “Gladiator,” which stars Crowe, is To The People Who Do my all-time favorite movie. But, I’m still Your Scheduling sending you something — hmm, how Why are some programs listed in the about an extra-long chip clip?! magazine but not shown? For instance, programs like Operation Repo, Lizard Lick Towing and South Beach Tow? — Luann Networks provide us with their programming schedules and we list what they provide; however, programmers will and do make programming updates, which then makes our book inaccurate. We absolutely hate programming updates. Thanks for writing; we are sending you our sister publication, “ReMIND” magazine. HM

Include your address when you write or email us and we’ll most likely send you something. We’re not promising, we’re just saying. Also, if you didn’t know this, the letters and opinions above reflect the views of our readers, so don’t go crazy on us because you don’t like what someone else said. Send your thoughts to: [email protected] or write to DISH Chatter, 1720 W. Florist Ave., Suite 150, Glendale, WI 53209.

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AN AMICABLE SPLIT “The Good Wife” Ends On Good Terms. By Ryan A. Berenz

For the critically adored CBS legal drama The Good Wife, there will be a conclusion that is advantageous to all parties. Executive producers and co-creators Robert and Michelle King announced early this year that they were leaving the series after the current Season 7. The cast, studio and CBS agreed that it was an opportune time to end the show on top and on its own terms. “It has been an absolute honor to be a part of a series that, throughout seven years, never settled on being just good … but always strived to be extraordinary,” star Julianna Margulies says. Margulies has won a Golden Globe, two Emmys, a Critics’ Choice Award and two SAG Awards for her portrayal of Alicia Florrick. The biggest question to be answered in the finale: Will Alicia and Peter (Chris Noth) get a divorce? The Good Wife series finale > CBS > May 8

If You

Like L …TRY IF YOU LIKE Hap and Leonard

TRY ➧ Preacher (AMC) IF YOU LIKE

Gymnastics, reality TV, Gabby Douglas

TRY ➧ Douglas Family Gold (Oxygen) 6

Top Series Signing Off For Now (Or Forever) The Amazing Race (CBS), May 13 America’s Funniest Home Videos (ABC), May 22 Arrow (The CW), May 25 Banshee* (Cinemax), May 20 The Big Bang Theory (CBS), May 12 black-ish (ABC), May 18 The Blacklist (NBC), May 19 Blindspot (NBC), May 23 Blue Bloods (CBS), May 6 Bob’s Burgers (FOX), May 22 Bordertown (FOX), May 22 Call the Midwife (PBS), May 22 The Carmichael Show (NBC), May 29 Castle (ABC), May 16 The Catch (ABC), May 19 Chicago Fire (NBC), May 17 Chicago Med (NBC), May 17 Chicago P.D. (NBC), May 25 Cooper Barrett’s Guide to Surviving Life (FOX), May 15 Criminal Minds (CBS), May 4 Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders (CBS), May 25 Crowded (NBC), May 22 Dancing With the Stars (ABC), May 24 DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (The CW), May 19 The Detour (TBS), May 30 Elementary (CBS), May 8 Empire (FOX), May 18 The Family (ABC), May 15 Family Guy (FOX), May 22 The Flash (The CW), May 24 Fresh Off the Boat (ABC), May 24 The Goldbergs (ABC), May 18 The Good Wife* (CBS), May 8 Gotham (FOX), May 23 Grandfathered (FOX), May 10 Grey’s Anatomy (ABC), May 19 Grimm (NBC), May 20 The Grinder (FOX), May 10 Hawaii Five-0 (CBS), May 13 Heartbeat (NBC), May 25

Jane the Virgin (The CW), May 16 The Last Man on Earth (FOX), May 15 Law & Order: SVU (NBC), May 25 Little Big Shots (NBC), May 8 Madam Secretary (CBS), May 8 Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (ABC), May 17 The Middle (ABC), May 18 Mike & Molly* (CBS), May 16 Modern Family (ABC), May 18 Mom (CBS), May 19 Mr. Selfridge* (PBS), May 22 Nashville (ABC), May 25 NCIS (CBS), May 17 NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS), May 2 NCIS: New Orleans (CBS), May 17 New Girl (FOX), May 10 The Odd Couple (CBS), May 23 Once Upon a Time (ABC), May 15 The 100 (The CW), May 19 The Originals (The CW), May 20 Quantico (ABC), May 15 The Real O’Neals (ABC), May 24 Rosewood (FOX), May 25 Saturday Night Live (NBC), May 21 Scandal (ABC), May 12 Shark Tank (ABC), May 20 The Simpsons (FOX), May 22 Supernatural (The CW), May 25 Survivor (CBS), May 18 2 Broke Girls (CBS), May 12 Undercover Boss (CBS), May 29 The Vampire Diaries (The CW), May 13 The Voice (NBC), May 24 *Series Finale Dates subject to change. HM

Douglas Family Gold: © Oxygen Media Credit: Robert Maxwell

Will one of the most complex unions on TV, between Alicia (Julianna Margulies) and Peter, come to an end?


The Good Wife: © 2016 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Credit: David M. Russell/CBS. Hap and Leonard: © 2015 SundanceTV LLC. Credit: James Minchin




With … Fred Savage Of FOX’s “The Grinder.” By Jeff Pfeiffer

The Grinder has been a fun and interesting sitcom for FOX, featuring Rob Lowe as an actor who portrayed a lawyer on TV who, upon ending his show, thinks he can go and help his real-life lawyer brother (played by Fred Savage) with his practice. The concept and performances are hilarious, with the show garnering critical praise, a Golden Globe nomination for Lowe and a full-season pickup of 22 episodes (the season finale airs May 10). Sadly, despite the acclaim, it seems unlikely that The Grinder will be picked up for a second season. Before The Grinder (possibly) rests, we caught up with Savage, and he answered our “5 Questions.” Do you have a favorite sports team? Chicago Cubs! I grew up in the northern suburbs of Chicago. . . . I’ve been a Cubs fan my whole life. This year, I’m very excited. I’ve said “This year” for 30 years, but I mean it now. Do you have any pets? No pets. My wife is a big dog person, and I’m not, and I feel like having animals and being an animal person — the fact that I’m not, I feel, is a real deficiency in my personality. I want my kids to have that. I have three kids, so I think a dog is in our future at some point. … I feel like that is important. I want my kids to be animal people. If your TV could only carry three shows or networks, what would they be? Like I said, I have three kids. So I’d have to say Sprout, the Disney Channel because they love my brother’s show [Ben Savage stars in Girl Meets World], ], and I think I’d have to say FOX.

The Grinder: © 2015 Fox Broadcasting Company. Credit: Brian Bowen Smith/FOX

Is there a movie you can watch over and over without getting tired of it? Oh, man. Part of me wants to say The Godfather,, and another part of me wants to say Billy Madison. [Laughs] Have you ever had a memorable encounter with a fan? I’ll be honest with you — I still can’t believe that people want an autograph or a photo. They come over when I’m at dinner or see me out. I still can’t get over it. And now with The Grinder, it’s a whole new fervency. Each one of them is so meaningful to me. No one’s been crazy or outlandish, so there aren’t crazy stories like that, but honestly, each one is very meaningful. HM

Returning Favorites America’s Got Talent — NBC (May 31) Beauty and the Beast — The CW (June 2) Big Brother — CBS (June 22) Penny Dreadful — Showtime (May 1) Person of Interest — CBS (Episodes Tuesdays and Mondays beginning May 3 and May 9) Rizzoli & Isles — TNT (June 6) Royal Pains — USA Network (May 18) Scream — MTV (May 30) So You Think You Can Dance — FOX (May 30) Undercover Boss — CBS (May 15) Wayward Pines — FOX (May 25)

They’re Back, Baby!: Renewed ABC announced early pickups of a slew of series for 2016-17: America’s Videos, The Bachelor, Funniest Home Videos black-ish, Dancing With the Stars, black-ish Boat, The Goldbergs, Fresh Off the Boat Anatomy, How to Get Away Grey’s Anatomy Murder, Marvel’s Agents of With Murder S.H.I.E.L.D., The Middle, Modern S.H.I.E.L.D. Family, Once Upon a Time, Quantico, Family Scandal and Shark Tank. … The CW announced the following series are returning in 2016-17: Arrow, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, DC’s Legends of Ex-Girlfriend Tomorrow, The Flash, iZombie, Tomorrow Virgin, The 100, The Jane the Virgin Originals, Reign, Supernatural and The Vampire Diaries. … Bones will return for a 12th and final season in 2016-17, a 12-episode run that FOX says will “celebrate the inventive series and bring the storylines … to a close.”

YANKED!: Recently Canceled Shows In accordance with prophecy, ABC put Of Kings and Prophets to the sword. … The final season of Person of Interest debuts on CBS May 3. … You won’t get any more Satisfaction from USA Network. … Freeform has let go of Kevin From Work. Work … It’s bye-bye bayou for History’s Swamp People after its current Season 7.




We Asked. You Answered. Here’s What You Thought.

FULL UPFRONTAL TV Networks Take It All Off At Upfront Galas. By Ryan A. Berenz


he curtain closes on the 2015-16 TV season this month, but not before ABC, CBS, The CW, FOX and NBC go for the full reveal at their upfront presentations May 16-19. The upfronts are basically lavish parties the networks throw in New York City to get Madison Avenue to buy commercials so your DVR can skip through them. Network executives unveil the shiny new programs coming in the fall season in an effort to keep the traditional ad-supported TV dinosaur breathing for another year. We find out which pilot projects get new series orders. We find out which shows are returning and if they’ve been moved to a new day or time (not that time slots are as significant in the age of TV Everywhere). We also find out which series aren’t coming back without the networks explicitly calling them “canceled.” The upfronts are a carnival of adspeak, jargon and ratings spin. We’ll hear lots of things about “The Demo” and “Live Plus 7.” Networks will take “big, bold swings” trying to “eventize” everything. In 2014, CBS announced it was doing away with “midseason” in favor of “later in the season.” This year, we’re expecting to hear more discussion of “Peak TV” — the idea that the TV universe has expanded to maximum sustainable size and awesomeness, and it will soon collapse in on itself. For us in the entertainment press, the upfronts are like Christmas. We start getting pilots to watch “FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; NOT FOR REVIEW.” We start separating the wheat from the chaff for our fall previews. We get to praise/criticize networks over cultural diversity in content and casting. And we get to lament the lack of original ideas, with reboots, adaptations or spinoffs as some of 2016’s most anticipated “new” series: Cruel Intentions (NBC), Chicago Justice (NBC), Marvel’s Most Wanted (ABC), MacGyver (CBS), Training Day (CBS), 24: Legacy (FOX), The Exorcist (FOX), Lethal Weapon (FOX), Frequency (The CW), Taken (NBC), and shows based on Archie comics (The CW) and Nancy Drew books (CBS).


FAVORITE SHOWS 1. NCIS 2. The Big Bang Theory 3. Blue Bloods 4. Downton Abbey 5. Game of Thrones The Walking Dead 7. The Blacklist 8. NCIS: New Orleans 9. Castle 10. The Good Wife 11. NCIS: Los Angeles 12. Survivor 13. Madam Secretary 14. Chicago Fire Dancing With the Stars Major Crimes 17. Gunsmoke Scorpion 19. Chicago P.D. Elementary Jeopardy Last Man Standing Rizzoli & Isles Shameless The Voice

FAVORITE NETWORKS 1. CBS 2. NBC 3. ABC 4. HBO 5. PBS 6. FOX 7. TCM 8. Showtime 9. Hallmark Channel 10. History TNT 12. Fox News 13. AMC 14. Starz Encore Westerns 15. Discovery Channel Hallmark Movies & Mysteries HGTV Syfy 19. CNN Investigation Discovery

Illustration: © Nate Reysen.


You really, really love NCIS don’t you?! For the sixth year in a row the naval cop drama takes top rankings in our annual reader survey for favorite TV show (it also takes the top position in the over-50 age category, see page 10). No real surprises on the favorite channel list, as CBS, NBC, ABC, HBO and PBS all remain in the top five positions, the only change being NBC moving above ABC this year.


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We’re Not As Different As You Think! By Lori Acken

Define What We Watch?

Think only gore-obsessed twerps love The Walking Dead, with its unwashed masses and people-chompin’ zombies? How about Game of Thrones and those dungeons and dragons and imaginary lands? Is ShondaLand the TV playground of the bored and aging housewife? And about CBS — short for Cherished By Seniors, or what? Most ratings reports lump together everyone in the advertiser-snuggled 18-49 demo, which makes it tough for folks like us to know if, as they suggest, you and your hipster nephew are honest-to-God watching the same stuff. So we asked our friends at Nielsen, ground zero for all things TV consumption, to tally the mostviewed shows by decade to see if the zillions of networks, loads of great TV and evolving viewing options deepen chasms between the age groups or unite us in The Walking Dead our love of heartfelt comedy, escapist drama and anything played with a ball. The results are fun — and, in some cases, eye-opening! Did your favorite make the list?

ies comm r e S o


The Bachelor




NCIS: © 2010 CBS Broadcasting Inc. Credit: Matt Hoyle. The Walking Dead: © 2016 AMC Film Holdings LLC. Credit: Gene Page/AMC.

1. The Walking Dead (AMC) 2. College Football Playoff semifinal (ESPN) 3. Fear the Walking Dead (AMC) 4. Monday Night Football (ESPN) 5. American Horror Story (FX) 6. Game of Thrones (HBO) 7. College Football Bowl Studio (ESPN) 8. Teen Mom (MTV) 9. Better Call Saul (AMC) 10. NBA Playoffs Conference Finals (ESPN) 11. Talking Dead (AMC) 12. Teen Mom 2 (MTV) 13. South Park (Comedy Central) 14. NBA Playoffs Conference Finals (TNT) 15. Love & Hip Hop Hollywood (VH1) 16. Pretty Little Liars (ABC Family, now Freeform) 17. Love & Hip Hop Atlanta (VH1) 18. Thursday Night Football (NFL Network) 19. Into the Badlands (AMC) 20. Love & Hip Hop (VH1)

1. The Walking Dead (AMC) 2. College Football Playoff semifinal (ESPN) 3. Fear the Walking Dead (AMC) 4. Game of Thrones (HBO) 5. College Football Bowl Studio (ESPN) 6. Monday Night Football (ESPN) 7. Better Call Saul (AMC) 8. American Horror Story (FX) 9. Talking Dead (AMC) 10. NBA Playoffs Conference Finals (ESPN) 11. Into the Badlands (AMC) 12. NBA Playoffs Conference Finals (TNT) 13. Thursday Night Football (NFL Network) 14. MLB National League Conference Series (TBS) 15. NBA Playoffs Conference Semifinals (ESPN) 16. Gold Rush (Discovery Channel) 17. True Detective (HBO) 18. The Real Housewives of Atlanta (Bravo) 19. Teen Mom 2 (MTV) 20. NBA Playoffs Round 2 (TNT)

The Big Bang Theory: © 2008 CBS Broadcasting Inc. Credit: Monty Brinton.

NFL on FOX (FOX) Sunday Night Football (NBC) NFL on CBS (CBS) Empire (FOX) Thursday Night Football (CBS) Sunday Night Football pregame/ kickoff (NBC) 7. The Big Bang Theory (CBS) 8. The OT (FOX) 9. How to Get Away With Murder (ABC) 10. Scandal (ABC) 11. Grey’s Anatomy (ABC) 12. Football Night in America (NBC) 13. Modern Family (ABC) 14. The Bachelor (ABC) 15. Thursday Night Football pregame/kickoff (CBS) 16. The Bachelorette (ABC) 17. Family Guy (FOX) 18. Once Upon a Time (ABC) 19. The Voice (Monday) (NBC) 20. Blindspot (NBC)

1. NFL on FOX (FOX) 2. Sunday Night Football (NBC) 3. NFL on CBS (CBS) 4. Empire (FOX) 5. The Big Bang Theory (CBS) 6. Thursday Night Football pregame/ kickoff (CBS) 7. Sunday Night Football pregame/ kickoff (NBC) 8. Modern Family (ABC) 9. The OT (FOX) 10. Scandal (ABC) 11. Football Night in America (NBC) 12. How to Get Away With Murder (ABC) 13. Blindspot (NBC) 14. Grey’s Anatomy (ABC) 15. The Voice (Monday) (NBC) 16. The Goldbergs (ABC) 17. The Blacklist (NBC) 18. The Voice (Tuesday) (NBC) 19. black-ish (ABC) 20. Quantico (ABC)

The Bachelor: ABC.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.



Empire: © 2014 Fox Broadcasting Co. Credit: Michael Lavine.

all ages to




TOP 20 BROADCAST 1. NFL on FOX (FOX) 2. NFL on CBS (CBS) 3. Sunday Night Football (NBC) 4. The Big Bang Theory (CBS) 5. Empire (FOX) 6. Thursday Night Football pregame/ kickoff (CBS) 7. Sunday Night Football pregame/ kickoff (NBC) 8. Modern Family (ABC) 9. Blindspot (NBC) 10. The OT (FOX) 11. The Voice (Monday) (NBC) 12. The Voice (Tuesday) (NBC) 13. Two and a Half Men (CBS) 14. The Blacklist (NBC) 15. NCIS (CBS) 16. Survivor (CBS) 17. Criminal Minds (CBS) 18. Football Night in America (NBC) 19. Scorpion (CBS) 20. Scandal (ABC)

TOP 20 CABLE 1. The Walking Dead (AMC) 2. College Football Playoff semifinal (ESPN) 3. Fear the Walking Dead (AMC) 4. College Football Bowl Studio (ESPN) 5. Game of Thrones (HBO) 6. Monday Night Football (ESPN) 7. Talking Dead (AMC) 8. Better Call Saul (AMC) 9. Into the Badlands (AMC) 10. Thursday Night Football (NFL Network) 11. MLB National League Championship Series (TBS) 12. American Horror Story (FX) 13. Gold Rush (Discovery Channel) 14. NBA Playoffs Conference Finals (ESPN) 15. Deadliest Catch (Discovery Channel) 16. NBA Playoffs Conference Finals (TNT) 17. Vikings (History) 18. The Real Housewives of Atlanta (Bravo) 19. Alaskan Bush People (Discovery Channel) 20. The Last Ship (TNT)







1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

NCIS (CBS) NFL on FOX (FOX) NCIS: New Orleans (CBS) NFL on CBS (CBS) The Big Bang Theory (CBS) Blue Bloods (CBS) Dancing With the Stars (ABC) Madam Secretary (CBS) Sunday Night Football (NBC) 60 Minutes (CBS) Scorpion (CBS) Hawaii Five-0 (CBS) Person of Interest (CBS) NCIS: Los Angeles (CBS) The Mentalist (CBS) The Good Wife (CBS) Thursday Night Football (CBS) Criminal Minds (CBS) The Blacklist (NBC) The Voice (Tuesday) (NBC)

TOP 20 CABLE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

College Football Playoff semifinal (ESPN) College Football Bowl Studio (ESPN) Monday Night Football (ESPN) Rizzoli & Isles (TNT) MLB National League Championship Series (TBS) Major Crimes (TNT) The Walking Dead (AMC) Thursday Night Football (NFL Network) Texas Rising (History) The Last Ship (TNT) Game of Thrones (HBO) MLB Division Series (TBS) NBA Playoffs Conference Finals (ESPN) NBA Playoffs Conference Finals (TNT) Gold Rush (Discovery Channel) Proof (TNT) Fear the Walking Dead (AMC) Murder in the First (TNT) The O’Reilly Factor (Fox News) Alaskan Bush People (Discovery Channel)


Dancing With the Stars


PresidentialDebate Prestige Among Onscreen Yourselves While Completing Our Presidential Challenge.


e admit it, we’ve got commanders in chief on our minds. This month, Bryan Cranston captivates us in his role as the 36th president, Lyndon B. Johnson (see page 14). In celebration of the actors who have stepped into the Oval Office, see how well you know your TV and movie presidents.



How many Emmy Awards did Martin Sheen win for his portrayal of President Josiah “Jed” Bartlet on NBC’s The West Wing? A) 0

B) 3

C) 4

D) 6

Several actors have taken a turn playing Franklin Delano Roosevelt in diverse movies like Pearl Harbor, Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical and Hyde Park on Hudson. Which of these actors has not portrayed FDR? A) Bill Murray B) Jeff Daniels C) Alan Cumming D) Jon Voight


What piece of jewelry is a trademark of President Francis “Frank” Underwood (played by Kevin Spacey) on Netflix’s House of Cards?

Scandal: © 2011 American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Credit: Craig Sjodin


Rob Lowe and Ginnifer Goodwin starred in what 2013 made-for-TV film, based on Bill O’Reilly’s bestseller of the same name? The film aired on National Geographic Channel.

What is the last name of the president on ABC’s Scandal, played by actor Tony Goldwyn?

House of Cards: © Netflix

A) Richard Nixon B) John Quincy Adams C) Harry S. Truman D) George Washington


Paul Giamatti, the star of Showtime’s hit series Billions, earned a Golden Globe for his portrayal of what president in a 2008 HBO miniseries?

The West Wing: © 2002 NBC, Inc. Credit: James Sorensen


Anthony Hopkins has received two Oscar nominations for playing U.S. presidents. Which president hasn’t he played in film or on TV?

A) Thomas B) Grant C) Fitzgerald D) Connor

ANSWERS: 1. C) Harry S. Truman; 2. A) 0 — Sheen was nominated six times but never won; 3. John Adams; 4. Killing Kennedy; 5. B) Jeff Daniels; 6. His class ring from The Sentinel; 7. B) Grant; 8. Dwight D. Eisenhower in Lee Daniels’ The Butler and Teddy Roosevelt in the Night at the Museum films; 9. D) Keith Carradine. He plays the president on CBS’ Madam Secretary; 10. False. He played the president in the film Independence Day; Day 11. D) Harry S. Truman; 12. A) Kevin Kline.




Which of these actors did not play the U.S. president on the FOX drama 24?

Night at the Museum: © 2006 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Credit: Doane Gregory

Too Big To Fail: © HBO Credit: Macall B. Polay/HBO

A) Gregory Itzin B) Geoff Pierson C) Dennis Haysbert D) Keith Carradine E) Cherry Jones



True or False. When Bill Pullman played the president in the short-lived NBC comedy 1600 Penn, it was the actor’s first time portraying the POTUS onscreen.

From Lt. Dan in Forrest Gump to his current series Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders on CBS, actor Gary Sinise has a long resumé that includes portraying what president? A) JFK B) Richard Nixon


C) Herbert Hoover D) Harry S. Truman

Ulysses S. Grant, our 18th president and commanding general under Lincoln, has been featured in many TV series/ miniseries including AMC’s Hell on Wheels, North and South and Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. What actor played him in the parody Wild Wild West? A) Kevin Kline B) Will Smith C) Hugh Grant D) Tom Berenger




Our 16th president is one of the most celebrated presidents in film. Identify the actor who portrayed the famous bearded man in the following films.

1. Abraham Lincoln (1930) 2. The Littlest Rebel (1935) 3. Young Mr. Lincoln (1939) 4. The Lincoln Conspiracy (1977)

A) Sam Waterston B) Gerald Bestrom C) Walter Huston

5. Lincoln (1988, miniseries)

D) Tom Amandes

6. Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure (1989)

E) Lance Henriksen

7. The Perfect Tribute (1991, TV movie)

F) John Anderson

8. Tad (1995, TV movie) 9. The Day Lincoln Was Shot (1998, TV movie) 10. The Conspirator (2010) 11. Lincoln (2012) 12. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)

G) Benjamin Walker H) Robert V. Barron I) Frank McGlynn Sr. J) Billy Campbell K) Kris Kristofferson L) Henry Fonda

13. Killing Lincoln (2013, TV movie)

M) Daniel Day Lewis

14. Saving Lincoln (2013)

N) Jason Robards

ANSWERS: 1. C; 2. I; 3. L; 4. F; 5. A; 6. H; 7. N; 8. K; 9. E; 10. B; 11. M; 12. G; 13. J; 14. D.


Robin Williams starred as which two presidents?


What’s New


Bryan Cranston Plays A Purposeful LBJ As The “Accidental” President’s Achievements Are Jeopardized Today. By Lori Acken


orty-seven years after he left the White House, Lyndon Baines Johnson is having a renaissance. Most of us know “LBJ” as the droning, jowly Texan who became president when Lee Harvey Oswald trained his gun on John F. Kennedy and quashed America’s Camelot dreams. What you recall from there (if you recall a single thing) depends on your age, your race, your geography … maybe your family ties. But not a day goes by that you aren’t affected by Johnson’s policies, the social-minded core of which is ground zero for the mudslinging war games of this year’s presidential race. So much so that his 1964 campaign ads are making the viral rounds and sounding oddly timely.



All the Way: © Hilary Bronwyn Gayle/Courtesy of HBO

“Very few people remember Lyndon Johnson for his accomplishments,” says Bryan Cranston, whose ingenious portrayal of Johnson in Broadway’s All the Way earned him and the play much-deserved Tony Awards in 2014. “What they remember him for are the tragedy and his disappointments and, mainly, Vietnam. What All the Way highlighted is the extensive domestic achievement that he was able to develop in the five years that he was president.” Cranston says that dichotomy — coupled with the fact that Johnson was one hell of a rip-roaring guy — made the opportunity to step into the 36th president’s shoes irresistible. So irresistible that, when Way ended its Broadway run, Cranston teamed up with playwright Robert Schenkkan, director Jay Roach (Recount) and coexecutive producer Steven Spielberg to expand All the Way into a riveting, star-packed HBO film. To shade his character, Cranston spent time with veteran journalist (and Johnson’s former press secretary) Bill Moyers. “Bill told me, ‘Lyndon Johnson is 11 of the most interesting people I’ve ever met in my life,’” he laughs. “No one adjective is sufficient. He is all those things: a raconteur, a good old boy, a @#$%kicker, a joke teller, a friendly guy, an ice-cold guy, a mean-spirited guy, a domineering force, a graceful man. The more I started reading about that, the more fascinated I was with him.” Yes, All the Way features well-known Johnson traits and moments: the tugged beagle ears, the penchant for obscenities and epithets, the colorful instructions for his tailor, the infamous “Daisy” ad. But its — and Cranston’s — real achievement is embracing Johnson’s peerless skills as a politician. Though he himself was hobbled by insecurities rooted in his mother’s mercurial moods, that psychological minefield also left Johnson a masterful social scientist with an uncanny ability to read people and prod their egos and tender spots to get what he wanted. He took just 11 months to expand Kennedy’s New Frontier dreams into his own Great Society legislation, knowing it was all the time he had to convince America to go “all the way with LBJ” in the ’64 election. “If you look at what he accomplished — civil rights, Medicare, Medicaid, fair housing, education and consumer protection — all of those things that we are still arguing about in 2016, he started in 1964,” Schenkkan says of his inspiration for the story. The film also reveals that Johnson was no political opportunist. He deeply understood the need for racial equality, thanks to his first job — teaching first grade in a classroom filled with eager Mexican immigrant children. “There would come a day for every one of them that I would see the light in their eyes die — because they had discovered that the world hated them, just because of the color of their skin,” Johnson tells reporters in one pointed scene. “If a president can’t do what he knows is right, then what is the presidency for?” “I don’t think without that experience he would’ve gone to the mat and risked his presidency and his legacy over the Civil Rights Act in 1964,” Cranston says. “If Kennedy had not been killed, there would not have been such a significant civil rights act — I’m convinced of it. Historians that I’ve talked to are HM

convinced of that. ... That landmark legislation was able to turn the tide in this country and end the Jim Crow laws.” To make it so, Johnson perfected a dazzling persuasive tactic known as “the Johnson treatment” — a skill All the Way mines for comic and dramatic gold. One that proved particularly useful with a pair of powerful men on opposite sides of the political spectrum — civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (an elegant Anthony Mackie) and Johnson’s political mentor, Georgia Sen. Richard Russell (Frank Langella, a quiet storm). Russell — whom the Johnson family called Uncle Dick — was among the Southern segregationist Democrats known

HE IS all those things: a raconteur, a good old boy, A @#$%KICKER, a joke teller, A FRIENDLY GUY, an icecold guy, A MEAN-SPIRITED GUY, a domineering force, A GRACEFUL MAN. — Bryan Cranston on LBJ as Dixiecrats. In the film, the men label the passage of civil rights legislation “the gravest possible assault on the U.S. Constitution,” though Russell worries his peers’ shameless bluster invites them to be dismissed as “a bunch of redneck goons.” But with the White House at stake, Russell prods Johnson to choose party loyalty over personal conviction, then forces the president’s hand, sending Johnson into a whirlwind of political gamesmanship that is the heart of All the Way. “This ain’t about the Constitution — it’s about those who got more wanting to hang onto it at the expense of those who got nothing. And feel good about it,” he tells his patient missus, Lady Bird (Melissa Leo, who does much with little screen time). Johnson and King openly distrust each other, but clearly grasp the shared task at hand, that each operates in multiple worlds and that oftentimes baby steps would have to do to end the injustice around them. Even when it appears to Johnson’s party faithful and King’s fellow civil rights leaders that they’re betraying them. “The Voting Rights Act of ’65 was the crown jewel,” Cranston says. “Johnson knew it could not be part of the Civil Rights Act. Because everybody knew once that happens, once [African-Americans] had this unfettered path to voting, there would be a seismic shift in politics — and he was right. “With growth, there’s pain,” Cranston reflects. “Some people put it that in order to have a breakthrough, you have to have a breakdown. Our society during the ’60s broke down and it had to be rebuilt with a stronger foundation. So we shouldn’t be too alarmed by a societal breakdown — because it creates opportunity. We haven’t seen an election like [2016] ever, really. We’ve had the outsider from time to time, but never such oppression and narcissism and chest-beating. It’s like, oh my God! We’ve regressed! But I choose to remain hopeful.” All the Way > HBO > May 21


What’s New

The ORIGINAL • ABC originally aired the eightpart miniseries Roots, based on the iconic novel by Alex Haley, on Jan. 23-30, 1977.

• The miniseries was watched by an estimated 130 million people, and an average of 85 percent of American homes saw all or part of the series. • LeVar Burton, who played Kunta Kinte, was only 19 years old when the series aired. • O.J. Simpson had a small part as an African tribesman.

The Epic Saga Gets A Powerful New Adaptation. By Jeff Pfeiffer

Roots, based on Alex Haley’s novel, was first produced for television in 1977, when the epic, eightpart miniseries went on to gain huge audiences (its finale still ranks as the No. 3 highest-rated episode of television) and launch a star in LeVar Burton, who played the iconic character of Kunta Kinte. In History’s exceptional four-part retelling of Roots, it is into Burton’s memorable shoes that actor Malachi Kirby now steps as Kunta, the initial, and overarching, protagonist in a story that leads from 1750 Africa, to the slave trade and plantation life, and beyond the Civil War. Although this new miniseries also features more established acting names like Forest Whitaker (who is terrific as Fiddler), Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Anna Paquin and Laurence Fishburne, it is the young Kirby who carries the brunt of the early episodes in an incredible, Emmy-worthy performance (Roots and his upcoming role in the popular Netflix series Black Mirror should do wonders in establishing the British actor with American audiences). It’s even more incredible given how nervous he was at the outset of the project. “Definitely,” Kirby laughed, when asked if he was intimidated by taking on this role. “I had seen the original about three years prior to me [auditioning for] it, and I didn’t have any idea how to go about telling the story again and doing it justice. [It] put me in a position where I didn’t want to even try to recreate what LeVar had done, but more so to try and

MORE: 16

find my own interpretation of it.” Burton is a co-executive producer on this incarnation of Roots, and Kirby said it was about a month into shooting before the two men met. “That was surreal,” recalled Kirby. “I don’t know if you can ever really have that experience of meeting an actor who’s already played the character that you’re about to play and gone on the journey of that character. I felt a lot of love.” The journey of the character of Kunta Kinte, as anyone familiar with the story knows, is a brutal one. He is taken from his life in Africa and thrust into the trans-Atlantic slave trade, then subjected to the harsh life of the plantation in America’s antebellum South. No work of fiction will ever be able to fully capture the abject horror of the lives that slaves faced, but Roots gives us terrifying glimpses in harrowing scenes that probably would have been too intense for 1977 television in terms of violence and language — from the grueling middle passage to the famous scene where Kunta is beaten into (at least outwardly) accepting his slave name, and more. Kirby admitted that those scenes were tough to perform, on many levels. “There were a few scenes that I needed to not speak to anyone afterwards,” he said. “Especially the ship scenes. For me personally, this role challenged me in every single way imaginable — physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally. It took me to my depths and more.” Roots > History > May 30-June 2

What happened when Roots aired in 1977? The Lifetime original movie Showing Roots, featuring an all-star cast, explores the topic. See page 215. HM

Roots © 2015 A+E Networks Credit: Casey Crafford, African Photo Productions

Malachi Kirby in a harrowing scene from “Roots”



Preacher: © 2016 Sony Pictures Television Inc. and AMC Film Holdings LLC Credit: Lewis Jacobs

Book cover: © 2009 DC Comics


hat would happen if God checked out of heaven and went on the lam? That’s exactly what transpires in AMC’s new Preacher. Based on Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon’s 1990s comic series, Preacher centers on Rev. Jesse Custer (Dominic Cooper, Agent Carter), a world-weary, cig-smoking, smokin’ hot Texas padre who, in one strange moment at the pulpit, is possessed of a godlike power that causes God to go AWOL. And renders Jesse the only one who can track the big guy down and hold him responsible for what ensues. Along for the ride: Jesse’s ballsy ex Tulip (just try to take your eyes off the gorgeous Ruth Negga) and liquor-loving, skull-cracking vampire Cassidy (Joseph Gilgun). Preacher superfans Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg (Superbad) teamed up with Ennis and Breaking Bad writer/ producer Sam Catlin — and together, they defied the raft of heavy hitters who took a shot at adapting it for the big screen, and six months later, presented a gorgeous, gory thrill ride of a series to AMC. “It’s definitely a show that probably couldn’t have been made five, six years ago,” says Catlin. “It’s really out there. … Garth’s world has so many different notes in it — violence and romance, perverse humor, action, and then also, like, people talking about God. It’s a lot to HM

Dominic Cooper is fired up about God

Man Literally Seeks God In AMC’s New Comic Book Saga. By Lori Acken

wrestle into a whole. But that’s the fun of it, for sure.” You’ve read the comic book? Great! (Arseface arrives in the premiere.) Never heard of it? That’s fine, too. (Wait till you meet Arseface!) “What we want to do in Season 1 is see Jesse as a preacher, see this guy with these incredible dark impulses and supernatural abilities and tangled history still try to be a spiritual sheriff to this little town in West Texas,” says Catlin. “We really love the idea of elaborating on Garth’s Western law vibe of the comic itself, and localizing things in this little West Texas town of Annville was a great place to start. I wouldn’t say there’s anything in Garth’s comic books that we’re leaving out — it’s just a question of when we get to it.” But fair warning, newbies. Though they’ll probably want to see it, like Breaking Bad, this one’s definitely not for the bedtime set. “We have different kinds of violence in the show,” Catlin explains. “When Jesse fights, it’s usually pretty real. When some of the other characters fight, it can become sort of ridiculous. It’s something we always have to calibrate. But it’s all part of this story of outlaws and vampires, vigilantes, demons and angels that’s the world of Preacher. It’s a bloody, gory, silly, perverse, dark mess.” One Catlin knows could stir up

some serious ire. “Everyone has opinions about God and religion, which is, to me, what’s fun about it,” he says. “We have characters that take God and religion very seriously and are very devout. But then we have others who are just like, ‘This is just all a pile of horse@#$%.’ We’re not oppressive with religion, but we’re not dismissive of religion either. What’s great about Garth’s comic is he’s taken this old idea — man’s search for God — into, like, the literal sense. God as a fugitive. ‘We’re going to hunt down God. Like a posse for God, we’re going to hunt him down!’ That’s what’s so fresh and so crazy about the comic. It’s a great opportunity for us.” And the answer to adventurous TV lovers’ summer-series prayers. Preacher > AMC > Sundays beginning May 22


We’ve got two extra copies of this ADULT graphic comic book. Send us an email telling us why you want it and we may just send it to you. Email us at: [email protected]


What’s New


Michael Weston Unlocks History’s Oddest Friendship. By Kellie Freeze FOX’s newest mystery/adventure drama Houdini & Doyle is inspired by true events and one of history’s most unlikely friendships. The series follows real-life friends Harry Houdini (Michael Weston) and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Stephen Mangan) in fantastical (and faux) adventures as they join forces with New Scotland Yard’s first female constable (Rebecca Liddiard) to investigate supernatural cases. The premise of the duo moonlighting as superstar sleuths requires some suspension of disbelief, but it has a mix of mirth, mysticism and murder we’d liken to an old-timey X-Files. In the early 1900s, Houdini was one of the biggest celebrities in the world. Weston has dubbed him “the Elvis of his day,” explaining that “he occupied a really special spot in our, sort of, consciousness, and also in our history. He has this sort of comparable sense of freedom about him, of having really stamped out, and actualized, the American dream.” Weston likes to imagine the effect that Houdini must have had on his audience. “I think as they watched this guy escape from this tank, it challenged everything that they thought was real. And it gave them the sense of liberation and, I think, real empowerment.” If Houdini was his era’s Elvis, then Doyle, the creator of the beloved character Sherlock Holmes, may have been his generation’s J.K. Rowling. But while the men shared superstar status, their personalities were polar opposites. Houdini tried to debunk psychics as fraudsters and Doyle, despite


his scientific and pragmatic mind, was a firm believer in the supernatural. The irony isn’t lost on executive producer David N. Titcher. “You had Doyle, who created the most skeptical character — ever — who is a believer in everything paranormal, and Houdini, who was a magician who is the most skeptical person alive. And they were friends.” But Weston believes that the men were friends not despite their differences, but because of them. “I feel like these guys needed each other,” he says, noting that each man’s massive fame isolated him from many peers, and that their friendship was contentious and competitive. He continues, “They needed each other’s respect, and they needed each other’s friendship, and they thrive in that challenge.” Weston admits that, prior to the project, “I had a very thin knowledge of who [Houdini] was,” and shares that getting to know the man has been almost as fun as learning his methods. One thing that shocked Weston to learn was “he was a total mama’s boy! Here’s this guy — he could do these deathdefying acts, and show himself with this meticulous nature that he had for all of the tricks that he learned, and for all of the daredevil escapes that he did,” says Weston. “And at heart, he was a super-sensitive mama’s boy.” Weston won’t break the magician’s code and reveal any of Houdini’s secrets, but he shares a newfound admiration for magic and magicians. And when asked about newly learned tricks that he can demonstrate, Weston laughs. “I can hide a coin pretty fast. I can produce a card all right.” Houdini & Doyle > FOX > Mondays beginning May 2 HM

Houdini & Doyle: © 2016 FOX Broadcasting Co. Credit: Joseph Scanlon

Stephen Mangan and Michael Weston


DRESSER Sir Anthony Hopkins And Sir Ian McKellen Shine In Starz Original.

This marks the first time screen legends Anthony Hopkins and Ian McKellen star together


The Dresser: © Playground Television Limited UK 2016. All Rights Reserved. Credit: Joss Barratt

By Lori Acken


he play’s the thing in The Dresser. King Lear, to be exact. And whether — apologies, Hamlet — it is to be or not to be. This month, Starz brings The Dresser to TV audiences in its first ever original film, based on the Ronald Harwood play. The Dresser follows Sir (Sir Anthony Hopkins), an embittered, once-famous actor whose star has faded to twilight in a local Shakespeare troupe. As Sir’s anger and despair get the better of him — and World War II rages across England — Sir’s faithful dresser Norman (Sir Ian McKellen) tries to ensure that Lear (and its star) will go on. The Dresser marks the first time

Hopkins and McKellen have worked together, and they talked about it at a recent press event. “I had a pretty bad history in the theater,” Hopkins revealed. “I left the National Theatre in a dark cloud; I said, ‘To hell with you all.’ That was my nature then. But it moved me out, and I found another life. When I read the play The Dresser, and I got news Sir Richard [Eyre] was going to direct it and Ian was going to play the dresser, I thought, I know how to do this, and I know how to do Lear now, after all these years. I knew I was going to crack it.” Both men found inspiration — and catharsis — in the material.

“I was always intrigued by what particular nature it is that makes actors want to act,” Hopkins mused. “Why do they want to do Shakespeare? Why do they — night after night after night — go onstage and repeat the same performances over and over and over? The Dresser more or less answers that: that you have to go half-mad to survive that kind of life.” “And, if you, as an outsider, want to know what it feels like to be in a dressing room and a desperate performance is minutes away,” McKellen chimes in, “this play tells you exactly what it’s like.” The Dresser > Starz > May 30

MAYA & MARTY Maya Rudolph And Martin Short Try For Better Than “Best Time Ever.” By Ryan A. Berenz

Martin Short and Maya Rudolph at last year’s “SNL40” special

Perhaps you recall Martin Short and Maya Rudolph (in full Beyoncé glory) performing onstage together at SNL’s 40th anniversary special, or The Maya Rudolph Show, a one-off NBC special from May 2014. Those two TV blips have spawned the new hourlong variety/sketch series Maya & Marty. Lorne Michaels executive produces the series, which will feature comic virtuosos Rudolph, Short and current SNL player Kenan Thompson spoofing newsworthy people and events. You may also remember NBC’s Best Time Ever With Neil Patrick Harris variety show thing that didn’t do so hot last fall. With Maya & Marty airing in summer after America’s Got Talent, NBC’s stakes are much lower. Let’s hope the quality is higher. Maya & Marty > NBC > Tuesdays beginning May 31



What’s New Cameron Davies


BEAST David Schwimmer And Jim Sturgess Team In New Series. By Kellie Freeze

No Handouts Here. Investors Want To Know Just How Hard You’re Willing To Work. By Barb Oates He speaks from experience, adding, “I’ve seen clients fail, and I’ve failed. I gauge by their knowledge of their business first and then the legitimacy behind their business.” While Davies coaches his mentees from his shop in San Antonio, where he’s grown from eight employees to an eclectic group of 31, he continues to rely heavily on his street smarts and being a quick gauge of people. “I usually know within the first five minutes if somebody is going to be able to make it,” he says. “When people say [they plan to work] four days a week, that’s my first sign to run away fast.” Blue Collar Backers > Discovery Channel > Wednesdays beginning May 18

DOUGLAS FAMILY GOLD Gymnast Gabby Douglas (third from right) and her supportive family

If you’re hungry for juicy drama set against the vibrant and visceral culinary industry, AMC’s new offering, Feed the Beast, should satisfy your most carnal cravings. The drama follows two best friends as they take one last stab at their pipe dream of opening an upscale restaurant in their childhood neighborhood. Dion (Jim Sturgess) is a brilliant chef in trouble with the mob and the law, and Tommy (David Schwimmer) is the best sommelier in the city and the widowed father of a teenage son. The series is based on the Danish drama Bankerot and is the story of friendship, fatherhood, grief, larceny, arson, drugs, adultery, murder and love — set against a vibrant backdrop of the world of haute cuisine. Feed the Beast > AMC > Tuesdays beginning May 31


n 2012, then 16-year-old Gabrielle Douglas charmed the world and broke barriers by winning the USA team and individual all-around gymnastics gold medals at the Summer Olympics in London. In the years since, her million-dollar smile has turned into a multimillion-dollar empire, and Gabby has enlisted the help of her close-knit family — mother Natalie Hawkins, sisters Arielle “Arie” Hawkins and Joyelle “Joy” Douglas, brother Johnathan Douglas, and grandmother Miss Carolyn Ford — in running her business. The now 20-year-old has set her laser focus on defending her Olympic title in Rio. And in her new reality series on Oxygen, we’ll get an inside look at what it takes to be, raise and stay a champion. While Gabby and her grandmother live in Ohio, where Gabby trains, the rest of her family remains in California, where they juggle their own successful lives with supporting the sporting superstar. And with “Team Douglas” backing her every backflip, we hope by summer’s end the delightful athlete will have more gold to add to her collection.

Blue Collar Backers: © Discovery Communications. Douglas Family Gold: © Oxygen Media Credit: Robert Maxwell.


ou’d better be willing to put in some serious sweat equity before even thinking of asking Cameron Davies for his financial support. Davies, owner of Cruising Kitchens and mentor/investor on Discovery Channel’s new Blue Collar Backers, is one of a handful of investors who are sharing their personal experiences and pocketbooks to help budding entrepreneurs make their dreams of owning a business a reality. “For a small business to make it these days, you have to work your ass off, and it’s not just 40-hour workweeks,” Davies says. “I work 90 hours a week right now. So I have to know that my partners are going to be as involved in this project as I am.”


Douglas Family Gold > Oxygen > Wednesdays beginning May 25



Returning Series

M. Night Shyamalan’s psychological thriller returns

PENNY DREADFUL Patti LuPone Returns As Series Regular In New Season That Also Introduces Dr. Jekyll. By Jeff Pfeiffer

S WAYWARD PINES Jason Patric Awakens In TV’s Most Terrifying Town.

Wayward Pines: © 2016 Fox Broadcasting Co. Credit: Sergei Bachlakov Penny Dreadful: © 2015 SHOWTIME Credit: Jonathan Hession.

By Kellie Freeze In last season’s summer surprise Wayward Pines, fans got engrossed in a twisty and suspense-filled journey that featured an all-star cast and one of TV’s most gripping plot questions: What in the heck is going on? Over the course of 10 shocking episodes, the series revealed closely held secrets about the mysterious town, including Wayward Pines’ status as a bastion against the flesheating aberrations (a.k.a. abbies) that humanity has evolved into and mankind’s last hope for survival. Now, in Season 2, the mystery deepens with some of last season’s cast — including Terrence Howard, Carla Gugino, Melissa Leo and Toby Jones — returning, but with their characters shifting to supporting roles. Season 1 actors Tom Stevens and Hope Davis will see their characters elevated to the plot’s center, along with new stars Jason Patric and Djimon Hounsou. We spoke with Patric, and he explained that when his character, Dr. Theo Yedlin, wakes from suspended animation, he finds himself thrust into a raging civil war. Patric thinks it’s a pretty exciting way to introduce a character, saying, “All of a sudden, he HM

wakes up in a room, and they tell him that he needs to follow them because he has to operate on someone. … His last memory was he was at a tropical hotel with his wife.” Patric says that Theo struggles to understand and accept his strange surroundings; viewers who are new to the series will learn alongside Theo as he makes his own discoveries. “That element of surprise will still be in play,” he says and notes, “and if you’re already a fan of the show, it’ll be interesting to see, ‘Oh, boy, what happens when he gets it?’” And because the series is based on bestsellers by Blake Crouch and executive produced by cinema’s master of suspense M. Night Shyamalan, you can bet that moment will be mind-blowing, as Patric promises that the story has myriad plot twists and turns yet to uncover. The actor also feels that this season is a fitting follow-up to the last, saying, “Once your mind is blown, if you’re invested in characters, you go, ‘Oh my God, what happens next?’ Well, this is what happens next.”

howtime’s dark drama Penny Dreadful is packing in the scares as it enters its third season. The psychological, supernatural thriller brings Patti LuPone back, this time as a series regular. You may remember LuPone in a guest-starring role as the Cut-Wife last season, but her new character is different. She now plays Dr. Seward, an American therapist who treats Vanessa (Eva Green) with an unconventional new approach. Along with LuPone, Wes Studi joins the cast in a regular role as Kaetenay, a Native American with a deep connection to Ethan (Josh Hartnett), who also becomes an ally to Sir Malcolm (Timothy Dalton). Fans of Victorian horror literature will be glad to hear that the series has finally added Dr. Henry Jekyll to the story, portrayed by Shazad Latif. Of course, where there’s Dr. Jekyll, it’s pretty likely that his less-better half, Mr. Hyde, may not be far behind. In addition to its standard premiere, Season 3 of Penny Dreadful will also debut On Demand and online.

Penny Dreadful > Showtime > Sundays beginning May 1

Eva Green and Patti LuPone

Wayward Pines > FOX > Wednesdays beginning May 25


Returning Series

SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE “Dance Moms” Star Maddie Ziegler To Judge “The Next Generation.” By Lori Acken

The USA Network Series Will Reach Its 100thEpisode Milestone During Final Season. By Jeff Pfeiffer


lthough newer USA Network series like Mr. Robot have grabbed more of the spotlight over the years, Royal Pains has steadily been a tried-and-true audience favorite for the channel. The drama series begins its eighth and final season this month. “It’s with great sadness, but even greater thankfulness, that we prepare for our final summer sunsets as Royal Pains comes to an end,” said co-creator and executive producer Andrew Lenchewski and executive producer Michael Rauch in a release. USA says that the final season, along with featuring the show’s 100th episode midway through, will explore pivotal life decisions for everyone at HankMed. Hank (Mark Feuerstein) in particular must decide if his professional fulfillment equals his personal fulfillment. Meanwhile, Evan (Paulo Costanzo) and Paige (Brooke D’Orsay) endure challenging marital decisions and must examine what family really means to them. Season 8 will feature a special musical episode gueststarring Christine Ebersole and Cloris Leachman, while influential patients and characters from the past will also turn up throughout the season. It will certainly be sad for fans to say goodbye, but they may agree with what the producers also said, in a reference to the show’s upscale setting: “We’ll always have the Hamptons.” Royal Pains > USA Network > Wednesdays beginning May 18


So You Think You Can Dance > FOX > Mondays beginning May 30

Maddie Ziegler: © 2015 Getty Images Credit: Jason Kempin


When So You Think You Can Dance returns on Memorial Day, look for a SYTYCD superfan beside Nigel Lythgoe, Paula Abdul and Jason Derulo at the judges’ table. Thirteen-year-old Dance Moms standout Maddie Ziegler joins the long-running FOX hit as it welcomes its first season of child dancers. Dubbed “The Next Generation,” Season 13 features kids ages 8-13 displaying their chops in a variety of dance styles, hoping to score a spot at “The Academy.” There, the field narrows to the 10 best young performers, who will partner with SYTYCD “AllStars” to compete in-studio for the judges — and the Season 13 title. “It definitely will be cool because they’re in my shoes of what I usually do and when I compete and when I get judges’ feedback,” says Ziegler, literally a lifelong fan of the show. “It’s going to be weird for me being on the other side of it, not being the one being judged, but it’s going to be so much fun.” Ziegler knows that giving the dancers some tough love is part of the gig, too — but, she says, if they approach it with the right attitude, “honestly, it is really amazing, and it’s a good experience. It’s going to prepare them for auditions when they’re older.” Ziegler, meanwhile, has parlayed her worldwide fame into a newfound passion for acting. She’ll make her feature film debut later this year opposite Naomi Watts and Room standout Jacob Tremblay in The Book of Henry. And though she’s done with Dance Moms, Ziegler says its controversial star, Abby Lee Miller, is proud of her. “I think she really enjoys watching me dance a little bit more than acting, because dancing is her thing,” Ziegler admits. “But she’s definitely happy for me.”

Royal Pains: © 2015 USA Network Media, LLC Credit: Giovanni Rufino

“Royal Pains” star Mark Feuerstein

Maddie Ziegler HM

Hopper Help

Where Can I Find

That Show I Heard About? There is so much great TV available these days, it’s hard to keep track of it all. In every issue of Hopper Magazine, we detail many of the new shows and original movies debuting each month — reference the What’s New section or daily Best Bets if you aren’t familiar. Here we outline a few places and tools to use when searching for something specific — new movies, Oscar-winning movies, a particular series and more.

How to find ... when a TV series is airing Reference the SERIES section in this magazine on page 112. Using your remote control, you can also search by pressing the MENU button and then selecting SEARCH.

what movies are new this month Go to the MOVIES & MINISERIES section, which begins on page 36. Movies with a black PREMIERE box are new to the network on which they are airing.

what’s new on HBO, Showtime, Starz, etc.

Profiler Premium

l Credit: Zade Rosentha

Reference the PREMIUM PROFILER on page 34. Here we detail hot new movie April 7 AX-E 314 releases, new series and season premieres on your premium networks. 8:30a, 5M 7:55a; 28 C) © Marvel 2014.

out Dr. the suit and cible warrior , nearly invin to Scott Lang to don ael Douglas up it. It will be Man. Paul Rudd, Mich become Ant- -13) l (PG Corey Stol


what Oscar-winning films are available this month

© 2015 Universal


Inc. Credit: Bob

© 2014 CTMG,

© 2015 CTMG,

Inc. Credit: Stephanie


– April 8 ks explores r Colin Han ords ntary by acto Tower Rec This docume rise and tragic fall of e llious founder, the explosiv the legacy of its rebe s with Elton and examines . Features interview (TV-14) rs. Russ Solomon ngsteen and othe Spri e John, Bruc

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if a network is included in your programming package SEASON PREMIERE


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All Rights Reserved Disney/Pixar. Inc. All rights reserved. © 2012 Pictures Television © 2015 Sony

– April 2 father. says Amy’s o. isn’t realistic, by this mott Monogamy years later, Amy lives her eye, her Twenty-three sports doctor catches to the test. put When a sexy and relationships are on (R) views on love r, Bill Hader, Brie Lars ume Amy Sch


© 2015 Universal

Credit: Gravitas




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132 272 270 869 188 SEASON 121 PREMIERE 239

LLC Credit: Entertainment,

© 2015 Starz

© 2016 Showtime

© Paul Schiraldi


Credit: Brian Bowen


Ken Woroner

Credit: Macall

B. Polay/HBO.

© 2015 Showtime

Credit: Brian Bowen

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The 100th Indy 500 Marks A Major Motorsports Month. By Ryan A. Berenz Take on a set of four new tires and a full tank of fuel to make it through the greatest month on the motorsports calendar: Verizon IndyCar Series It’s all about the Brickyard for the IndyCar Series this month, beginning with the Grand Prix of Indianapolis (ABC, May 14) on Indianapolis Motor Speedway’s combined road course. IndyCar gears up for the Greatest Spectacle in Racing with Indy 500 Qualifying May 21-22 (ABC). The Memorial Day weekend tradition hits triple digits with the 100th running of the Indianapolis 500 May 29 (ABC). The first Indy 500 was held in 1911, but because the race was not held during World Wars I and II, the 100th running occurs in 2016.

Formula One It will be early to bed, early to rise for F1 fans, with three Sunday morning races this month, including the crown jewel of international motorsports. The Russian Grand Prix in Sochi moves from October to May 1 (NBCSN) this year, followed by the Spanish Grand Prix at Circuit de BarcelonaCatalunya May 15 (NBCSN). On May 29, F1 returns to one of the most famous and scenic courses, the Circuit de Monaco, for the prestigious Monaco Grand Prix live on NBC. NASCAR Sprint Cup Series The Cup Series schedule is stacked in May with visits to Talladega (FOX, May 1), Kansas (FS1, May 7) and Dover (FS1, May 15). Then it’s off to Charlotte Motor Speedway for the non-points Sprint Showdown and Sprint All-Star Race in primetime (FS1, May 20-21). The May 29 motorsports marathon concludes at Charlotte with the Coca-Cola 600 in primetime on FOX.


Stephen Curry leads the otherworldly Warriors through the playoffs


NBA Conference Finals

French Open Tennis

Will the Warriors continue their march to an NBA title repeat? The Eastern Conference Finals begin May 17 on ESPN. TNT airs Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals the following night.

The year’s second Grand Slam returns to the red clay courts of Roland Garros in Paris. Stan Wawrinka and Serena Williams are reigning singles champions. Tennis Channel & NBC (May 22-June 5)

Triple Crown American Pharoah won the elusive Triple Crown last year. Will the rare feat be accomplished again? NBC airs the Kentucky Derby May 7, the Preakness Stakes May 21 and the Belmont Stakes June 11.

European Soccer Finals Wembley Stadium in London is the site of the 2016 Emirates FA Cup Final May 21. The UEFA Champions League Final is May 28 at Stadio Giuseppe Meazza in Milan, Italy. FOX airs both matches live. HM

Juan Pablo Montoya: Credit: David Hahn/Icon Sportswire CID/Newscom


Stephen Curry: © Credit: Icon Sportswire 497/Newscom

Juan Pablo Montoya won his first Indy 500 in 2000, then won another 15 years later



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DISH Cinema – May SUN.

HOLLYWOOD HITS AT HOME • No lines • No late fees • Always in stock For movie descriptions, premiere dates and ordering information, see pages 28-31

1 Concussion Fifty Shades of Black The Forest The Hateful Eight The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 Krampus Norm of the North

Concussion Fifty Shades of Black The Forest The Hateful Eight The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 Krampus Norm of the North

Ride Along 2 Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The Choice The Family Fang The 5th Wave Fifty Shades of Black The Forest Joy Krampus Norm of the North The Revenant

The Finest Hours — Premieres on DISH Cinema May 24

Some titles may be edited due to space limitations.


The Boy The Choice Deadpool The 5th Wave Joy Krampus The Revenant Ride Along 2 Search Party

The Choice Concussion The 5th Wave Fifty Shades of Black The Forest The Hateful Eight The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2

The Boy — Premieres on DISH Cinema May 10

The Boy The Choice Deadpool The Family Fang The 5th Wave Joy

The Boy The Choice Deadpool Dirty Grandpa The 5th Wave Joy Search Party Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Witch



The Boy The Choice Deadpool Dirty Grandpa The 5th Wave I Am Wrath Joy Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Witch

The Boy The Choice Deadpool Dirty Grandpa The 5th Wave I Am Wrath Joy Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Witch

The Boy Deadpool Dirty Grandpa The 5th Wave The Finest Hours How to Be Single I Am Wrath Joy Risen

Zoolander 2 — Premieres on DISH Cinema May 24

30 The Witch Zoolander 2

The Boy: © 2015 STX Productions, LLC.

The Boy Deadpool Dirty Grandpa The Finest Hours Gods of Egypt How to Be Single Manhattan Night Risen Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Krampus The Revenant Ride Along 2 Star Wars: The Force Awakens

17 Star Wars: The Force Awakens


The Boy Deadpool Dirty Grandpa The Finest Hours Gods of Egypt How to Be Single Manhattan Night Risen Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Joy Krampus Norm of the North The Revenant Ride Along 2 Term Life

10 Ride Along 2 Star Wars: The Force Awakens

16 The Revenant Ride Along 2 Search Party Star Wars: The Force Awakens

29 Bold Red Titles = Premiere Movies

3 The Revenant Ride Along 2 Term Life


15 The Boy The Choice Deadpool The 5th Wave Joy Krampus


2 The Revenant Ride Along 2 Term Life

8 The Choice The Family Fang The 5th Wave Fifty Shades of Black The Forest Joy Krampus Norm of the North The Revenant


Dirty Grandpa — Premieres on DISH Cinema May 17

Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Witch Zoolander 2

31 The Witch Zoolander 2

The Finest Hours: © 2016 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Deadpool Dirty Grandpa The Finest Hours Gods of Egypt How to Be Single Manhattan Night Pride and Prejudice and Zombies Race

Dirty Grandpa: © 2016 Lionsgate. Credit: Bob Mahoney.

Risen Star Wars: The Force Awakens Triple 9 The Witch Zoolander 2

Zoolander 2: © 2015 Paramount Pictures.


DISH Cinema Previews CH. 500 DISH Cinema Movies CH. 501-530

WED. 4


The Choice The 5th Wave Fifty Shades of Black The Forest Joy Krampus Norm of the North The Revenant Ride Along 2

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Term Life


The Choice The 5th Wave Fifty Shades of Black The Forest Joy Krampus Norm of the North The Revenant Ride Along 2

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The Boy The Choice Deadpool The Family Fang The 5th Wave Joy Krampus The Revenant Ride Along 2

The Choice The Family Fang The 5th Wave Fifty Shades of Black The Forest Joy Krampus Norm of the North The Revenant

The Boy The Choice Deadpool The 5th Wave Joy Krampus The Revenant Ride Along 2 Search Party



The Boy The Choice Deadpool Dirty Grandpa The 5th Wave Joy Search Party Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Witch

The Boy The Choice Deadpool Dirty Grandpa The 5th Wave Joy Search Party Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Witch

The Boy The Choice Deadpool Dirty Grandpa The 5th Wave

Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Witch Zoolander 2

The Boy Deadpool Dirty Grandpa The 5th Wave The Finest Hours How to Be Single I Am Wrath Joy Risen

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: © 2015 CTMG, Inc. Credit: Jay Maidment.

Ride Along 2 Star Wars: The Force Awakens

14 Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The Boy The Choice Deadpool The 5th Wave Joy Krampus The Revenant Ride Along 2 Search Party Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies — Premieres on DISH Cinema May 31

21 I Am Wrath Joy Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Witch

27 Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Witch Zoolander 2

The Boy Deadpool Dirty Grandpa The Finest Hours Gods of Egypt How to Be Single Manhattan Night Risen Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The Boy The Choice Deadpool Dirty Grandpa The 5th Wave

I Am Wrath Joy Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Witch

28 The Witch Zoolander 2

How to Be Single — Premieres on DISH Cinema May 24


The Choice The Family Fang The 5th Wave Fifty Shades of Black The Forest Joy Krampus Norm of the North The Revenant

Joy — Premieres on DISH Cinema May 3


The Boy Deadpool Dirty Grandpa The 5th Wave The Finest Hours How to Be Single I Am Wrath Joy Risen

7 Ride Along 2 Star Wars: The Force Awakens

13 Star Wars: The Force Awakens




6 Star Wars: The Force Awakens Term Life


The Boy The Choice Deadpool The Family Fang The 5th Wave Joy Krampus The Revenant Ride Along 2


The Boy Deadpool Dirty Grandpa The Finest Hours Gods of Egypt How to Be Single Manhattan Night Risen Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The Witch Zoolander 2

Star Wars: The Force Awakens — Premieres on DISH Cinema May 4 Joy: TM & © 2015 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.

How to Be Single: © 2015 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. Credit: Barry Wetcher.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens: © Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. Credit: David James.



The Intern – May 28 Jules Ostin runs a successful fashion website. Seventy-year-old Ben Whittaker becomes her senior intern, and he may be just the right person to help get Jules’ life under control. Robert De Niro, Anne Hathaway, Rene Russo (PG-13)


© 2014 Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

© 2015 SHOWTIME Credit: Jonathan Hession ©2015 D TRAIN LTD. Credit: Hilary Bronwyn Gayle

© 2012 - Open Road Films. Credit: Barry Wetcher

When Peter Quill finds an orb in the far reaches of the galaxy, he becomes public enemy No. 1 in the eyes of the powerful villain Ronan. Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, voice of Bradley Cooper (PG-13)

The D Train – May 7

Side Effects – May 13 Steven Soderbergh directs this thriller about a woman whose world deteriorates after she’s prescribed a new drug to treat her anxiety, only to find it has disturbing side effects. Jude Law, Rooney Mara, Channing Tatum (R)

Dan heads up his high-school reunion committee and things are not going well. If he can convince Oliver, a popular classmate, to attend, Dan hopes others will follow. Jack Black, James Marsden, Kathryn Hahn (R)

© 2012 Disney/Pixar. All Rights Reserved W.A.S.P. 2014 Credit: Sabrina Lantos

Pan – May 14 Whisked away to Neverland, Peter finds fun times awaiting him. But he’ll also discover his destiny, as the whole land expects him to deliver them from the pirates. Hugh Jackman, Garrett Hedlund, Levi Miller (PG)

Guardians of the Galaxy – May 11

Patti LuPone is back for Season 3, but she’s playing a new character: Dr. Seward, a therapist treating Vanessa. Also, Dr. Jekyll will finally make an appearance. Can Mr. Hyde be far behind? Eva Green, Josh Hartnett, Timothy Dalton (TV-MA)

The Stanford Prison Experiment

Irrational Man – May 27 Abe Lucas is a philosophy professor who arrives at a small college campus. He has a history with alcohol and women, and he’s searching for a meaningful act. Joaquin Phoenix, Emma Stone, Parker Posey (R)

May 14 Twenty-four male students were selected to take on assigned roles of prisoners and guards in a mock prison situated in the basement of the Stanford psychology building. Ezra Miller, Tye Sheridan, Billy Crudup (R)

Good Kill – May 27 A Las Vegas-based drone pilot fights the Taliban by remote control for 12 hours a day, then goes home to the suburbs. Now, he’s starting to question the mission. Ethan Hawke, January Jones, Zoë Kravitz (R)

© Playground Television Limited UK 2016. All Rights Reserved. Credit: Joss Barratt

© 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Fantastic Four – May 7 In this contemporary reimagining of their origin story, Marvel’s famous superhero quartet must harness their new abilities to save Earth from a former friend. Miles Teller, Kate Mara, Michael B. Jordan (PG-13)

Penny Dreadful – May 1

© STANFORD PRISON, LLC. An IFC Films Release. Courtesy of Steve Dietl

TM & © 2015 Marvel & Subs. TM and © 2015 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. Credit: Alan Markfield

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. – May 1 American agent Napoleon Solo and Russian agent Illya Kuryakin will need to work together to try to stop a nuclear bomb from falling into the wrong hands. Henry Cavill, Armie Hammer, Alicia Vikander (PG-13)


© 2014 Clear Skies Nevada LLC. An IFC Films release. Credit: Lorey Sebastian


Premium Profiler


The Dresser – May 30 Based on a play by Ronald Harwood, this film tells the story of an aging actor’s personal assistant, who struggles to help his employer through a difficult performance of King Lear. Anthony Hopkins, Ian McKellen, Sarah Lancashire (TV-14)


To Order a Movie Package, Visit or Call 1-800-333-DISH (3474)

© Cinemax Credit: Gregory Shummon


After four seasons, producers have promised an “epic” conclusion to the story of master criminal/ fake sheriff Lucas Hood, saying they decided to end the series because “we were done telling the story.” Antony Starr, Ivana Milicevic, Hoon Lee (TV-MA) HM

A stoner — who happens to also be a government agent — is targeted for extermination by those who trained him. But he’s too high (and well trained) for them to handle. Jesse Eisenberg, Kristen Stewart, Topher Grace (R)

Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation – May 14

A rogue international organization known only as The Syndicate leads Ethan Hunt and his team on a high-octane race for survival against this shadowy, covert nemesis. Tom Cruise, Rebecca Ferguson, Jeremy Renner (PG-13)


Chris Kyle felt called upon to join the Navy SEALs. After rigorous training, he became the deadliest sniper in American military history. Tough decisions and tragedy are waiting around every corner. Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller, Luke Grimes (R)

American Ultra – May 13

© 2015 Paramount Pictures. Credit: David James.

American Sniper – May 20

Banshee – May 20

Shaun the Sheep Movie – May 12 Things are not all fun and games for Shaun the Sheep. Instead of a whimsical day off, Shaun and friends must work to get everyone back to safety. Voices of Justin Fletcher, John Sparkes, Omid Djalili (PG)

Ultra Louisiana, LLC. Credit: Alan Markfield

© 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., WV Films IV LLC and Ratpac-Dune Entertainment LLC-U.S., Canada, Bahamas & Bermuda. Courtesy of Warner Bros. Pictures.

Struggling with life and the choices she has made, Cheryl sets off to walk the Pacific Crest Trail. It’s on this trek that she finds strength inside herself to move forward. Reese Witherspoon, Laura Dern, Thomas Sadoski (R)

Jupiter Ascending

Claude Lanzmann: Spectres of the Shoah

The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

Fantastic Four

Lost River Mistress America Pan

Boxing: Wilder vs. Povetkin

Lost in the Sun

Brad Williams: Daddy Issues

Penny Dreadful (Season Premiere)

Brand: A Second Coming

The Stanford Prison Experiment

Burning Bodhi The D Train Dice (Season Finale) Good Kill

Stretch and Bobbito: Radio That Changed Lives Walking on Sunshine

Just Let Go: Lenny Kravitz Live

The Curse of Downers Grove

Irrational Man

The Dresser (Original Film)

The Perfect Guy

Guardians of the Galaxy

Labyrinth of Lies Side Effects

American Sniper

Exodus: Gods and Kings

Banshee (Series Finale)

Taken 3

Criminal Activities


The Age of Adaline

Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation

American Ultra


Wild – May 8

All the Way (Original Film)

The Intern

Mr. Holmes – May 1 An aged, retired Sherlock Holmes recounts his final case, which he failed to solve, to his housekeeper’s young son. The case followed a young woman, whose memory haunts the detective. Ian McKellen, Laura Linney, Milo Parker (PG) © 2015 Lionsgate Films. All Rights Reserved.

Courtesy of Fox Searchlight Pictures. Films Credit:Production. Anne © 2013 A Cloud Eight/Decibel MarieCredit: Fox. Susie Allnutt

Unbroken – May 3 Olympian Louis Zamperini was serving his country during World War II when a plane crash left him floating in the Pacific. He’s rescued but becomes a prisoner of war. Jack O’Connell, Takamasa Ishihara, Domhnall Gleeson (PG-13)

This Month


© 2015 Roadside Attractions. Credit: John Stow.

© 2014 Universal Studios. Credit: Universal Pictures.



Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues

Mr. Holmes

The Expendables 3



Shaun the Sheep Movie

Hot Tub Time Machine 2 I, Frankenstein

The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water

If I Stay

Top Five

Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

Underwater Dreams

RoboCop (2014)

The Vatican Tapes



Alphabetical Channel Directory A&E 118 313 ActionMAX AMAX-E Adult Guard Lock Support Channel 480 Adult Programming 488-499 Adult Showcase 490/499 AMC 131 America’s Auction Network 219 American Heroes Channel 195 262 Angel One ANGEL Angel Two 266 184 Animal Planet APL AXS TV 167 Baby First TV 823 135 BBC America BBCA beIN SPORTS 392 beIN SPORTS en Español 873 BET 124 Big Ten Network 410/405 The Blaze 212 Bloomberg Television 203 Boomerang 175 Bravo 129 Believers’ Voice of Victory Network 265 BYUTV 9403 Cartoon Network (E) CTOON 176 Cartoon Network (W) 177 CBS Sports Network 158 CCTV-E 884 CCTV-News 279 Centric 251 199 Chiller CHLR Christian Television Network 267 Church Channel 258 310 Cinemax (E) MAX-E 311 Cinemax (W) MAX-W Cinemáx 315 Classic Arts Showcase 9406 CMT 166 CNBC 208 CNN 200 Comcast Sportsnet Bay Area 419 Comcast Sportsnet Chicago 429 Comcast Sportsnet Mid-Atlantic 424 107 Comedy Central COM Cooking Channel 113 Crime and 249 Investigation CIHD C-SPAN 210 C-SPAN2 211 Daystar 263 Destination America DEST 194 DISH Cinema Guide 500


DISH Cinema 500-530 DISH Cinema On Demand 1 DISH Home 100 DISH 101 101 DISH Shopping 123/220/221 DISH Studio Channel 102 Discovery Channel DISC 182 Discovery Family 179 Disney Channel (E) DISN-E 172 Disney Channel (W) 173 Disney Junior 168 174 Disney XD DISNXD DIY 111 E! Entertainment Television 114 El Rey 253 Enlace 9411 EPIC 224 EPIX 380 EPIX2 381 EPIX Hits 382 EPIX Drive-In 292 ESPN 140 ESPN Alternate 145 ESPN2 143 ESPN2 Alternate 146 ESPNEWS 142 ESPNU 141 Esquire Network ESQTV 191 EVINE Live 134 EWTN 261 Fashion TV 600 314 5StarMAX 5MAX-E 333 FLIX FLIX-E 110 Food Network FOOD FOX Business Network 206 FOX News Channel FNC 205 150 FOX Sports 1 FS1 FOX Sports Southeast 437 FOX Sports Sun 422 FOX Sports 2 397 Free Speech TV 9415 180 Freeform FREFM FSN Arizona 415 FSN Cincinnati 427 FSN Detroit 430 FSN Florida 423 FSN Midwest 418 FSN North 436 FSN Ohio 425 FSN PrimeTime 411 FSN South 420 FSN Southwest 416 FSN West 417 Fuse 164 Fusion 244 FX 136

FXM FXM 384 FXX 240 FYI 119 Galavision 273 Gem Shopping Network 229 getTV 373 401 Golf Channel GOLF Great American Country 165 GSN 116 Hallmark Channel HALL 185 Hallmark Movies & Mysteries HALLMV 187 300 HBO (E) HBO-E 303 HBO (W) HBO-W 301 HBO2 (E) HBO2-E 304 HBO2 (W) HBO2-W 307 HBO Comedy HBOC-E 305 HBO Family HBOF-E HBO Latino 309 HBO Signature (E) HBOS-E 302 308 HBO Zone HBOZ-E 130 HDNet Movies HDMOV HGTV 112 120 History HIST HLN 202 HorseRacing TV 398 HSN 84 HSN2 226 IFC 133 In Country Television 230 IndiePlex 378 Inspiration Network 259 Investigation Discovery ID 192 ION 250 Jewelry Television 227 KBS World 9394 KTV 264 KWGN 235 108 Lifetime LIFE Lifetime Movie Network LMN 109 LINK TV 9410 Liquidation Channel 274 Logo 254 Longhorn Network 407 385 MGM MGMHD MLB Network 152 MLB Network Strike Zone 153 312 MoreMAX MMAX-E The Movie Channel (E) 327 TMC-E The Movie Channel (W) TMC-W


The Movie Channel Xtra (E) TMCX-E






MSNBC 209 MTV 160 MTV2 161 Nat Geo Wild 190 National Geographic Channel NGC 186 NBA TV 156 NBC Sports Network 159 NBC Universo 838 Netflix 90 New England Sports Network 434 Newsmax 223 NFL Network 154 NFL RedZone 155 NHL Network HD 157 Nick Jr. 169 Nick/Nick at Nite (E) NICK-E170 Nick/Nick at Nite (W) 171 Nicktoons Network 178 Nuvo TV 243 Oprah Winfrey Network OWN 189 Outdoor Channel OUTD 396 Oxygen OXYG 127 Pac-12 Network 409 Pivot 197 Pop 117 Prayer 256 QVC 137 REELZChannel 299 RetroPlex 379 RFD-TV 231 Ride 248 Root Sports Northwest 426 Root Sports Pittsburgh 428 Root Sports Rocky Mountain 414 Rural TV 232 SALE 225 Science SCI 193 The SEC Network 404 Shorts 375 Showtime (E) SHO-E 318 Showtime (W) SHO-W 319 Showtime 2 (E) SHO2-E 320 Showtime Beyond SHOB-E 323 Showtime Extreme 322 SHOX-E Showtime Showcase (E) 321 SHOS-E Smithsonian Channel 367 Sony Movie Channel 386 Spike TV 241 Sportsman Channel 395 SportsTime Ohio 431 Starz (E) STARZ-E 350

Networks may not be available in all areas. See page 239 for channel and package information.

Hopper Users Get Your Sports List On Channel 412.

Starz (W) STARZ-W 351 Starz Cinema (E) STRZCI 353 Starz Comedy STRZCO 354 Starz Edge STRZED 352 Starz InBlack STRZIB 355 Starz Kids & Family STRZKF 356 Starz Encore (E) ENCR-E 340 Starz Encore (W) ENCR-W 341 Starz Encore Action EACTN 343 Starz Encore Black EBLACK 345 Starz Encore Classic ECLASS 346 Starz Encore Family EFAMLY347 Starz Encore Suspense ESUSP 344 Starz Encore Westerns EWESTN 342 SundanceTV SUND-E 126 Syfy 122 TBN 260 TBS 139 TeenNick 181 Tennis Channel 400 3ABN 9393 TLC 183 TNT 138 Travel Channel TRVL 196 truTV TRU 242 Turner Classic Movies TCM 132 TV Land TVLND 106 UniMás (W) 272 Universal HD UNIHD 247 Univision (E) 270 Univision (W) 828 Univision Deportes 869 Uplifting Entertainment UP 188 USA 105 Velocity VEL 246 VH1 162 VH1 Classic 163 Viceland 121 V-Me 846 WE tv WE 128 The Weather Channel 214 WGN America WGNA 239 World Fishing Network 394 WPIX 916 WSBK 236 WWOR 8105 Z Living 218 HM

Channel Directory America’s Top 120 A&E A&E 118 AMC AMC T 131 ALIVE America’s Auction Network 219 ANGEL Angel One 262 ANGL2 Angel Two 266 AXS AXS TV T 167 TOON Cartoon Network (E) SAP T 176 TOONW Cartoon Network (W) 177 CCTVE CCTV-E 884 CCNEW CCTV-News 279 CHRCH Church Channel 258 CMT CMT T 166 CNBC CNBC T 208 CNN CNN T 200 CMDY Comedy Central T 107 CSPN2 C-SPAN2 211 DYSTR Daystar 263 DISC Discovery Channel T 182 MALL/ MARKT DISH Shopping 123/220/221 STDIO DISH Studio T 102 DISE Disney Channel (E) SAP T 172 DISW Disney Channel (W) 173 E! E! Entertainment Television T 114 ESPN ESPN T 140 ESPN2 ESPN2 T 143 ESNWS ESPNEWS 142 ESPNU ESPNU T 141 EVINE EVINE Live 134 FM FM 243 FOOD Food Network T 110 FOXB FOX Business Network T 206 FREFM Freeform T 180 FXNWS FOX News Channel T 205 FUSE Fuse T 164 FX FX SAP T 136 GEMS Gem Shopping Network 229 HGTV HGTV T 112 HIST History T 120 HLN HLN T 202 HRTV HorseRacing TV 398 HSN HSN 84 HSN2 HSN2 226 IFC IFC T 133 ICTV In Country Television 230 INSP INSP 259 JTV Jewelry Television 83/227 LIFE Lifetime T 108 MSNBC msnbc T 209 MTV MTV T 160 MTV2 MTV2 161 NICK Nick/Nick at Nite (E) SAP T 170 NICKW Nick/Nick at Nite (W) 171 PIVOT pivot 197 POP Pop 117 PRAYR Prayer 256 QVC QVC 137 REELZ ReelzChannel SAP T 299 SALE Sale 225 SBN SonLife Broadcasting Network 257 SPIKE Spike T 241 SYFY Syfy T 122 TBS TBS SAP T 139 TLC TLC T 183 TNT TNT SAP T 138 TRV Travel Channel T 196 TVGAM TV Game Network 399 TVLND TV Land 106 USA USA SAP T 105 VLCTY Velocity (T only) 246 VH1 VH1 T 162 WE WE tv T 128 WEATH Weather Channel T 214 WN WeatherNation T 215 HM

America’s Top 200


Animal Planet T 184 BBC America T 135 BET T 124 Big Ten Network2 T 405/410 Boomerang SAP 175 Bravo T 129 CBS Sports Network T 158 Cooking Channel T 113 Discovery Family T 179 Disney Junior 168 Disney XD SAP 174 DIY T 111 El Rey 253 Esquire Network T 191 FOX Sports 1 T 150 FXX T 240 FYI 119 Galavisión T 273 Golf Channel T 401 GSN T 116 Hallmark Channel T 185 Investigation Discovery T 192 Lifetime Movie Network T 109 Longhorn Network 407 MLB Network T 152 National Geographic Channel T 186 NBA TV T SAP 156 NBCSN T 159 NFL Network T 154 NHL Network T 157 Nick Jr. 169 Oprah Winfrey Network T 189 Outdoor Channel T 396 Oxygen 127 Pac-12 Network T 406 Pac-12 Network T 409 RFD-TV T 231 Science T 193 SEC Network 404 / 408 SundanceTV T SAP 126 TeenNick 181


Turner Classic Movies T 132 UniMÁS (W)1 T 272 Univisión (E) T 270 Univisión Deportes T 869 UP 188 Viceland T 121 WGN America T 239

America’s Top 250

Includes all America’s Top 200 plus … AHC American Heroes Channel 195 BEIN beIN SPORT SAP T 392 BEINE beIN SPORT en Español T 873 BITV Bloomberg Television T 203 CHILR Chiller 199 AMERI Destination America T 194 EPXDR EPIX DRIVE-IN SAP 292 FOXS2 FOX Sports 2 397 FUSN Fusion 244 FXM FXM 384 GAC Great American Country 165 HMM Hallmark Movies & Mysteries T 187 MPLEX MoviePlex 377 NATGW Nat Geo WILD T 190 UNVSO NBC Universo 838 NICKT Nicktoons Network 178 RIDE Ride 248 RURAL Rural TV 232 SPMAN Sportsman Channel T 395 ENCRW Starz Encore (W) SAP 341 EACTN Starz Encore Action 343 EBLCK Starz Encore Black 345 ECLAS Starz Encore Classic 346 EFAM Starz Encore Family 347 ESUSP Starz Encore Suspense 344 EWSTN Starz Encore Westerns 342 TENIS Tennis Channel T 400 BLAZE TheBlaze 212 TMC-W The Movie Channel (W) SAP 329 VH1CL VH1 Classic 163 ZLVNG Z Living T 218 DISH MUSIC CHANNELS All receivers 923-946


HBO HBO (E) SAP T 300 HBO2 (E) SAP T 301 HBO Signature SAP T 302 HBO (W) SAP T 303 HBO2 (W) SAP 304 HBO Family SAP T 305 HBO Comedy SAP T 307 HBO Zone (T only) 308 HBO Latino T 309 CINEMAX Cinemax (E) SAP T 310 Cinemax (W) SAP T 311 MoreMAX SAP 312 ActionMAX SAP T 313 5StarMAX SAP T 314 Cinemáx 315 SHOWTIME Showtime (E) SAP T 318 Showtime (W) SAP T 319 Showtime 2 SAP T 320 Showtime Showcase SAP T 321 Showtime Extreme SAP 322 Showtime Beyond SAP T 323 The Movie Channel (E) SAP T 327 The Movie Channel xtra (E) SAP 328 FLIX 333


STARZ Starz Encore (E) SAP T 340 Starz (E) SAP T 350 Starz (W) SAP T 351 Starz Edge SAP T 352 Starz Cinema SAP 353 Starz Comedy T 354 Starz In Black SAP 355 Starz Kids & Family SAP T 356


EPIX EPIX T 380 EPIX 2 T 381 EPIX DRIVE-IN SAP 292 EPIX Hits T 382 STARZ ENCORE Starz Encore (W) SAP 341 Starz Encore Action 343 Starz Encore Black 345 Starz Encore Classic 346 Starz Encore Family 347 Starz Encore Suspense 344 Starz Encore Westerns 342 MoviePlex 377

© 2016, DISH Network L.L.C. All rights reserved. HBO®, Cinemax® and related channels and service marks are the property of Home Box Office, Inc. Showtime and related marks are registered trademarks of Showtime Networks Inc., a CBS Company. Starz and related channels and service marks are the property of STARZ Entertainment, L.L.C. All programming subject to change without notice.

SAP = Second Audio program (Spanish) T = Channels broadcast in SD and HD unless noted as (T only) = Available on Hopper and Hopper with Sling® receivers. To view channels broadcast in HD, you need a HD TV, a DISH HD receiver, and a DISH HD add-on package.


Mini-Packs DISH Movie Pack Thousands of titles available to watch on your TV with an HD DVR connected to the Internet, 3,500 movies available on CTRC CI ESUSP EPIX1 EPIX2 EPIXH FXM HMM HDNMV INDIE LOGO MGM MPLEX MTVL PIXL RETRO SONY SK&FM UNIHD WFN

Centric (T only) 251 Crime & Investigation (T only) 249 Starz Encore Suspense 344 EPIX T 380 EPIX 2 T 381 EPIX Hits T 382 FXM 384 Hallmark Movies & Mysteries T 187 HDNet Movies T 130 IndiePlex 378 LOGO 254 MGM (T only) 385 MoviePlex 377 MTV Live T 369 PixL SAP 388 RetroPlex T 379 Sony Movie Channel T 386 Starz Kids & Family T 356 Universal HD T 247 World Fishing Network 394 HEARTLAND BABY Baby TV SAP 824 DFC Discovery Family T 179 GSN GSN T 116 HLMRK Hallmark Channel T 185 HMM Hallmark Movies & Mysteries T 187 OWN Oprah Winfrey Network T 189 388 PIXL PixL SAP RFDTV RFD-TV 231 RIDE Ride 248 RURAL Rural TV 232 UP Uplifting Entertainment 188 OUTDOOR SPORTS OTDCH Outdoor Channel T 396 SPMAN Sportsman Channel 395 WFN World Fishing Network 394 MULTI-SPORT BBGL Bases Loaded/Buzzer Beater/ Goal Line T 403 BIG10 Big Ten Network T 405 /410 FOXS2 FOX Sports 2 397 MLBN MLB Network T 152 MLBSZ MLB Network Strike Zone T 153 NBATV NBA TV T 156 NFL NFL Network T 154 NFLRZ NFL RedZone T 155 NHLN NHL Network T 157 OUTSD Outside TV 390 Plus over 25 Regional Sports Networks

Local Networks 2-70 ABC CBS NBC FOX REGIONAL SPORTS NETWORKS* Hopper 412 All other receivers 409-437 *Available with Multi-Sport Pack or a minimum of America’s Top 120 Plus package. Channel availability based on one or more of the following: geographical location, time zone, programming package, dish antenna. 1



America’s Auction Network 219 Angel One 262 Angel Two 266 Animal Planet 184 Bloomberg Television 203 Boomerang SAP 175 CBS Sports Network 158 CCTV-E 884 CCTV-News 279 Cooking Channel 113 C-SPAN2 211 Daystar 263 Discovery Family T 179 DISH Shopping 123/220/221 DIY 111 Food Network 110 Fox News Channel 205 FYI 119 Gem Shopping Network 229 Great American Country 165 Hallmark Channel 185 Hallmark Movies & Mysteries T 187 HLN 202 HSN 84 HSN2 226 In Country Television 230 Investigation Discovery 192 Jewelry Television 83/227 Nick/Nick at Nite (E) SAP 170 Nick/Nick at Nite (W) 171 Nicktoons Network 178 Outdoor Channel 396 QVC 137 RFD-TV 231 Sale 225 Science 193 TV Land 106 Weather Channel 214

General Channels1 BABY1 BabyFirstTV SAP 823 BVOVN Believers’ Voice of Victory Network 265 BHTV Blue Highways TV 73/9646 BYUTV BYUTV 9403 CTN Christian Television Network 267 ARTS Classic Arts Showcase 9406 CSPAN C-SPAN SAP 210 D101 DISH 101 101 STDIO DISH Studio 102 HOME DishHOME (not available on Hopper) 100 ENLC Enlace 9411 EWTN Eternal Word Television SAP 261 FSTV Free Speech TV 9415 HITN HITN 843 HOPR Hopper Insider 103 KTV Kids & Teens Television (KTV) 264 LINK Link TV 9410 NASA NASA 286 ONPPV Pay-Per-View Guide 500 TBN TBN 260 IMPCT The Impact Network 268 3ABN  Three Angels Broadcasting Network 9393 V-ME V-ME 846 WHT World Harvest Television 217

Pay-Per-View MOVIE DISH Cinema MOVIE DISH Cinema SPORT Sports & Events 2

1 500-530 454-472

Available in: Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Nebraska and sections of Pennsylvania and Indiana.

Music fans will be happy to know that DISH delivers the same SiriusXM Satellite music channels you enjoy in your car right now. Hopper customers can find the SiriusXM channels by going to channel 99; for other receivers, follow the linear channel number listed below.


Sirius XM Hits 1 Venus ’50s on 5 ’60s on 6 ’70s on 7 ’80s on 8 ’90s on 9 The Pulse The Blend Love

99-2 6002 99-3 6003 99-5 6005 99-6 6006 99-7 6007 99-8 6008 99-9 6009 99-15 6015 99-16 6016 99-17 6017


Elvis Radio 99-19 6019 E Street Radio 99-20 6020 Underground Garage 99-21 6021 Pearl Jam Radio 99-22 6022 The Grateful Dead 99-23 6023 Radio Margaritaville 99-24 6024 Classic Rewind 99-25 6025 Classic Vinyl 99-26 6026 Deep Tracks 99-27 6027 Spectrum 99-28 6028 Jam On 99-29 6029 The Loft 99-30 6030 Coffee House 99-31 6031 The Bridge 99-32 6032 1st Wave 99-33 6033 Lithium 99-34 6034 Sirius XMU 99-35 6035 Alt Nation 99-36 6036 Octane 99-37 6037 Boneyard 99-38 6038 Hair Nation 99-39 6039 Liquid Metal 99-40 6040 Faction 99-41 6041 The Joint 99-42 6042 HIP-HOP/R&B

Hip Hop Nation Shade 45 Backspin The Heat

99-44 6044 99-45 6045 99-46 6046 99-47 6047

Heart and Soul 99-48 6048 Soul Town 99-49 6049 DANCE/ELECTRONIC

BPM Electric Area Sirius XM Chill Studio 54

99-51 6051 99-52 6052 99-53 6053 99-54 6054


The Highway 99-56 6056 Y2Kountry 99-57 6057 Prime Country 99-58 6058 Willie’s Roadhouse 99-59 6059 Outlaw Country 99-60 6060 Bluegrass Junc. 99-61 6061 CHRISTIAN

The Message Praise enLighten

99-63 6063 99-64 6064 99-65 6065


Watercolors Real Jazz Spa Escape B.B. King’s Bluesville Siriusly Sinatra On Broadway ’40s Junction

99-66 6066 99-67 6067 99-68 6068 99-69 6069 99-70 6070 99-71 6071 99-72 6072 99-73 6073


Met Opera Radio 99-74 6074 Symphony Hall 99-76 6076 LATIN/WORLD

Caliente 99-90 6090 Viva 99-91 6091 Pitbull’s Globalization 99-92 6092 Flow Nación 99-93 6093 Aguila 99-94 6094 Latidos 99-95 6095 Caricia 99-96 6096 Luna 99-97 6097 Rumbón 99-98 6098 La Kueva 99-99 6099 HM

Numerical Channel Directory 1 DISH Cinema On Demand 84 HSN 90 Netflix 100 DISH Home 101 DISH 101 102 DISH Studio Channel 105 USA 106 TV Land TVLND 107 Comedy Central COM 108 Lifetime LIFE 109 Lifetime Movie Network LMN

110 111 112 113 114 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 126 127 128 129 130 131 132

Food Network FOOD DIY HGTV Cooking Channel E! Entertainment Television GSN Pop A&E FYI History HIST Viceland Syfy DISH Shopping BET SundanceTV SUND-E Oxygen OXYG WE tv WE Bravo HDNet Movies HDMOV AMC Turner Classic Movies TCM

133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 145 146 150 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 HM

IFC EVINE Live BBC America BBCA FX QVC TNT TBS ESPN ESPNU ESPNEWS ESPN2 ESPN Alternate ESPN2 Alternate FOX Sports 1 FS1 MLB Network MLB Network Strike Zone NFL Network NFL RedZone NBA TV NHL Network HD CBS Sports Network NBC Sports Network MTV

161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170

MTV2 VH1 VH1 Classic Fuse Great American Country CMT AXS TV Disney Junior Nick Jr. Nick/Nick at Nite (E)

171 172 173 174 175 176

Nick/Nick at Nite (W) Disney Channel (E) DISN-E Disney Channel (W) Disney XD DISNXD Boomerang Cartoon Network (E)



177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186

Cartoon Network (W) Nicktoons Network Discovery Family Freeform FREFM TeenNick Discovery Channel DISC TLC Animal Planet APL Hallmark Channel HALL National Geographic Channel NGC 187 Hallmark Movies & Mysteries HALLMV 188 Uplifting Entertainment UP

189 Oprah Winfrey Network OWN

190 Nat Geo WIld 191 Esquire Network ESQTV 192 Investigation Discovery ID

193 Science SCI 194 Destination America DEST 195 American Heroes Channel 196 Travel Channel TRVL 197 Pivot 199 Chiller CHLR 200 CNN 202 HLN 203 Bloomberg Television 205 FOX News Channel FNC 206 FOX Business Network 208 CNBC 209 MSNBC 210 C-SPAN 211 C-SPAN2 212 The Blaze 214 The Weather Channel 218 Z Living 219 America’s Auction Network 220 DISH Shopping

221 223 225 226 227 229 230 231 232 235 236 239 240 241 242 243 244 246 247 248 249

DISH Shopping Newsmax SALE HSN2 Jewelry Television Gem Shopping Network In Country Television RFD-TV Rural TV KWGN WSBK WGN America WGNA FXX Spike TV truTV TRU Nuvo TV Fusion Velocity VEL Universal HD UNIHD Ride Crime and Investigation CIHD

250 251 253 254 256 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265

270 272 273 274 279 292 299 300 301 302

ION Centric El Rey Logo Prayer Church Channel Inspiration Network TBN EWTN Angel One ANGEL Daystar KTV Believers’ Voice of Victory Network Angel Two Christian Television Network Univision (E) UniMás (W) Galavision Liquidation Channel CCTV-News EPIX Drive-In REELZChannel HBO (E) HBO-E HBO2 (E) HBO2-E HBO Signature (E)

303 304 305 307 308 309 310 311 312

HBO (W) HBO-W HBO2 (W) HBO2-W HBO Family HBOF-E HBO Comedy HBOC-E HBO Zone HBOZ-E HBO Latino Cinemax (E) MAX-E Cinemax (W) MAX-W MoreMAX MMAX-E

266 267


313 314 315 318 319 320 321

Actionmax AMAX-E 5StarMax 5MAX-E Cinemáx Showtime (E) SHO-E Showtime (W) SHO-W Showtime 2 (E) SHO2-E Showtime Showcase (E) SHOS-E

322 Showtime Extreme SHOX-E

323 Showtime Beyond SHOB-E 327 The Movie Channel (E) TMC-E

328 The Movie Channel Xtra (E) TMCX-E 329 The Movie Channel (W) 333 FLIX FLIX-E 340 Starz Encore (E) ENCR-E 341 Starz Encore (W) ENCR-W 342 Starz Encore Westerns EWESTN

343 Starz Encore Action EACTN 344 Starz Encore Suspense ESUSP

345 346 347 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 367 373 375 377 378 379 380 381 382 384 385 386 392 394 395 396 397 398 400 401 404 405 407 409 410 411

Starz Encore Black EBLACK Starz Encore Classic ECLASS Starz Encore Family EFAMLY Starz (E) STARZ-E Starz (W) STARZ-W Starz Edge STRZED Starz Cinema (E) STRZCI Starz Comedy STRZCO Starz InBlack STRZIB Starz Kids & Family STRZF Smithsonian Channel getTV Shorts MoviePlex IndiePlex RetroPlex EPIX EPIX2 EPIX Hits FXM FXM MGM MGMHD Sony Movie Channel beIN SPORTS World Fishing Network Sportsman Channel Outdoor Channel OUTD FOX Sports 2 HorseRacing TV Tennis Channel Golf Channel GOLF The SEC Network Big Ten Network Longhorn Network Pac-12 Network Big Ten Network FSN PrimeTime

Networks may not be available in all areas. See page 239 for channel and package information.

412 MSG 414 Root Sports Rocky Mountain 415 FSN Arizona 416 FSN Southwest 417 FSN West 418 FSN Midwest 419 Comcast Sportsnet Bay Area 420 FSN South 422 FOX Sports Sun 423 FSN Florida 424 Comcast Sportsnet MidAtlantic 425 FSN Ohio 426 Root Sports Northwest 427 FSN Cincinnati 428 Root Sports Pittsburgh 429 Comcast Sportsnet Chicago 430 FSN Detroit 431 SportsTime Ohio 434 New England Sports Network 436 FSN North 437 FOX Sports Southeast 480 Adult Guard Lock Support Channel 488-499 Adult Programming 490/499 Adult Showcase 500 DISH Cinema Guide 500-530 DISH Cinema 600 Fashion TV 823 Baby First TV 828 Univision (W) 838 NBC Universo 846 V-Me 869 Univision Deportes 873 beIN SPORTS en Español 884 CCTV-E 916 WPIX 8105 WWOR 9393 3ABN 9394 KBS World 9403 BYUTV 9406 Classic Arts Showcase 9410 LINK TV 9411 Enlace 9415 Free Speech TV


Puzzle Page

TV CROSSWORD By Myles Mellor 1








SUDOKU CHALLENGE Difficulty This Month: ★★




18 21


19 22





Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the numbers from one to nine.






32 33


35 39


★ Moderate ★★ Challenging ★★★ HOO BOY!



(words to find in Bold)

Blue Bloods Criminal Minds NCIS: Los Angeles Madam Secretary The Big Bang Theory Hawaii Five-0 The Vampire Diaries NCIS: New Orleans Survivor Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders


By Linda Thistle


Place a letter in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each small 9-box square contains all of the letters listed above the diagram. When completed, the row indicated will spell out a word or words. © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.

Answers to puzzles are on page 111.






41 44


© 2016 King Features Synd., Inc.








By Linda Thistle






1 FOX series starring Fred Savage (2 words) 7 Monty Python subject 10 Cool 12 Light bulb innovator 14 Star of 2012’s The Avengers 17 Director’s directive 19 Baltic port featured in a well-known limerick 20 Desert watering hole 21 ___ Lonely Boys, Tex-Mex band 24 Tough 26 Beethoven composition or Hyundai sedan 27 The Godfather position 29 USA Network series starring Mark Feuerstein beginning its final season (goes with 36 Across) 30 ___girls musical drama starring Beyoncé and Jamie Foxx 32 Days of ___ Lives 33 Ruler divisions 36 See 29 Across 37 Dawn time 39 Tenn. neighbor 42 Returning Showtime series starring Eva Green, Timothy Dalton and Reeve Carney (2 words) 45 New FOX series tracing the friendship between a great magician and Sherlock Holmes’ creator (3 words) 47 Pebble Beach hazard 48 2012 Bond film

1 CBS series starring Julianna Margulies airing its last episode (3 words) 2 Went underground 3 Some big-budget films 4 History remake of a miniseries based on an Alex Haley novel 5 Raleigh’s state (abbr.) 6 Catchall abbr. 8 Upcoming AMC series starring Dominic Cooper and based on a comic book series from Vertigo 9 NYC opera house 11 Italian for “first lady” (2 words) 13 Diamond or heart 15 Southern state, for short 16 LaGuardia airport code 18 Bridges in movies 22 Cat ___ Hot Tin Roof (2 words) 23 Zesty dip 25 Electrical resistance measurement 26 Thus 28 30 Rock network 29 Regret 31 Ukr. neighbor 34 Color 35 Start of many California place names 36 Bachelor’s home 38 The ___ Falcon, Bogart film 40 Words to a song 41 Not reliable 42 Simon and Randy’s co-judge 43 Crime drama film genre 44 Brother of Janet Jackson 45 Popular 46 Fingerprint’s cousin HM




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