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Gathering Song*

Prayer of Application How Great is Our God


Song of Response


(Please print your name, email address, and any prayer requests on the white connection card and place it in the offering plate.)

Welcome/Announcements Call to Worship Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 47

His Eye is on the Sparrow (#624 red hymnal)

L: What does the first petition mean?

Prayers of the People

P: "Hallowed be your name" means: Help us to truly know you, to honor, glorify, and praise you for all your works: your almighty power, wisdom, kindness, justice, mercy, and truth. And it means, help us to direct all our living—what we think, say, and do—so that your name will never be blasphemed because of us but always honored and praised.

Lord’s Prayer (words on the screen)


Please stay seated in the sanctuary for the congregational meeting

*Please stand if it is comfortable for you.

Praise Songs

Scripture Reading

You Never Let Go You Are God Alone Matthew 6:25-34


“An Unwanted Houseguest”

Today Congregational Meeting 11:00 AM Discovery Hour Classes for all ages! Adult classes – I Will - Otley room Satisfied – Rejoice Room First Place for Health – Celebrate Room Linger Longer – Coffee & juice will be served after the service.

November 20, 2016 Worship Guide

Prayer Concerns Sunday November 20, 2016 • •

Our College Students: Paige Beyer, Tyler Foster, Sara Tallman Our Missionaries: The Beebouts (Niger), The Bruxvoorts (Alaska), The Den Hartogs (Omaha) The Harrisons (Bahrain), The Lampens (Romania), Words of Hope. Our Sick and Shut-ins: Paige Van Rees, Howard Brummel, Gene Lucas, Jan Uitermarkt, Jesse Uitermarkt, Erma Umble, Red Van Haaften

Helping Hands This Morning

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Greeters for November: Craig & Karlyn Harthoorn; Linda Umble Welcome Center for November: Eric & Ami Burns Consistory Greeters: Norm Van Zante (before and after), Laurel Van Zante (before), Doug Dop (after) Nursery Attendants: Taylor Long, Grant Cook

Helping Hands Next Week

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Consistory Greeters: Laurel Van Zante (before and after), Al Vander Linden (before), Randy Beyer (after) Nursery Attendants: Cindy Foster, Mia Burns

This Week

An Unwanted Houseguest Matthew 6:25-34 Don’t let anxiety hold, let God shoulder your load. Our houseguest… 1. Distracts us. 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 2. Lingers 3. Drains our energy. Psalm 32:3-4 Steps to kicking our your “houseguest” 1. Trust God. 2 Samuel 7:28 2. Pray continually James 5:13-16 3. Respond with gratitude. Philippians 4:4-7

Tuesday 7:00 p.m. – Thanksgiving Service Wednesday Noon – Happiness IS…..due Thursday Noon to 4:00 – Roorda Thanksgiving Thursday 6:00 p.m. – Decorating church for Christmas

GEMS Thank You – The GEMS would like to say THANK YOU for everyone that donated quart jars for their fundraiser. The mixes and cookies are ready to be picked up so please see Diana or Marj in the kitchen after church. Otley Opportunities Board - Wondering what will be happening in the next few months here at Otley Church. Check out the Otley Opportunity Board by the mailboxes.

Christmas Poinsettias

It is time to order poinsettias to be given in memorial to a loved one or as a gift. Cost is $10.00 per plant. Completed forms with payment attached are TODAY. Please return your forms and payment to Teresa Beyer’s mailbox. Extra forms can be found on the table under the Otley Opportunities Board.

Christmas Service

To celebrate Christmas we would love to utilize the talents of our congregation in the Christmas service. If you would like to participate please sign up at the Otley Opportunities table.

Prayer Chain

We are updating our prayer chain list. If you would like to be included, have a phone number or email change or would like to be deleted from the list please let Becky know.

Election of Elders and Deacons

The annual Congregational Meeting will be held TODAY to elect 3 elders and 2 deacons to serve on the 2017 Consistory. Nominated for the office of Elder are Gene Poortinga, Kit Vander Ploeg and Mary Van Zante. Nominated for the office of Deacon are Harvey Beyer and Wayne Foster.