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VISION STATEMENT ~ Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World MISSION STATEMENT ~ Bring to Christ, Building in Christ, Sending for Christ

Council Members Present ~ Jim Keller, Bill Bartell, Bob Cooper, Kent Cooper, Karen Nichol, Steve Basham and Dale Brunswick

Staff Present ~ Dr. Dan Hannon, Mitch Ulrey, Amy Mitcham, Robin Tracey and Nancy Davis (Recording Secretary)

Guests Present ~ Judy Hannon I.

Call to Order a. Jim Keller called the meeting to order at 7:01pm

Jim Keller


Opening Prayer


Church Council Meeting Minutes Jim Keller a. Approve the May 19, 2015 Church Council Minutes – Action i. Bob Cooper motioned to accept the May 19, 2015 minutes as presented, Dale Brunswick second, all approved


Finance a. Approve the April 2015 Financials – Action i. General Fund 1. Revenue – a. Actual - $186,815 b. Budget - $156,169 c. Variance - $33,646 2. Expense – a. Actual - $158,999 b. Budget - $175,387 c. Variance - $ -16,388 3. Net Income – a. Actual – 27,816 b. Budget - $ -22,218 c. Variance - $50,034 4. Cash - $255,683

Dr. Dan Hannon

Mitch Ulrey

ii. Christian Education Center 1. Revenue – a. Actual - $126,543 b. Budget - $161,289 c. Variance - $ -34,756 2. Expense – a. Actual - $124,328 b. Budget – $140,573 c. Variance - $ -16,245 3. Net Income – a. Actual - $2,215 b. Budget - $20,716 c. Variance - $ - 18,501 iii. As seeing no further discussion, Mitch Ulrey on behalf of the Finance Committee, made the motion to accept the May 2015 Financials as presented, Dale Brunswick second, all approved V.

Christ Church Policy & Procedures Manual Update – Informational Dr. Dan Hannon a. The Policy & Procedures Manual was presented to Church Council for review in April 2015 b. It was suggested that the committee and staff have time to review and submit changes/corrections c. June 2015, the revised Policy & Procedures Manual was presented for review d. Next month, July 2015, vote to accept the Policy & Procedures Manual for Christ Church


Nominations Committee – Action Dr. Dan Hannon a. Election of the CEC Study Committee members i. Dr. Hannon asked Marc Donaldson, Amy Mitcham and Robin Tracey to recommend names of people who would serve on the CEC Study Committee (see power point presentation for charts, process, etc.) 1. 8 lay persons a. Ed York - Chair b. Amy Elkins c. Cristi Faulkner d. Jennifer Davis e. Steve Basham f. Mike Howse g. Tenel “T” Tayar h. Karen Smith 2. 4 staff a. Dan Hannon – Senior Pastor b. Marc Donaldson – Associate Pastor c. Amy Mitcham – Director of Children’s Ministry d. Robin Tracey – Executive Director of the Christian Education Center

ii. These names were then presented to the Nominations Committee for their endorsement which they accepted iii. The Nominations Committee motioned to accept the names presented to serve as the CEC Study Committee, Kent Cooper second, all approved VII.

Building Process for the New CEC – Update Dr. Dan Hannon a. The committee will meet and be assigned their tasks b. The State codes regulate space issues c. The Committee’s time table is to have their report presented at the September Church Council meeting d. Once the committee writes their report and turns it in, the committee is dissolved, their job is done


Good & Welfare of the Church Lay Leaders/Staff/Pastors a. Amy Mitcham – Director of Children’s Ministry i. 300 different children in the last 2 weeks attended camp ii. Camp Invention – 80 children, Art & Animal Camp – 20 children iii. VBS have 290 registered as of the moment, will probably reach our 400 children goal – right after July 4th makes it hard 1. Prayers for the families involved 2. 25% our own people and 75% visiting families which it is usually reversed, seeing new trends iv. Special Needs Ministry 1. June 21st we had our first participant, God is Good 2. How the word was spread – March and April presentations were made to elementary schools, physical therapists, school counselors b. Robin Tracey – Executive Director of the Christian Education Center i. Registrations are good ii. Staff evaluations iii. Working on the budget iv. Need space, more children enrolling in the fall programs c. Steve Basham – Ministry Lay Leader i. Missions are wonderful ii. June 22nd, had a Mission Committee meeting – this are moving in the right direction d. Karen Nichol – Care and Compassion Lay Leader i. June 24th the committee is meeting ii. Care Team is growing in size iii. We need to make sure that we are caring for our congregation iv. Working on putting together a flyer saying – do you need help, need a visit, prayer for you, etc. e. Bob Cooper – Music and Fine Arts Lay Leader i. Patriotic Sunday services, wonderful way to honor God and our Country

ii. O Jonah Musical is July 20 - 24, 2015, 9:00AM - 12:00PM, 2nd - 6th Graders 1. Currently have 9 children signed up but expect more 2. We will mail practice CD’s to them prior to the beginning of camp 3. Sanctuary Choir, Hearts & Voices and Master Works have rehearsals off during the month of July, rehearsals start back up in August 4. The Sanctuary Choir will still be singing on Sunday morning throughout July f. Dale Brunswick – Christ Church Foundation Chair i. There was an email that went out a few weeks ago 1. The committee has some money that they will give out 2. If you have a non-budgeted item that you would like/need, reach out to the committee and the committee will take your request into consideration g. Kent Cooper – Lay Leader i. In Leanne’s absence 1. UM ARMY – 55 people participated a. Went into Houston b. Had several teams working on several different projects c. On Thursday night, had dinner with some of the clients and to hear them talking about how proud they ware of the students and the wonderful work they did on their house d. It is such a joy to see the Heart and Love these youth poured out over their projects and over the clients h. Dan Hannon – Senior Pastor i. Have you heard the noise on campus – Our campus is alive! ii. June, July and August are full of activities – here are just a few 1. Schlitterbahn 2. Drum Circle Camp 3. Puppet Shows 4. O Jonah 5. VBS 6. July Calendar i. Bill Bartell – Lay Leader i. This is his second time to attend the Texas Annual Conference 1. Such diversity in the Methodist Church 2. Breakout Sessions a. Laity were leading the sessions 3. Got to see how Methodist resolve conflict in a civil manner IX.

Adjournment and Closing Prayer a. Jim Keller asked to close the meeting, Kent Cooper motioned to adjourn, second by Steve Basham, 7:56pm b. Amy Mitcham closed in prayer