December 16 Bulletin

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Membership Status: ____MEMBER(S) ____REGULAR ATTENDER(S)____1ST TIME VISITOR(S)____NEW RESIDENT(S) I WOULD LIKE ___More Information about FUMC ___A CALL/VISIT FROM THE PASTOR ___TO BECOME A MEMBER ______add to email list email address:_____________________________________________________________

CHILDREN IN ATTENDANCE (Names AND Ages):______________________________________________________

ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________

NAME:_______________________________________________________PHONE: _________________________

Welcome to First United Methodist Church of Pine Mountain. We’re glad you’re here! DATE: _____________ Please Register your attendance by filling out this form and dropping it in the offering plate. ____8:30 ____11:00 ONE FORM PER FAMILY Please, do Not separate reservation from the attendance form.

Menu: 12/19/2018 Soups, cheese toast, Christmas cookies

**Christmas Caroling**

RESERVATION: Date 12/19/2018 Name___________________________ ______ Adults ______ Children 5-10 Years ______ Age 5 & Under Free

No Charge! A Gift from the REACH Team

Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end, Amen, Amen. Doxology *Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost, Amen. The Lord’s Prayer *Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen

PLEASE REGISTER YOUR ATTENDANCE Regular attendees, please fill in your name and service time (one per family). Guests, please fill in as much information as you would care to share with us. Purpose:  

To know and record who is here weekly for the church records If you have been missing, we want to check in on you. 

Thank you for helping us! Blessings to you all!

Dec 16 Third Sunday of Advent Sun 4:00 PM—Cantata/Reception

Dec 23 Fourth Sunday of Advent Sun

4:30 PM- L10:27 Dec 17 10:00 AM— Mon Awaiting the Already


5:00 pm—Christmas Eve Service

5:30 pm—Cub Scouts

8:00 pm—Christmas Eve Service Dec 18 7:00 pm—Women’s Book Group Tues

Dec 25 OFFICE CLOSED Tues Merry Christmas!

Dec19 Wednesday Night Supper— Wed Soups, cheese toast, Christmas cookies - REACH team

Dec26 Wed No Wednesday Night Supper

or Classes

Christmas Caroling Dec 20 6:30 pm– Awaiting the Already Thurs

Dec 27 Thurs

Dec 21 Enjoy your family! Fri

Dec 28 Youth Lock-In 8pm-7am Fri

Dec 22 Sat

Dec 29 Sat

THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT December 16, 2018

Weekly Prayer Time Wednesday 5:00PM in the Sanctuary For Our Guests: Welcome! We hope you enjoy the presence of God, the blessing of the holy spirit and the loving fellowship in this church. If you are searching for a church family, Please consider joining this congregation. If you would like to schedule a visit with our pastor, Rev. Liza Marler, feel free to call her at 706-993-7679. If this is your first time as a guest, please stop by our welcome table in the back of the Sanctuary to receive a gift.

Christmas Cantata

4:00 pm—Today!

Festival of Carols Celebrate Christmas with rich carols and beautiful new songs. This compelling and exciting work references many carols in delivering the message of redemption and the birth of God’s promised Son. Reception to follow in the Family Life Center. CHURCH STAFF Rev. Liza Marler—Pastor James Camp—Director of Music Barbara Beam—Nursery Director Cathy Lee Phillips—Children’s Director Michael Marler -Interim Youth Director

Pamela Bain—Admin Assistant Jane Logan—Accounting Secretary Sonja Williamson—Nursery Assist Mike Duncan—Facilities Manager Mary King Kurrass—Noah’s Ark Director

206 McDougald Avenue/PO Box 246 Pine Mountain, GA 31822 706-663-2538 Church Office Hours: M-F 8:30a.m. - 12:30p.m. Or by appointment [email protected]

8:30 AM Order of Worship

11:00 AM Order of Worship

Chiming of the Hour

Chiming of the Hour

Welcome, Announcements & Invocation

Pastor Liza Marler


James Camp

Advent Candle Lighting *Opening Hymn

Roy & Judy Westbrook

Angels from the Realms of Glory

*Affirmation of Faith

UMH #220

The Apostles’ Creed

*First Scripture

Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer

Rejoice, Rejoice! Philippians 4:4-7

*Closing Hymn

Profession of Faith

Pastor Liza Marler

Gloria Patri

First Scripture

Soon & Very Soon

UMH #706

*Benediction James Camp

Prayer Concerns

Join us each Sunday for coffee & fellowship In the Family Life Center following the 8:30 AM service.

Our Homebound: Walter Cleaveland Jane Claire Culverhouse Jessie Saint Irene Sale Lois Wilson-Boyd

Church Family & Others: Harrison Branigan Savannah Branigan Terry Holmes Bill Mitchell Rhett Riley Jack & Anne Story Rod & Sandy Wallace Matt & Kaylee Walter Roy Westbrook


Requested by

The Apostles’ Creed

UMH #220

Please add this prayer to:

UMH #881

___ Bulletin

Christmas Eve

Pastoral Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer

Pastor Liza Marler


Children’s Message

Cathy Lee Phillips

5:00 pm Holy Communion,

Zephaniah 3:14-20

Offering our Gifts and Ourselves to God

Candle Lighting &



A Father's Love, A Perfect Rose

Chancel Choir

Children’s Live Nativity

Hymn of Invitation

Rejoice, Rejoice! Philippians 4:4-7

Pastor Liza Marler

Soon & Very Soon

UMH #706

___ Private—Pastor only ___ I would like Pastor to call/visit Please acknowledge God’s answer when it comes so your prayer may become a praise! DECISION CARD NAME ________________________


Prayer concerns will be removed at the first of every month. If you would like your prayer concern left on the list please complete a new request on the bulletin flap.

Welcome All!!


___ Church Wide Email

Message Usher/ Greeters—Bob & Sherry Phillips, Gary Zuerner Technology - Genie Clancy

Youth Chancel Choir

Angels from the Realms of Glory

*Please stand as you are able

December 16, 2018 Servants—8:30 AM—



Cathy Lee Phillips

*Closing Voluntary

44th Anniversary


________________________________ 

Pastor Liza Marler

Gary & Charlotte Zuerner’s


Rick Adams

*Doxology Message

Advent Candle Lighting Anthem Celtic Advent Carol Opening Hymn


Pastor Liza Marler

Special Musical Selection Caleb Williamson Bringing in The Light of Christ

Zephaniah 3:14-20

in honor of

Welcome & Announcements & Invocation

UMH #881

*Gloria Patri

Altar Flowers today are placed

8:00 pm Holy Communion

ADDRESS ______________________

& Candle Lighting

______________________________ PHONE _______________________ EMAIL ________________________


Closing Voluntary

I would like to:

James Camp

___ Receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and

*Please stand as you are able December 23, 2018 Servants

December 16, 2018 Servants

11:00 am—Usher/ Greeters Daniel Cardona, Ryan Williamson, Jacob & Tracie Parker Acolytes Caleb & Katy Williamson

Children’s Church Rusti Houston/Sally Cobb Technology Rick Adams December Altar Guild Mim Clepper/Mary Ellen Roberts

Vital Signs ___Year to Date 12/9/2018 __ Last Week Received $ 360,599.77 $ 7,275.00 Budgeted $ 401,236.99 $ 8,104.57 Difference $ -33,362.22 Church debt owed $629,453.48


Attendance Worship: 8:30: 26 11:00: 75 Total: 101 Sunday School: 37

Usher/ Greeters 8:30 AM Roy Westbrook Judy Westbrook Jane Logan

11:00 AM Jimmy Miller David Chamber Jacob Douthit Marina Lovern Acolyte Sophie & Lillie Kurrass Children’s Church Rusti Houston/Lace Cobb Technology Genie Clancy Jim Trott Altar Guild for December Mim Clepper & Mary Ellen Roberts

___Recommit my life to Jesus Christ. ___ Talk with the pastor. ___ Be baptized. ___ Become a Member of Pine Mountain FUMC QUESTIONS/COMMENTS: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________