Department of Veterans Affairs

[PDF]Department of Veterans Affairs has come to my atenlion that cemeteries may be distr...

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Departmentof VeteransAffairs Date: September2T,A00T From:Dires'tor, Offtceof FieHPrograms Thru: EachMSNDirector To:


$ubj: The Meaningof EachFoldof an HonorGuardFuneralFlag a handouten$tled,"The It hascometo my atenlionthatcemeteriesmaybe distributing fiileaningof EachFoldof an HonorGuardFuneralFlag"and/orpostingthe han&ut in cemeterybuildings. I harrealso learnedthat ourvolunteerhonorguardsmaybe using the handoutas a scriptaridrecitingthe meaningol the thirteenloldsof the flag while the intermentflag is foldedduringthe committalservice. Thereare variousversionsof the scriptcirculatingby anonymousauthors.Someof thosescriptsare religiousin natureandalsoascriberneaningto the individualfoldsput intothe flag. We haverecentlyreceiveda complaintsentto the Presidentof the United Statesthattherewas a grosserrorin the handoutwith referenceto the 11mfold "...gloritnngthe GodsAbraham,lsaacandJacob. Thereare no federallawsrelatedto the flagthat assignanyspecialrneaningto the individualfoldsof the flag. The NationalCemeteryAdministration mustnotgirrc meaning,or appaarto givemeaningto the foldsof the flag by endorsingor distibuting any handoutson "The Meaningof EachFoldof an FlonorGuardFuneralFlag." Effectiveimmediatelyall nationalcemeteriesarc to refrainfrom distributingany handoutson "TheMeaningof EachFoldof an HonorGuardFuneralFlag';removeany postingsfrornall cemelerybuildingsand discontinue our VA-$ponsored Volunteer l-lonorGuardsfrcm usingthe handoutas a scdptat a committalservicedudngthe foldingof the flag. The onlytirnethe readingof 'The Meaningof EachFoldof an.HonorGuardFuneral Flad is authodzedin our nationalcemeteriesis whenthe next-of.kinarrangeslor militaryhonorswilh their localVSOand requeststhe readingduringthe committal seMce. lsl STEVEL. MURO
