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System 800 FT-IR Your best choice in a Ugh-perfqrmance research FT IR system. lJ\ft/WVw-v^ *m Wmmmmmimfm m


ΑΛΑΑΛΛΛΛΑΛΛΑΑΛΜΛ/1/Vl Ë A / V Changeable , beamsplitter compartment

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Optical control panel

Superior stability Highest sensitivity Widest versatility System 800 gives you superior performance to solve today's research problems with confidence—and unmatched adapt­ ability to respond to tomorrow's challenges. System 800 frees you from the built-in limitations of past instruments. When you choose the System 800, you're making a costeffective investment as well as a sound scientific decision. Write us or circle the reader's service number to receive our new 16-page System 800 brochure.

Computercontrolled iris assembly

Dynamic Alignment System



Interferometer air-bearing assembly

Source selection mirror

Auxiliary Experiment Module port


Beamsplitter storage (purged)

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Belgium 02-762-2511 Canada 416-625-8302

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Nicolet Analytical Instruments / 5225-1 Verona Rd. / Madison, WI 53711 / (608) 271-3333 / FAX (608) 273-5046 Circle 118 for information.

Circle 119 for demonstration.