A Service of Worship

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PARTICIPATING IN WORSHIP TODAY Rev. Karla Shaw, Associate Pastor Rev. Ben Lindstrom Elder Dave Baker Don Brenneman, Minister of Music/Business Administrator Karen Connor, Director of Children’s Ministry Alicia McMillan, Organist and Director of Children’s and Youth Choirs Bryan Verhoye, Pianist/Music Associate Worship Band: Bob Giesick, David Zedaker, Jr., and Dave Held Deacon Greeters: 9:00 Jan Sutton; 10:15 Carolyn Griesemer April Ushers: Bryan Bennett, Jane Bennett, Bob Holst, Pete Griffith, Jill Giesick, Kirsten Helgager, Mike Long, Joshua Staker. Media Ministry: John Morrison, Erich McMillan, and Jonathan Seifert. VISITORS Please complete a Visitor Welcome Card so that we may learn how to best become acquainted with you, as well as serve you. Place the card in the offering or hand to an Usher. PRAYER is a powerful source of comfort and healing. We invite you to bring to our attention those in need by contacting the church office, or noting your prayer request on a Visitor Welcome Card. Place the card in the offering or hand to an Usher. FLOWERS are given by Eunice Pedersen in loving memory of the Pedersen, Blanchard and Porter families. The flowers are also given by the Cheyney family in loving memory of Tillie and Chuck Cheyney. The floral arrangements were created by Charlie Littrell and Geri Nielsen. PRAYER QUILT MINISTRY: Prayer Quilts are gifts of love and prayers for those in special need. Please tie your prayers into the quilts. To request a quilt, please contact Joanne Albrecht at (619) 222-1585, or Louise Lucas at [email protected].

A Service of Worship April 30, 2017 Classic Worship 8:30 and 10:15 am ~ Sanctuary Café Worship 10:15 am ~ Chapel

PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY AND THEIR FAMILIES: Brad Woodard, James Watts, Rick Nestor, Scott Castlen, Greg White, Jim Kelley, Tom Daggett, Nathan Schnaible, Will Scarle, Eli Owre, Margo Zorn Smith, MD., and Jose Hernandez and the crew of the USS John P. Murtha (LPD-26). To offer prayers and express appreciation to any of then, contact Tom or Julie Gadzala for addresses at [email protected]. Rev. Dr. Chris Lenocker, Interim Pastor Rev. Karla Shaw, Associate Pastor Point Loma Community Presbyterian Church 2128 Chatsworth Blvd., San Diego, CA 92107 ■ 619.223.1633 pointlomachurch.org

Experience Jesus Strengthen Christ’s Church Journey into Deeper Faith Transform Our World

Order of Worship Please remember to silence your cell phones and refrain from flash photography. Thank you.

Children’s Sermon Karen Connor (Children to Sunday School. (10:15: Grades 7 & 8 to Youth Center) Life of the Church


Great is the Lord! Worship Band

arr. B. Verhoye

Welcome *Songs of Praise

The Majesty and Glory of Your Name New Covenant Choir Don Brenneman, director

*Song of Praise

Revelation Song


The Necessity of Doubt John 20:24-29

Call to Prayer

O Come, Let Us Adore Him

Rev. Karla Shaw For the Beauty of the Earth My Worth is Not in What I Own

Invocation Ministry of Music

Ministry of Music

No. 353 (1,2,4)

(10:15) Rev. Ben Lindstrom It Was Good Children’s Choir Jenny Shippee, oboist Alicia McMillan, director

Scripture Reading: Psalm 73:21-28 (Page 534 in the pew Bible)

Mark Burrows

Elder Dave Baker

Invitation to Christian Stewardship

Wondrous God, we confess that at times our doubts and fears override our hope and faith. Forgive us when we lose sight of the joy of Your love and instead fall into despair and gloom. Lift up our spirits, Lord, and help us to remember the promise of new life here and now, not just the hope of resurrection for the future. We give thanks for Your Son, Jesus Christ, who continues to offer us new life, who continues to turn us around and upside down, who continues to break down the walls of death in our own life. Forgive us, restore us, and renew us. In the name of our risen Savior, we pray. (silent prayer) Amen.


*Response: Shout to the Lord (Children come forward)

Pastor Karla

No. 126

Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Prayer of Confession (In unison, followed by silent prayer)

Affirmation of Grace

Tom Fettke

Prelude from suite Pour le Piano Bryan Verhoye, pianist


*Doxology (Old Hundredth) *Prayer of Dedication *Closing Song

Revelation Song

*Benediction Postlude

Toccata in C Alicia McMillan, organist

*Please stand if you are able.

J. Pachelbel