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ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY Standard Methods of Chemical Anal­ ysis. Vol. 1 . The Elements. 6th e d .

N. Howell Furman, editor, xix + IJfOl pages. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 120 Alexander St.. Princeton, N. J. 1962. $25. Reviewed by Dr. F. E. Beamish, University of Toronto, Toronto 5, Canada. Analytical chemistry as an entity in the curricula of universities and per­ haps, even the identity of an analytical chemist can no longer be considered as a continuing certainty. The constant demand for mechanical methods, the multiplicity of new interests in chem­ istry and the increasing integration of chemical subjects must inevitably af­ fect the status of analytical chemistry, initially at the undergraduate level, and finally at the graduate level. Tradition alone cannot justify continued exist­ ence. Fresh, invigorating conceptions of the fundamental and distinctive re­ search potential inherent in the field of analytical chemistry must be made clearly evident to science as a whole, prejudiced as it has been by the fre­ quent servility of the analyst. Pro­ cedural texts will remain indispensable, but the traditional repetition of rela­ tively ineffective, albeit useful analyti­ cal methods, is most assuredly no in­ dication of a progressive science. As an inspirational treatise "Stand­ ard Methods of Chemical Analysis, Volume 1, 6th Edition" is a disappoint­ ment. It follows closely the pattern of the earlier edition with the claim that there are included "those methods of determination most widely accepted (and) most certain to give consistent results." In many instances the pro­ posed methods, however generally ac­ cepted, are outdated, and in the case of those elements with which the writer is most familiar, a large proportion of the separational and determinative pro­ cedures are cumbersome and in some instances ineffective. While in general, the common elements have received enlightened attention, one's confidence in the value of the edition as a whole is not encouraged by the conspicuous disregard for new and improved meth­ ods. In the light of the advancement made in analytical methods during the past three decades, one may question the wisdom of attempting to produce, in a single volume, a compilation of the most effective gravimetric, volumetric and colorimetric procedures for the many elements included in the Sixth Edition. This edition deals with 80 elements, excluding the transuranium and rare gas elements. Separate chap­

NEW BOOKS ters are devoted to the platinum metals, fire assay for gold and silver, and the rare earth metals. Compared to the 5th Edition there are some 200 additional pages. The relatively great volume of new published methods for divalent cations is reflected in the 6th Edition. The material for cadmium, magnesium, titanium, phosphorous, uranium, and beryllium is increased and improved. In the case of copper, the content is reduced to about one half, with an improvement in the choice of analytical methods. Methods for strontium have been increased in recognition of its relationship to radio­ activity. The arrangement of the analytical material is excellent; at the completion of each chapter there is provided a list of internal· references which direct the reader to specific applications of the methods for each element. In general this 6th edition will be useful to those individuals and institu­ tions whose only requirement is that the analytical methods provide accept­ able results. It is not recommended as a source for a choice of the most ef­ ficient analytical methods, particularly in the case of the noble metals, and for colorimetric methods in general. Progress in Polarography. Edited by Petr Zuman with the collaboration of I. M. Kolthoff. John Wiley & Sons. Inc., Interscience Div., Ι^Ιβ Park Avenue South. New York 16. Ν. Υ. 1962. Vol I. xiv + 355 pages. $12. Vol. II. χ + 4-50 pages. $15. Reviewed by John D. Voorhies, American Cyanamid Co., Bound Brook, N. J. These volumes consist of thirty-eight short "papers" on various theoretical and practical aspects of polarography. Both volumes are primarily concerned with phenomena associated with mer­ cury indicating electrodes, especially the dropping mercury electrode. The papers are concise and descriptive and are written by an impressive array of international polarographers and electrochemists in celebration of Profes­ sor Heyrovsky's seventieth birthday. Thus, "progress" refers to developments in the theory and practice of polarog­ raphy since Heyrovsky's discovery in 1922. Obviously, the length of the volumes precludes a detailed treatment of these developments. The organization of this work into Volumes 1 and 2 is approximately based on "theory" (Volume 1) and "practice" (Volume 2). Volume 1 is primarily devoted to the diagnosis and interpre­

tation of the essential phenomena in classical polarography with the DME. The emphasis in this volume is on the totality of chemical and electrochemi­ cal information obtained through polarographic studies. Volume 2 is con­ cerned with variations and extensions of classical polarography and with gen­ eral methodology, instrumentation, and analytical applications. The content of individual chapters in both volumes is organized around certain specialties of the contributing authors. Because of the number and brevity of contribu­ tions, there is occasional overlap in sub­ ject matter and therefore some ineffi­ ciency in the presentation of informa­ tion. In some chapters, the restricted length of presentation has forced the author to generalize to the extent that the reader is left with a somewhat frus­ trated knowledge of the subject. The content of Volume 1 includes very informative discussions on litera­ ture, history, diffusion current theory, validity and corrections of the Ilkovic equation, interpretation of current-time curves at single drops, rates of electron transfer processes, double layer effects, adsorption, kinetics and mechanism of inorganic and organic electrode proc­ esses, and nonaqueous solvents. In gen­ eral, the mathematical presentation of theory is brief with reliance on funda­ mental differential equations, state­ ments of boundary conditions, and final expressions for the relationship of the crucial parameters. The most detailed chapter is an excellent contribution on polarographic "kinetic currents" con­ trolled by mass transfer, electron trans­ fer, and chemical reactions of reactants, intermediates, and products. The first eight chapters in Volume 2 deal with modifications of indicating electrodes, including a brief chapter on solid electrodes, and with techniques employing various schemes of applied voltage control. The highlights of this section are the chapters on square wave, oscillographic and AC polarogra­ phy and tensammetry and their modi­ fications. The last fifteen chapters are very brief discussions, with long bibliog­ raphies on polarographic instrumen­ tation (world-wide), cells, continuous analyzers, and the applications of polarography to organic analysis, metal­ lurgy-, medicine, pharmacy, biochem­ istry, mineralogy, geology, archaeology and industrial chemistry (pesticides, high polymers and electrolytic proc­ esses) . The chapters are very sketchy in their attempt to summarize the wealth of "analytical polarography" some of which is described in some de­ tail by other volumes on polarography, VOL. 34, NO. 11, OCTOBER 1962



NEW BOOKS e.g., "Polarography" by Kolthoff and Lingane and "Polarography in Medi­ cine, Biochemistry and Pharmacy" by Brezina and Zuman.

Research Dept., Veterans Administra­ tion Hospital, Albuquerque, New Mex­ ico.

Paper Electrophoresis. L. P. Ribeiro, E. Mitideri, and 0. R. Affonso (Translated by Mrs. Charity Cole). x>i + 463 pages. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 120 Alexander St., Prince­ ton, N. J. 1961. $14.

The authors seldom stray from the subject matter of the title. Their pass­ ing references to other stabilizing media are too brief to be useful. The most valuable chapters of this book are those devoted to the clinical applications of paper electrophoresis. These sections devoted to the clinical significances of abnormal distributions

Reviewed by Dr. R. Ό. Strickland,

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of the proteins in body fluids are the most extensive compilations that have come to this reviewer's attention. Techniques for detecting and measuring proteins including hemoglobin, lipopro­ teins, glycoproteins, and mucoproteins as well as plasma proteins are given de­ tailed but rather uncritical coverage. Too little attention has been given to the inaccuracies of measurement that result from assuming that different pro­ teins have equal capacities for binding dyes. There are excellent discussions cover­ ing the separations of enzymes, hor­ mones, vitamins, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, amino acids, and peptides. Some attention is given also to tissue proteins and to food proteins of both animal and vegetable origin. There is a chapter on Immunoelectrophoresis and one con­ cerned with a miscellany of topics in­ cluding organic acids, amines, venoms, porphyrins, carcinogens, dyes, alkaloids, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, indoles, viruses, and tannins. This book will interest the reader only to the degree that he is biochemi­ cally oriented. Discussion of inorganic applications is limited to 12 pages, while the chapter on theory is a spotty pres­ entation of material that is readily available elsewhere. It is no easy matter to give coherent and readable style to a book based on 3223 literature citations but the au­ thors have succeeded admirably. Credit for her excellent work must also be given to the translator.

The Analysis of Titanium. Zirconium & Their Alloys by Elwell & Wood.

xi + 198 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Park Avenue South, New York 16, Ν. Υ. 1963. $7.75. Reviewed by Edward R. Schejfer, National Lead Co., South. Amboy, N.J. This monograph is an expansion of early methods on titanium analyses published privately by the Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. These have been brought up to .-date and expanded to include the analysis of zirconium and its alloys. The book is essentially a laboratory manual covering 26 elements under the section on titanium. Included with these quantitative methods is a very brief section on spectrographic analysis as well as qualitative procedures for identification of alloying constituents with titanium. The portion of the book devoted to zirconium covers 29 ele­ ments. There is also a section on spec­ trographic procedures for hafnium, rare earths, and other elements. The methods given are very complete

in their directional detail and include an estimate of the precision which can be expected for the level of concentra­ tion for which the method was designed. Many of the methods have been de­ veloped at ICI laboratories and all have been evaluated by them. As a result there is little or no discussion of the methods themselves or a comparison with possible alternate procedures which might appear in the literature. These methods would therefore fall in the same category as standard meth­ ods issued by industry or technical associations which are developed for specific elements to be analyzed in limited materials under precise condi­ tions. Since there are usually alternate pro­ cedures which may give similar preci­ sion of results, it would be remiss to insist that these be covered in a book which admittedly has chosen those most satisfactory to the author. However, one element will serve as an example of the possible limitations of the book. The volumetric analysis for titanium is carried out with a Jones reductor, a much simpler reduction technique using aluminum foil in place of the Jones re­ ductor has been used by the titanium industry for the last few years. How­ ever, this is a matter of choice and anyone needing proven methods for the elements in the given matrix will find procedures which arc precise and reli­ able. Biochemical Applications of Gas Chromatography. H. P. Burchfield and Ε. E. Storrs. 680 pages. Aca­ demic Press, Inc., Ill Fifth Ave., New York, Ν. Υ. 1962. $22. Reviewed by S. R. Lipsky, University School of Medicine, Haven, Conn.

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This book undoubtedly represents the most comprehensive compilation of in­ formation to date on the general appli­ cation of this fascinating and powerful analytical technique. A significant por­ tion of the voluminous text covers ma­ terial published prior to early 1961. Generally the subject matter is easily assimilable, the text is amply illustrated with diagrams and charts, and the sub­ ject index is detailed and extensive. Several defects tend to detract from the otherwise over-all excellence of the book. In a rapidly progressing field, such as gas chromatography, it is al­ most impossible to judiciously comment upon every area in the multitude of disciplines that it encompasses. Thus in a number of instances the subject matter is too diffuse and suffers accord­ ingly. Oft times coverage is either ex-

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NEW BOOKS ceedingly brief or somewhat overbear­ ing. T h e authors compulsively stray into spheres t h a t are far afield from the realm of biochemical applications. T h e first a n d the most extensive chapter of the text entitled "General Tech­ niques, Conventions and Instrumenta­ tion" represents an ambitious a t t e m p t to present a condensed version of cer­ tain major aspects of the theory and practice of gas chromatography. In several places it is woefully out of date. The majority of chapters t h a t are concerned primarily with the applica­ tions of the technique are superbly pre­ sented. They are written with a degree of clarity and organization rarely seen in other books of this type. Editorial comment is generously interspersed with a wealth of information extracted from the pertinent scientific literature. Undoubtedly to the knowledgeable sci­ entist in the field this text will be of great, service as an exceedingly handy source of reference material. The be­ ginner in gas chromatography however may do well to first approach a more condensed primer before moving on to a text of this type. Under these cir­ cumstances he is less likely to be over­ whelmed by the enormity of it all and will undoubtedly be in a better position to appreciate the valuable contribution made by Drs. Burchfield and Storrs. Fluorescence Medicine. 505 pages. Fifth Ave.,

Assay in Biology a n d Sidney Udenfriend. χ + Academic Press, Inc., Ill New York 3, Ν. Υ. 1962.

$n. Reviewed by Dr. Harold Kalant, University of Toronto, Toronto, Can­ ada,

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The past decade has seen a tremen­ dous increase in the application of fluorometric assay methods in the bio­ logical and medical sciences. This has been due not only to the extraordinary sensitivity of such methods, b u t also to the recent development of accurate and reliable instruments which are available commercially. Unfortunately, as Dr. Udenfriend points out r biologists (in the broad sense) are often ill-equipped to know the pitfalls inherent in fluoro­ metric analysis, to select the most a p ­ propriate methods, and to recognize all the theoretical implications of their findings. This book is intended as a practical guide through such problems. The first two chapters present a brief introduction to the terminology and theoretical basis of fluorometric analysis, including such topics as elec­ tronic transitions, R a m a n effect, fluo­ rescence efficiency, and molecular struc­ tural basis of fluorescence. Portions of other chapters deal with theoretical

NEW BOOKS aspects of other topics such as quench­ ing, and energy transfer. T h e theoreti­ cal partions are p e r h a p s t h e least satisfactory of t h e book. If t h e y are intended for t h e edification of biologists with very little training in physics, t h e y should be long enough and simple enough to present the concepts in accessible form and de­ velop t h e m systematically. Unfortu­ nately these chapters are too brief for t h e purpose, and p r e s u m e such detailed previous knowledge t h a t the reader who most needs an explanation is least likely το be helped. This also applies occa­ sionally to the practical portions of the book, as when t h e t e r m "second order peak," for example, is used without any explanation. However, t h e main portion of the book is intended to be practical r a t h e r t h a n theoretical, and it achieves its goal admirably. C h a p t e r 3 describes in de­ tail, with n u m e r o u s illustrations, t h e types of i n s t r u m e n t now available com­ mercially or u n d e r development. This should help m a n y readers in selecting e q u i p m e n t a p p r o p r i a t e to their needs. I t is u n d e r s t a n d a b l e b u t regrettable t h a t no indication is given of approxi­ m a t e prices, which range from several h u n d r e d to m a n y t h o u s a n d s of dollars, and m a y well influence the choice of the prospective user of fluorescence m e t h ­ ods. M o s t of t h e book ( C h a p t e r s 5-13) consists of detailed descriptions of methods for fluorometric assay of v a r i ­ ous g r o u p s of substances : amino acids and amines, proteins, vitamins and de­ rivatives, steroids, s u n d r y drugs and toxins, inorganic elements, and other substances of i m p o r t a n c e in animal and plant metabolism. M a n y of t h e de­ scriptions include practical " t i p s " de­ rived from t h e a u t h o r ' s own b r o a d per­ sonal experience. A particularly good feature is t h e inclusion of numerous ref­ erences t o substances which have been shown qualitatively t o fluoresce, b u t for which accurate q u a n t i t a t i v e m e t h ­ ods have not y e t been developed. These references m a y well stimulate others to develop such m e t h o d s to meet their own analytical needs. I n s u m m a r y , this book is an excellent practical l a b o r a t o r y m a n u a l which m a y well become for users of fluorometric methods what "Manometric Methods" (by U m b r e i t et al.) has been for stu­ dents and research workers using the W a r b u r g technique. D e t e r m i n a t i o n of Total X-Ray Beam Energy w i t h a Calibrated Ioniza­ tion Chamber. J. S. Pruitt and iS. R. Domen, National Bureau of Standards Monograph J,8, issued June 5, 1962, 16 pages, 20 cents.

(Order from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Print­ ing Office, Washington 25, D. C). This M o n o g r a p h describes t h e use of an air-filled aluminum-alloy ionization chamber to determine the energy t r a n s ­ ported b y a bremsstrahlung beam with m a x i m u m photon energy in the range 6 to 170 m.e.v. T h e experimental cali­ brations of this chamber over this energy range are given, as well as the results of calibration experiments m a d e with a 250 k v . constant-potential x-ray tube with C s 1 3 7 and C o 0 0 g a m m a rays.

IN CHROMATOGRAM ANALYSES . . . Reduce calculation time 10 to 1, eliminate human errors with

H a n d b o o k of Chemistry a n d Physics. 4 4 t h Edition. S5Ifi pages. The Chemical Rubber Publishing Co., 2310 Superior Ave., Cleveland Uh Ohio. $12. This s t a n d a r d reference has been im­ p r o v e d in this edition b y t h e inclusion of the following tables based on C a r b o n = 12; Values of General Physical Con­ s t a n t s , Periodic C h a r t of t h e Elements, and Atomic Weights of Elements. T h e r e is a new table of Physical and Chemical Properties of the R a r e E a r t h Metals, and new material for synthetic oils, fats, and waxes. Included among the 20 new tables a r e : Superconduct­ ing Elements, Tables of B i n a r y a n d T e r n a r y Azeotropes, a n d Properties of Electrodes used for D e t e r m i n a t i o n of pH. Air S a m p l i n g I n s t r u m e n t s for Evalua­ tion of Atmospheric Contaminants.

2nd Ed. Prepared by the Committee of Air Sampling Instruments. Ameri­ can Conference of Governmental In­ dustrial Hygienists, IOI4. Broadway, Cincinnati, 2, Ohio. 1962. Softbound $8.00 Hardbound $9.50 This second edition is a revision and extension of t h e 1st edition. Fortynine i n s t r u m e n t descriptions have been retained with little or no changes, while 22 have been extensively r e w r i t t e n ; 82 new descriptions have been added. A major i m p r o v e m e n t over the 1st edition is t h e inclusion of comprehensive technical discussions a t the beginning of i n s t r u m e n t groupings, written b y authorities in each field. These dis­ cussions cover t h e inherent capabilities, sensitivities, advantages, and limitations of t h e m e t h o d s themselves. T h r e e new discussions have been added to P a r t A which describes t h e principles and usage of air sampling and air sampling i n s t r u m e n t s , and t h e earlier articles have been revised to bring t h e m u p - t o - d a t e . Included in t h e appendixes are d a t a useful to industrial hygienists.

Labor-saving, automatic and accurate, the CRS-1 Digital Integrator accepts the output signal of any common gas chromatograph and converts it to digital values of both retention time and relative area. Peak retention times and peak areas are then recorded simultaneously in any of the com­ mon formats: digital printer or typewriter, punched IBM cards, punched paper tape, or magnetic tape using the Infotronics R-l Digital Magnetic Recorder. FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS 1. CRS-1 automatically resolves " s i d e " or partial peaks into separate areas. 2. High speed integration response — will process peaks spaced as closely as 1.5 seconds. 3. High resolution — 1 0 , 0 0 0 counts per second give maximum area accuracy. 4. Automatic area totalizing. 5. Works equally well with either ioniza­ tion or thermal conductivity detectors. 6. Optional input selector switch allows you to switch CRS-1 to five different chromatographs. 7. Output data compatible w i t h computer. Input: Full scale ranges—50 mv standard or 1 mv with preamplifier. Output: linear to 100% overload on input. Integrator: Six digits standard. Accuracy: 0 . 1 % of full scale maximum error in integration conversion. No errors in counting per se. Transistorized control circuit: Maximum threshold sensitivity to rate of change of detector signal is better than 15 micro­ volts/second, or 1 microvolt/second w i t h preamplifier. For complete information, and a fist of satisfied users, ^ please contact ^^^g


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NEW BOOKS International Petroleum Conference. Vol. 1. 308 -pages. Hungarian Aca­ demy of Sciences, Budapest, Hun­ gary. 1962. Clothbound, in Ger­ man. $6,50. Twenty-six contributions presented at t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Petroleum Confer­ ence held at Budapest in April 1962 are reprinted from Acta Chimica. T h e subjects covered automatic cal­ culators, chromatographic separation of aromatic hydrocarbons, desulfurization, electron microscopic identification, kinetic yields in hydrocracking, and desalting of raw oils.

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1 9 6 1 Compilation of ASTM Stand­ a r d s on Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Related Products, xxvi + 1524 pages. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Phila­ delphia 3, Pa. 1961. $15.00. To ASTM members: $12.

FOR LIQUID SAMPLING: Cells are provided in demountable or sea'ed versions, in various dis­ crete path lengths, for regular or micro sampling. Special cells with micrometer adjustments for vary­ ing path length are also available, as well as heated cells for special studies. FOR




Included are 466 specifications, meth­ ods of test, and definitions of current interest. Over half of these have been developed or revised since the publica­ tion of the previous compilation in 1958.

technique is facilitated by special-purpose acces­ sories: dies, holders, v i b r a t o r s - f o r preparing and analyzing samples in standard 13mm and micro KBr discs. Perkin-Elmer also has special accessories that equip the Models 4 2 1 , 221 and 21 to handle other un­ usual sampling problems. And—most large-instru­ ment accessories are adaptable to P-E's low-cost line of IR spectrophotometers. For complete de­ tails, write to Instrument Division, Perkin-Elmer Cor­ poration, 7 5 1 Main Avenue, Norwalk, Connecticut.

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An Introduction t o Infrared Spectros­ c o p y . Werner Briigel. Translated by A. R. Katritzky and A. J. D. Katritzky. xv + 419 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Park Avenue S., New York 16, Ν. Υ. 1962. $9. This book is a translation of the second G e r m a n edition of D r . W. Brugel's "Einfuhrung in die TJltrarotspektroskopie," which appeared in 1957. Extensive additions, provided by D r . Briigel, have been incorporated, t h u s bringing this book u p t o t h e stage of t h e t h i r d G e r m a n edition which a p ­ peared in 1961. This book emphasizes t h e experi­ mental side of t h e subject. I t begins with a group of seven chapters on basic theory, including a discussion of the quantum-theoretical basis, and continu­ ing with an account of vibration and rotation spectra in small molecules. T h e next section, devoted to instrumen­ tation, covers t h e topics: sources, de­ tectors, m o n o c h r o m a t o r s and gas ana­ lysers, and reviews available commer­ cial spectrometers. T h e t h i r d section deals with applications in structural diagnosis, analysis, and t h e uses of polarization, reflection, and microscopic techniques. Finally, there is a section dealing with frequency correlations for some selected groups, and t h e spectra of high polymers. L i t e r a t u r e references of experimental techniques to the end of 1956 are nearly complete, b u t the

ever-increasing literature on applica­ tions since then has been left for t h e documentation system. Chromatographic R e v i e w s . Volume 4- Edited by Michael Lederer. 184 pages. American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., 52 Vanderbilt Ave., New York 17, Ν. Υ. 1962. $9.50. This is t h e fourth volume of an an­ nual review series on c h r o m a t o g r a p h y and covers the year 1961. Of the eight reviews in the present volume, four have not hitherto been published: the two reviews by C. S. Knight, and those b y R. W . Bailey and J. B . P r i d h a m and by C. V. Viswanat h a n , Miss B . Meera Bai and U. Sitarama Acharya. Two reviews by J. P. Adloff and E . Demole are appearing for the first time in English. F o u r re­ views have appeared in the Journal of Chromatography. The authors and titles of the 8 re­ views included a r e : Quantitative Radio P a p e r C h r o m a ­ tography, F . Pocchiari and C. Rossi ; Gas C h r o m a t o g r a p h y of Radioactive Substances. Techniques and Applica­ tions, J. P . Adloff; Recent Progress in Thin-layer C h r o m a t o g r a p h y , E. Demole ; Studies of Chromatographic Media. I I . T h e Use of Strong Cationexchange P a p e r s for the Separation of Mixtures of Amino Acids, C. S. K n i g h t ; T h e Separation and Identification of Oligosaccharides, R. W. Bailey and J. B . P r i d h a m ; C h r o m a t o g r a p h y of P o r ­ phyrins and Metalloperphyrins, J. E . F a l k ; P a p e r C h r o m a t o g r a p h y of Higher F a t t y Acids, C. V. Viswanathan, B . M e e r a Bai and U. Sitarama Acharya.

Publications. Spring 1962. National Academy of Sciences-National Re­ search Council. Free. This 130-page catalog lists the scien­ tific and technical publications originat­ ing in or sponsored b y the A c a d e m y Research Council which are presently available for general distribution or are scheduled for early publication. Most of the publications a p p e a r under a subject heading and are briefly de­ scribed as to content, size, price, etc.

1961 Compilation of ASTM Standards on Petroleum Products and Lubri­ cants. Vol. II. D-2. ASTM. xvi + 722 pages. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St.. Philadelphia S, Pa. 1961. $9. To ASTM members: $7.20. This compilation contains 123 stand­ ards and 57 tentatives for materials

Circle No. 130 on Readers' Service Card 7 0 A



Circle No. 138 on Readers' Service Card


NEW BOOKS other than petroleum in which the petroleum industry is interested; vol­ ume 1 published October 1961 covers only petroleum products. Analytical methods included are: a new method for determining gas content by dis­ placement with C 0 2 (in insulating oil) ; new tests for acidity and polar con­ tamination in used transformer oils by spot tests; a new method of test for traces of thiophene in benzene using isatin and spectrophotometry.

For Recording pH

Specifications and standards relating to the following are included: bitumi­ nous road and paving materials, con­ crete joint sealing compounds, bitumi­ nous materials for roofing and water­ proofing, carbon black, electrical in­ sulating liquids, gaseous fuels, aromatic hydrocarbons, paints and lacquers, wax polishes, quality control, and spectros­ copy. The book also contains definitions of terms for density and specific gravity

Actual laboratory application showing Sargent Con­ stant Rate Burette with Magnetic Stirrer, pH RE­ CORDING ADAPTER, and Model SR Recorder.


EXCELLENT STABILITY Drift less than 0.01 pH/hour

• FLEXIBILITY Output adjustable to give full scale recorder deflection for 1 to 14 pH

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Volumes I t o V .

Scientific Society of Measurement and Automation, Buda-pest, Hungary. 1962. No price given. The proceedings of the Second Inter­ national Measurement Conference held at Budapest, Hungary, June 26 to July 1, 1961, are presented in five volumes. Volume I covers metrology and prob­ lems encountered in measuring systems. Delegates from 26 countries presented views on the diverse terminology used with modern measuring techniques, the accuracy necessary in the instruments used and in the machines which build the instruments, the setting up of new standards, the redetermination of phys­ ical constants, automation, and the use of computer techniques. Volume II covers the marginal fields related to measurement and automa­ tion. Process control systems and re­ lated measuring instruments are dis­ cussed critically. Volume I I I presents geodetic meas­ urements and topics such as modern vibration test instruments and interfcrometric dilatometry. Volume IV deals with instruments used in photometry, spectroscopy, colorimetry, electrochemistry, and gas analysis. The measurement of very high temperatures necessitates a redefi­ nition of temperature and of the physi­ cal basis of its concept. Volume V covers extensively instru­ ments and measuring procedures for electrical and magnetic quantities and radioactivity.


Extreme resistance in electrode or solution is completely compatible with Sargent or other high quality potentiometric recorders through this new instrument, which transmits potential without distortion but converts impedance to lower values. An electrometer circuit—stable, linear and of high resistance—provides smooth, non-interrupted conversion with output at maximum sensitivity approxi­ mately 1 millivolt per pH unit. Adjustable sensitivity and variable displacement give flexibility in setting pH range of the recorder. Accommodates standard commercial glass and reference electrodes. For pH titration, the Sargent Constant Rate Burettes, which may be synchron­ ously driven from Sargent Recorders, are useful adjuncts. S-72172 pH ADAPTER-Sargent Recorder. Without electrodes $150.00


of solids, liquids, and gases, and defini­ tions of terms relating to absorption spectroscopy. The book is completed by an index covering both Vols. I and II.

Critical reviews of these books are scheduled to appear in future issues of ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY.

Rapid Microchemical Identification Methods in Pharmacy and Toxi­ cology. Felix Amelink. vi + 121 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 440 Park Ave., South, New York 16, Ν. Y. 1962. $9.00.

Gas-Liquid Chromatography. Ste­ phen Dal Nogare, Richard S. Juvet, Jr., xviii + ^50 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Interscience Division, 4.40 Park Avenue South, New York 16, Ν. Υ. 1962. $13.95.