Philadelphia Presbyterian Church CHRIST THE KING

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Opportunities This Week: Nov. 25—Dec. 2, 2018 Sunday 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 6:15 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

The Journey—Kerr Building Sunday School Sanctuary-Traditional Worship Service—Baptism—Sanctuary Handbell Choir Practice—Bell Choir Rm. Sanctuary Choir Practice—Adult Choir Room

Monday 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.

Basketball—Kerr Building Boy Scouts—Bigham Hall Session Meeting—Session Room AA Group Meeting (New Comers)—Old Scout Hut

Tuesday 5:30 p.m. Girls Basketball—Kerr Building 6:00 p.m. Girl Scouts—Chapel Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Craft Workshops—Chapel Annex Wonderful Wednesday Program (see complete schedule) 6:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Eve Service—Kerr Building 7:00 p.m. Breakfast for Supper 8:00 p.m. AA Meeting (open)—Old Scout Hut Thursday

Church Office Closed for Thanksgiving 7:00 p.m. AA Meeting (Women’s closed step)—Old Scout Hut


Assisting in the Worship Service Today Head Usher

11:00 a.m.

Sound Booth 11:00 a.m. Lock-up Officer Acolyte 11:00 a,m. Nursery Contact 11:00 a.m.

Prayer Concerns [Kelly Glanzer] daughter of Pete & Dottie Kastner

[Beth Welch] sister-in-law of Pamela Rosmon [Claude Allen] father of Alice Pamplin [Andrew Metz] Macie Allen [Joe Flowe] [Dink Mitchell] Ed Simmons [Jensen McDonald] [Patsy Abernathy] [Erik Mendlik] son of Jane Mendlik [Nicki Bailey and family] friends of Jennifer Fauser [Sherrie Whalen] sister of Judy Clinton [Bill Allen] son of Macie Allen [Chuck Mauldin] Ken Epley [Steve Horton] [Daniel Megs] friend of Mark & Tamara Jetton [John Funderud] cousin of Leslie Allen [Doug Williams] [Barbara Brown] niece of Pamela Rosmon [Avery Phillips]

Church Office Closed for Thanksgiving 8:00 p.m. AA Meeting (open)—Bigham Hall


Sunday, December 2 9:00 a.m. The Journey Service—Kerr Building 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Sanctuary-Traditional Worship Service—Sanctuary 6:15 p.m. Handbell Choir Practice—Bell Choir Rm. 7:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir Practice—Adult Choir Room

Attendance 11/18/18 9:00 a.m. Worship—117 10:00 a.m. Church School—183 11:00 a.m. Worship—182

Richard Newton & Diane Campbell-Beard Bill Johnston Bill Johnston Sam Strand Jane Long & Jill Linscheid

Regency Carrington Place Willow Grove Carillon Brookdale Charlotte E. Pruitt Health Union Royal Park

Brookdale Monroe Square Morningside Clear Creek Aldersgate White Oak The Heritage At Lowman Little Flower Elliotte Manor Asbury

Extended Care Rachel Nance [Harvey Phillips], Helen Smetts Bonnie Barnes Doris Jordan, Bob Wilson Virginia Boyd & Martha Benehaley Judy Myers Grace Jones, [Louise Wilson] mother of Jane Long, Claudia Long [Florence Broome] mother of Judy Clinton Wayne & Barbara Wolfe Leila Campbell [Joyce Jennings] mother of Mardy Watson Jean Hargett Ed Simmons Rachel P. Tweed Frances Leete Roy Perry Mary Hyatt

Philadelphia Presbyterian Church CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY November 25, 2018 11:00 a.m. Prelude

Welcome and Announcements Call to Worship +Hymn #267

Bonighton Min. Katie Sloan

“All Hail, King Jesus” “Come, Christians, Join to Sing”

Sacrament of Baptism Presentation of the Gift


Katherine Olivia Anderson Ellen Street

Call to Confession Silent Prayers of Confession Prayers of the Day and the Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Assurance of Pardon Choral Response Children’s Sermon

[Following the Message, children (age 3-K) may leave to join Children’s Church.]


“The King of Love My Shepherd Is” Jane Mendlik, flute

Scripture Readings This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Sermon

PASTORAL CARE EMERGENCIES contact: Rev. Rusty Benton, Pastor (1-864-399-2288) Katie Sloan, Associate Minister (704-236-1369) Stephen Minister: Grace Phillips (704) 545-5853

“Christus Pastor Rex”

+Hymn #330

“The Toolbox” “Our Help Is in the Name of God”

Nolte 2 Samuel 23:1-4

Min. Rusty Benton OLD 124TH

+Affirmation of Faith (unison)


The Apostles’ Creed I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into hell. The third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen. +Hymn #581

“Gloria Patri”

Presentation of Offerings Offertory

“Dwelling in His Word”


Doxology #606 Dedication Prayer +Hymn #265

“Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun”


+Benediction Choral Response Postlude

“The King of Glory”


+Those who are able please stand. WELCOME visitors and friends. We are happy you have joined us for worship. Please sign the Attendance Register so we may greet you. THE FLOWERS today are given to the glory of God and in honor of Virginia Burel to celebrate her 103rd birthday. The flowers are given by the "Mint Julips of Mint Hill Red Hat Society" and the Tina Ross Circle #5. IT’S TIME TO ORDER POINSETTIAS for placement in the sanctuary during the Christmas season. The cost is $8.00 for each 6 inch pot. Please use the order forms on the tables in the narthex. Order forms must be returned to the church office by December 3rd. PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN’S CIRCLE MEETINGS – Circle #1 & #2—Tuesday, December 4th at 10:30 a.m. in the Heritage Room; Circle #5—Tuesday, December 11 at 10:30 a.m. in the Heritage Room; Circle #6—Tuesday, December 11th at 5:30 p.m. in the PW Courtyard Lobby.

-SUN//DEC 16: MS Christmas Party (4:00-6:00pm) -SUN//DEC 16: HS Christmas Party (6:00-8:00pm)

BACKPACKS OF LOVE -- Having sent extra food home for the long Thanksgiving weekend, we need to resupply our inventory. Please shop for whatever food you like to buy to start us off in December. Many thanks for your faithfulness. CHRISTMAS TREE SANTAS - It’s hard to believe that its almost time to deck the halls and trim the trees, but it is fast approaching! On Saturday, December 1 st we are partnering with Christmas Tree Santas to giveaway 225 fresh Christmas trees to deserving families who are in need of a blessing this year. Volunteers are needed the day before the event to unload trees and the day between 8 AM – 2 PM. There are lots of fun ways you can help. Please contact Katie at [email protected] or 704-236-1369. OUR COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS PARTY is on December 8th. Please join us as PPC will provide fun and games for our community and surrounding areas. If you are interested in volunteering please email [email protected]

BLOOD DRIVE - Saturday, December 8th from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in Bigham Hall. The American Red Cross has an emergency need for blood and platelets. Donors should eat iron-rich foods for two weeks before donating blood. Drink plenty of water, and avoid caffeine on the day of the drive. You can schedule your appointment at and enter the Sponsor Code: MintHillChurches. PPC IS PARTICIPATING in the Angel Tree project again this year. This ministry provides Christmas gifts for local children and adults in need. The Angel Tree is set up in the entry foyer of the Administration/Education Building. You may select an angel and purchase the requested item(s), or age appropriate items, then return your wrapped item—with the angel SECURELY attached to the gift—to the church no later than December 9th. If you have questions please call Millie Mullis 704-545-5313. CHRISTMAS TREE SALE-The Philadelphia Class is sponsoring a Christmas Tree Sale again this year. Contact Mickey Ellington at 704-5454421or a member of the Philadelphia Class for more information.

THE PHILADELPHIA CLASS is selling Auto Bell Car Wash cards for $20 to

help raise money for their classes Love Offering. You may contact Earney Smith at 704545-1811 to order tickets.

PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF STAFF E-MAIL ADDRESSES: Rev Rusty Benton, Pastor [email protected] Katie Sloan, Associate Minister [email protected] Shane Sledd, Minister of Youth & Families [email protected] Judy Clinton, Office Manager [email protected] Cynthia Stokes, Secretary/Receptionist [email protected] Linda Cummins, Web Master/Administrative Assistant [email protected] Jane Mendlik, Director of Music [email protected]

BE THE HANDS AND FEET OF JESUS, sign up to serve our Room in the Inn ministry today! PPC will host twelve homeless neighbors each Wednesday night from December through March, and it takes a lot of volunteers each year to make this happen. If your small group, Sunday School class, or ministry team would like to host a week (or two!) contact Andrew Starnes (estarnes24 @ or Cathy Snelson ([email protected]). AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS (AED) are located in box 96 in the main hallway beside the church office, in the Kerr Building, and in Bigham Hall. THE INVITATION TO MEMBERSHIP: Philadelphia Church welcomes persons who wish to join us in witness and service to Jesus Christ. If you are interested in church membership or desire more information about this congregation, please indicate on the Attendance Register or, as you leave, speak to one of the pastors. Philadelphia Presbyterian Church 11501 Bain School Road Charlotte, North Carolina 28227 Phone Number: 704-545-6172