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AUTOMATIC SAMPLE CHANGING * w i n d o w l e s s detection provides high efficiencies for H 3 , C 14 , P 32 , S 35 , Ca 45 • continuous pre-flush speeds counting

Product Capsules Pumps. 1000-pago catalog high vacuum pumps.

features 149

Pumps. Catalog details versatile infusion pump. 88 Radiation Meters. Details on full line of detection equipment. 56 Radiation Meters. filter film badges.

TURN TO THE PIONEER in growth chambers

Details on triple 160

from 1954

Radiation Meters. Data on radioisotope detection instruments. 70 Radiation Meters. Bulletin on alphabeta-gamma survey meters. 53 Reagents. analysis.

Chemicals for amino acid 90

to 1962

Reagents. Full list of organic compounds offered. '31 Recorders. Bulletin offered on new graphic recorder. 87 Recorders. Full data, on new T-Y recorders offered. 12 Refractometers. to .00003.

Precision unit reads 47

Regulators. Pressure regulator for sampling compressed gases. 163 Sampling Units. Catalog details infrared sampling accessories. 58 New R C L Automatic Sample Changer provides higher efficiency of windowless gas flow detection without contaminating the counting chamber — and a faster counting rate. New design features unique prc-flush chamber ahead of the counting chamber and a four-position precision geneva movement sample changer. Counting column holds 50 samples in pans up to 1 l/i" diameter. Samples automatically (or manually) advance to preflush chamber, where counting gas atmosphere flushes out normal air contamination. Samples then enter counting c h a m b e r under positive pressure which prevents contamination from the pre-flushing chamber. C o n t i n u o u s flow of c o u n t i n g gas over samples permits instantaneous reading. When changer is combined with R C L Printing Sealer-Timer, Model 20318, the count can be automatically recorded. Output can be routed to digital tape printer, x-y curve plotter, nixie display or almost any other readout or printout device.

Scalers. Data on new transistorized electronic scaler. 153 Scanners. Unit scans chromatograms automatically. 26 Services. Info on analytical and metallurgical services. 104 Services. Details on radiochemical measurement services. 86


5121 West Grove Street, Skokie, Illinois, U.S.A., Phone:YOrktown 6-8700 Circle No. 16 on Readers' Service Card 148 A



Superior performance Flexibility in use Dependable, troublefree operation

Spatulas. Data on full line of micro and semi-micro units. 155 Spectrometers. Vacuum x-ray for elements above atomic 11. 140

For Complete information write:

Spectrometers. Full data on 11 types of spectrometers. 14 Spectrophotometers. Full data on XK prism/grating series. 158 Spectropolarimeters. Full details on automatic recording unit. 81


Since 1954 N a t i o n a l A p p l i a n c e has maintained pioneer leadership in the development of controlled environment chambers for use in life science studies. With the recent introduction of two new units, a reach-in chamber (No. 6500) and a walk-in chamber (No. 6 5 6 0 ) , a demand for simplicity, flexibility and economy in this type of equipment has been met. These chambers are aimed at a multitude of uses where strict reproduction of phenotypical characteristics or close control and measurement of environmental variables is essential. Despite their economy (prices start at $2995.00), the new chambers meet the following standards required of all National apparatus:

Stills. unit.

Brochure on all glass water 106

Stills. Details on molecular still and components. 46


N A T I O N A L APPLIANCE C O . P. O. Box 6403 Portland 23, Oregon

Eastern Repre»enlofiire H. REEVE ANGEL & CO., INC. 9 Bridowgil PI. Cllrton, New Jersey

Circle No. 81 on Readers' Service Card