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The Preaching Ministry of Ashley River Baptist Church

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God’s Family Values, Part 2 “Truth” The whole truth and nothing but the truth… so help me God! I. Truth—real and reliable Definition: actual state of a matter; factually accurate; conformity with reality Truth is real and reliable! It can be relied upon because it matches reality. II. Truth is rooted in God’s nature Truth is: who God is - what God says - What God does God is the ultimate embodiment of reality… the way things really are. John 14:6 Because God is the ultimate embodiment of reality, everything He does and says conforms with reality. Truth is reality and therefore is always consistent with God. Thus truth is reliable and trustworthy because it is rooted in the nature of the God of reality. Psalm 25:4-5 To value God is to value truth. Matthew 22:37 We must love what God loves and hate what God hates Valuing truth means hating falsehood. Proverbs 6:16-17 God hates lies and thus they are ungodly. Thus, to lie renders us ungodly, unreliable and worthless in that regard. Truth honors God and His nature. Truth pleases God. Truth conforms to reality and is trustworthy. We are Godly, trustworthy and reliable when we speak the truth. We have value! III. Truth begins within. Psalm 51:6 God desires that we seek truth on the inside that if might be reflected in our lives on the outside. Matthew 15:18-19 It is impossible to change a person from the outside. It is accomplished only from within.

“…Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.“ John 3:3 When a sinner submits to the person and power of Jesus Christ, we are reprogrammed with entirely new values…God’s values…Truthfulness! Being transformed by Christ to His values transforms our intent and desire to tell the truth. It will always be the intent and desire of Christians to be accurate and tell the truth because they value God’s truth within! IV. Truth must always operate in love Ephesians 4:15 Christians must always use truth lovingly… always acting in the best interest of and building up the other person. Speaking the truth in love includes:  Deciding when it is better left unsaid… loving silence or damaging secrets  Distinguishing opinion from factual truth  Speaking truth in public or private settings  Deciding what truth is most important… not all truth is equally important Ask God for wisdom: —to determine priorities and discern what is more or less important regarding truth —to balance our wholehearted commitment to God’s absolute truth with the command to love our neighbors and speak the truth in love Commitment It is imperative that we live and value truth because God is truth and it is rooted in His very nature! God hates lies and falsehood! It is of eternal importance! To know God is to love and live His truth. The man who says, "I know him," but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 1 John 2:4 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32 Dear Lord, transform me within and create within me a clean heart. Set me free to love and value Your truth above all else that I might always speak it in love, live it, demonstrate it to others and live a Godly life that is pleasing and acceptable to you… a life that reveals I have been born again and one that honors your Holy name!