electro products laboratories - ACS Publications - American Chemical

electro products laboratories - ACS Publications - American Chemical...

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REPRINTS Reviews and Symposia


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1st REVIEW . . . #R-13 . . . $0.50 2nd REVIEW . . . #R-19 . . . $0.50 3rd REVIEW . . . #R-28 . . . $0.50 3rd REVIEW . . . #R-10 . . . $0.50 4th REVIEW . . . #R-15 . . . $0.50 5th REVIEW . . . #R-22 . . . $0.50 Analytical GUetniiiny 1st REVIEW . . . #R-16 . . . $1.50 2nd REVIEW . . . #R-24 . . . $1.50 Items R-16 and R-24 . . . $2.50

Sytnp&lia Absorption and Extraction . . . #R-26 . . . $0.75 Adsorption #R-27 . . . $0.50 Atmospheric Pollution . . . . #R-21 . . . $0.75 Sulfur #R-31 . . . $0.75 Titanium #R-23 . . . $0.50 Key to year of publication: 1947 —R-l through R-9. 1948 —R-10 " R-15. 1949 —R-16 " R-21. 1950 —R-22

ORDER FROM: Special Publications Dept. American Chemical Society 1155—16th Street, N.W. Washington 6, D.C.

British Bulletin of Spectroscopy has made its initial appearance with a 4-page s u m m a r y of local a n d foreign activities in this field. I t is to be p u b lished every three m o n t h s b y t h e I n d u s trial Spectroscopy G r o u p of t h e Institure of Physics, t h e Photoelectric Spect r o m e t r y Group, t h e Infra-Red Discussion Group, a n d t h e Physical M e t h o d s G r o u p of t h e Society of Public Analysts and Other Analytical Chemists. T h e treasurer (to whom subscriptions should be sent, 5 shillings per year or 75 cents U. S.) is W. H . Storey, Unicam I n s t r u m e n t s (Cambridge) L t d . , A r b u r y Works, Cambridge, E n g l a n d . In a foreword, S. D . Steel, Glasgow Spectrographs Group, states: " T h e integrity and tradition of reliability associated with the scientific literature of this country are things of which we may be justly proud. Nevertheless those very features, by tending to raise the standard of literature to an increasingly higher level, frequently preclude from publication many items of interest and of real usefulness which might otherwise become available. "How often, for example, has one discovered on visiting a laboratory some gadget, or perhaps variation in technique, the use of which materially simplifies or assists some operation, but which is not considered to be of sufficient note to warrant submission for publication? Under these circumstances, only by personal contact with those responsible for such innovations can information of this nature be obtained. The importance of many of these apparently minor developments must never be underestimated and real need has existed for a medium through which data of this category could become available to all interested. This Bulletin represents a positive step towards providing such a medium in the various branches of spectroscopy." T h e Bulletin, in addition to its function as a n intelligence bulletin for speetroscopists, m a r k s a t e n t a t i v e a p proach t o w a r d s t h e coordination of t h e activities of t h e several spectroscopic groups in G r e a t Britain. Contact with similar groups a n d societies overseas is being established, a n d it is hoped t h a t t h e British Bulletin of Spectroscopy will also provide a forum for t h e exchange of views t h r o u g h t h e correspondence colu m n s of ensuing issues.

Associate Editor



C O N T I N U I N G OUI· report of Britain, t h e

from ACS Publications

Go44it>uuUiQ4i 1st REVIEW . . . #R-4 . . . 2nd REVIEW . . . #R-14 . . . 3rd REVIEW . . . #R-20 . . . 4th REVIEW . . . #R-30 . . .


the usual alloying constituents of copperbase alloys on a total sample weight of 1.0 gram Has been successfully tested. In addition to the electrolytic equipment, an absorptiomoter is necessary for the determination of iron, manganese, and nickel.




Determines Resonant Frequency of Any Mass for Structural Strength



Easily measures torsional and flexural characteristics of any material or solid mass. The mechanical driver is placed at one end of the sample under test and the pick-up at the other. Power is fed into the driver causing sample to vibrate. The pick-up converts this vibration into electrical energy, and as oscillator is tuned to proper frequency the point of resonance is shown by the meter. Mode of vibration and phase relationship are viewed on a cathode ray oscillograph.

For Testing Aluminum Carbon Electrodes Castings Concrete Ceramics Pressed Materials Plastics Metal Wood Many Others

ELECTRO PRODUCTS LABORATORIES 4501-AC Ravenswood Ave., Chicago 40, III Nsme Firm __



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Measures, records e x plosion, g a s or hydraulic p r e s s u r e in jet or internal combustion e n g i n e s , compressors, pipe lines a n d injection p u m p s .