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Elementary Training Manual


Contact Information: Elementary Director: Melissa Arabia

[email protected]

Children’s Ministry Directors: Carlyn Freil [email protected] Mary Arvay (Associate Dir.) [email protected]


724-941-8990 724-941-8990

Curriculum Director: Debbie Higgs

[email protected]

Saturday Service Coordinator: Laurie Freado

[email protected]


Special Needs Director: Jaclyn Stottlemyer

[email protected]


Tech Support: Simon James

[email protected]

Classrooms (A-Last Names A-L; B-Last Names M-Z): Kindergarten A: Room 403 Kindergarten B: Room 404 First Grade A: Room 408 First Grade B: Room 410 Second Grade A: Room 411 Second Grade B: Room 412 Third Grade A: Room 417 Third Grade B: Room 418 Fourth Grade A: Room 419 Fourth Grade B: Room 420 K-2 Large Group: Room 413-415 Third and Fourth Grade Large Group Room: 238-239 2

Table of Contents Topic

Page Numbers

Contact Information and Room Numbers

Page 2

What does Elementary Require of Me?

Pages 4-5

Small Group Leaders: Things to Know

Pages 6-7

Classroom Management Tips

Pages 8-9

Sunday Schedule 9:00 and 10:45a.m.

Page 10

Saturday Schedule 6:00 p.m.

Page 11

Large Group Presenters: Things to Know

Page 12

Large Group Presentation Tips

Pages 13-14


What Does Elementary Require of Me? *Commitment: Each small and large group leader is placed on a team (Team A or Team B). Team A serves on the first two weeks of each month; Team B serves on the last two. When there are five Sundays/Saturdays within a month, check the schedule to find which team will be responsible for the fifth week. On the first weekend of the service year, all classroom teachers are expected to serve together. Please use that time to get to know the leaders who will be serving with you in your classroom on the opposite weeks. They should be your first call when you need a sub. Please also discuss plans for classroom management so that there is consistency from week to week in how the class is run.

*Timeliness: Each leader’s duty begins 15 minutes before the service begins. (5:45p.m. on Saturday, 8:45a.m. on Sunday for the first service, and 10:30a.m. for the second service).

*Training: You are required to have completed clearances, sign a ministry covenant, review training materials, and view the appropriate training videos. These forms and videos can be found on The Bible Chapel Website.

*Involvement: Each team member is encouraged to interact personally and build relationships with each child. This is a worthy investment that will yield great returns! Take ownership of your role in Elementary. Review the activities ahead of time and be prepared to complete them with your class. When in large group, help support the presenter and keep the children on task. Please sit on the floor with the children, worship with the children, and be engaged in the lesson.

*Substitute Policy: If you are unable to serve a particular week that you are scheduled, you need to find a substitute. This can be done by switching with another Elementary volunteer, asking a substitute from the Elementary substitute list, or asking a friend who attends The Bible Chapel, with permission from the Elementary Director. Once you have found your sub, please email the Elementary Director to inform her of the change. In case of an emergency or late arrival, please contact the Elementary Director directly via email, text, or phone call. Please do not leave a message on the church voicemail.

*Safety: **Fire/Emergency Evacuation: Fire safety cards are in the front pocket of the attendance folders. In the event of a fire or emergency, you will follow the given evacuation route shown in your folder. There will be a map indicating a primary and secondary exit route for your classroom, and a map with primary and secondary route information for evacuation from the large group presentation room. The primary route is to be used unless it is not available or safe. Once you have reached the rally point, please count your class. Hold up your green fire card if all of your children are accounted for and the red card if a child is missing. Have your attendance folders with you at all times. Physically handicapped or disabled children. The classroom teacher should escort immobile children to the SAFE area located next to each stairwell upstairs. A ministry leader will wait with the child, while the teacher continues outside with the rest of the class.


**Nametags: Children should arrive at the classroom with a nametag. If a child does not have a nametag, please direct the child and parent(s) back down to the South Lobby kiosks. All children must be registered before you can accept them into the classroom. Please do your best to keep track of the children’s nametags. Ask the children not to remove them. At pick-up, you must compare the number on the parent tag with the number on the child’s tag. If the numbers do not match, please DO NOT release the child. You may seek assistance from the Elementary Director, ministry leader on site, or security. If the parent has lost the parent badge, they must recite the phone number on the child’s tag by memory and show identification.

**Child Protection Policy: Always follow the “2 Deep Rule.” Two adults must be present when with a child or group. When using a common space restroom, make sure there are no adults in the restroom before sending a child in. If so, have the child wait until the adult exits. Stand outside the restroom door while you wait for the child. If an adult needs to use the restroom while in use by a child, kindly ask them to wait until the child is finished. If a volunteer has to be alone with in a classroom or with a child, stay in a hallway or open common space, or ask a nearby adult to join you.


Small Group Leaders: Things to Know *Check In: All volunteers should check in at the South Lobby kiosks and print a nametag before serving. If the information on your printed nametag is incorrect, please advise the Elementary Director.

*Free Time before Small Group Opening Time: This is a great time for the kids to play in the classroom and have fun. Each week there will be a different game set up for them to play, a craft bin with art supplies, and access to the toys/actvities in the classroom.

*Small Group Opening Time: Before going to large group time, take attendance. Each small group has an attendance folder. To indicate attendance, please put a check mark by the child’s name under the correct date. Attendance folders must stay with you at all times. Take prayer requests and pray. Ask ice breaker questions to build relationships between the kids, and with the leaders. Ask if it is anyone’s birthday in the coming week. If so, sing “Happy Birthday,” and give them one of the birthday bookmarks in your small group bin.

*Weekly Lessons: The monthly small group activities and large group Bible lessons will be posted on The City via The Small Group Leaders and Large Group Presenters pages. The small group activities will also be emailed prior to the upcoming weekend’s services. Please review and come prepared. The “Leader Review” part of the small group lesson is for you to read at home as you prepare and familiarize yourself with the Bible lesson. The second part is the activity that will be done with the kids following large group time as reinforcement.

*Small Group Bins: Each group and service has its own small group bin. Your bin will be ready for you with all the items needed to complete the small group opening time and small group activity. Please leave all items in your bin at the end of service. If the children need craft items to use during free time, they can find those in the craft bins or storage closet.

*Snacks: We do not have snack time in Elementary. We do, however, offer candy and/or stickers as small rewards for learning scripture, answering Bible questions, etc. Please check each child’s nametag AND ask them if they have any food allergies or sensitivities, incase an allergy is not listed on their nametag,

*Daily Schedule: Each class has a daily schedule posted on their classroom wall. These are also included in your training packet. Please have your class in the large group room and seated on their assigned carpet circle by the shown time. In large group, please do your best to keep your kids on task and quiet. Remember to sit on the floor with them and among them so that you can quickly address any issues. Please do NOT let children sit on your lap.

*Take Home Sheets: Each week, you will have take-home items to distribute to the parents at pickup. All take-home items will be located next to your bin or provided to you during your service hour.


*Challenges: The children in Elementary, at various times throughout the year, are encouraged to complete “challenges” and earn rewards. These challenges will include memorizing scripture, reciting the names of the books of the bible, etc. When these challenges take place, a special sheet will be placed in your attendance binder for you to record the names of the kids who have completed the challenge. Please note that these challenges will only be successful if the classroom teachers regularly encourage participation.

*Special Events: Elementary will be participating in various mission projects throughout the year. Last year, we participated in Operation Heal Our Patriots, an organization which helps injured U.S. military service members and their spouses, AIC Zion support, and Operation Christmas Child.

*Communication with families: Our volunteers have a unique opportunity to get to know the families of our Elementary children. In all of your interactions with parents, please represent our ministry and our Lord, Jesus Christ, well. If a parent asks how their child was behaved, please give them an honest answer that also clearly expresses to that parent how much we value their child. Remember to focus on the positive, while also communicating what needs to be addressed so the child can succeed in the classroom. No parent should ever feel like their child is not welcome in your class. If a parent has an issue for any reason, please refer them to the Elementary Director. If you become aware of a need in a family (sickness, death of a family member, etc.), please also communicate that so we can offer assistance and support. We have a caring ministry that will work with us to minister to those families.

*Visitors: Visitors to our church usually have a “V” on their nametag. Please make a special effort to welcome these children and their families.


Classroom Management Tips: At the beginning of small and large groups, share our Elementary expectations. These will be on a classroom poster; Listen, Participate, Respect, Include. Take ownership of the classroom. Keep it neat and orderly, with a good mix of fun! Greet all children, and welcome them in by name. Be attentive to the children and interact with them. Be interested in what they say and give them your full attention. Remember, this is your opportunity to share Jesus with these kids! Be prepared. When you know the lesson well, you will be confident in what you’re presenting. Children will lose focus when the teacher is not prepared. Pray for the children on a consistent basis.

Discipline: Take the child aside: Bend to the child’s level. Explain that the behavior is unacceptable. Restate behavior expectations. Facilitate apology. Inform Elementary Director.

Medical: Band-aids are located in your classroom cabinet, and in your small group bin. If you use the last one, please alert the Elementary Director. For minor injuries/illness, please go to the nursery on the 1st floor and nursery will page medical. For major or life threatening injuries, DO NOT move the child. Call 911 and then go, or send someone, to the nursery to contact medical and the parents. Do not administer medications. If you are able, please wait for medical to administer an Epi-pen. If medical is called to assist a child, multiple personnel will arrive. This can be scary for the injured child, as well as the other children in the classroom. Please be aware of this, and act accordingly. If it is possible to take the child into the hallway to be evaluated by medical, please do.

Special Needs: 8

You may have children with special needs in your classroom. A few things to remember with special needs children:   

 

   

Some special needs children do not like to be touched. It will not comfort them. Be careful about turning off the lights without warning, as it may upset them. Just because they are not sitting or looking at you does not mean they aren’t listening. Sometimes, giving a child something to fidget with (a small toy) helps them to be able to pay attention to what you are saying. Offer choices if at all possible. Example: Do you want to sit at the red or green table? Make statements. Don’t pose a demand as a question. If you are getting ready to line up, don’t say, “Do you want to line up?” Say, “Jon it is time to line up.” If you give them an option and they say “no” then you have put yourself in a tough position. Give short instructions- one or two steps at a time. It will help them process what you are saying and make it easier for them to follow your direction. Give them a few seconds to process what you are asking them to do. Be flexible! Treat them the same way you treat the other children in the classroom. They also want your love and respect.

The Special Needs ministry can assist us as well. Please keep the Elementary Director informed so that we can give you the assistance that you need.

Chapel Kids Elementary: Sunday Schedule 9

8:45/10:30am: Small Group Leaders report to classrooms. * Activity and game bins will be on classroom tables ready to set up before the children arrive. *The children should have name tags that reflect their name, grade, small group and any allergies. If a child does not have a name tag then they will need to go to the South Lobby and have their parent(s) sign-in using the kiosks. *The children will be assigned a small group based on their grade and last name.

9:00/10:45am: Small Group Leaders begin opening discussion time. *The Small Group Leaders will take attendance, ask discussion questions, pray and prepare their small group for large group time. Leaders may also assign jobs (line leader, line sweeper, bin carrier, door holder, etc.).

9:15/11am: Small Group Leaders escort children to large group time. *Please walk your small group to large group time. Make sure that you stay together as a group and take your bin and attendance folder.

9:20/11:05am: Worship and large group time begin *Each of the small groups should be on a different carpet circle. *When dismissed return to your classroom to do the small group activity.

9:50/11:35am: Small group activity time *Follow the activity instructions in your small group bin

10:15am/12:00pm: Dismissal *One leader stands at the classroom door greeting parents and dismissing each child. Be diligent about matching the number on the child’s name tag with the parent’s tag. Pass out the daily handouts. *Leaders may leave when replaced with 10:45 small group leaders, or all children have been picked up.

Chapel Kids Elementary: Saturday Schedule 10

5:45pm: Elementary leaders report to classroom *Check with tech team to make sure all tech equipment is up and working.

6:00 - 6:30 Worship in the main Worship Center *Take the Saturday evening binder and enjoy worshipping Our Lord in the Worship Center. *At approximately 6:30pm, the Elementary leaders will stand in the back of the Worship Center. *Kids will be dismissed from the Worship Center via a slide on the projector screen (usually after the offering). *Make sure each child has a name tag that reflects their name, grade and any allergies. If a child does not have a name tag then they will need to go to the South Lobby and have their parent(s) sign-in using the kiosks. *Quietly escort children to the classroom for their lesson.

6:30 - 7:15 Large group/small group time *Children will sit on the carpet circles. *Take attendance, ask opening discussion questions and begin the lesson in prayer. *Lead the children in their large group lesson, then small group activity.

7:15 - 7:30 Free time *Children can enjoy fellowship with their peers and teachers using the craft and game bins provided * If the weather permits and there is extra time at the completion of the lesson, the playground can be enjoyed. Please be back in the classroom prior to 7:15pm. *The leader greets parents as they come to pick up their child. Be diligent about matching the number on the child’s name tag with the parent’s tag. Give handouts. *Leader may leave when all children have been picked up and activity bins are put back in storage closet.

Large Group Presenters: Things to Know 11

1. The large group scripts will be posted on The City the month prior. Please review and be well acquainted with your script before serving. You will feel more confident and comfortable if you know your lesson well. 2. A binder with the large group scripts will be in the Elementary large group room for you. Please keep this binder in the room. 3. Large group presenter times to know: Service



Saturday 6:00pm



Sunday 9:00am



Sunday 10:45am



4. All volunteers should check in at the South Lobby kiosks and print a nametag before serving. 5. You are free to leave when all of the children have been dismissed to their classrooms. 6. The City: All Elementary large group presenters will be invited to join the “Elementary Large Group Presenters” group on The City. This will be a forum which will allow us to share ideas on issues relevant to large group presentation. You may also request subs via this group. 7. You are responsible for your own props unless you give the Elementary Director sufficient time in getting them for you.

Large Group Presentation Tips: 12

Prepare: 1) PRAY: Pray for your own preparation and for the children to have understanding of the lesson. Also ask the Holy Spirit to equip you and to open the hearts of the children. 2) Know your script/bible story! - You don’t have to memorize it, but be familiar enough with it that you are not reading it off the page. The children will not pay attention if you are reading and not looking at them. - Focus on learning the main points so that you are sure to highlight those. - Practice the lesson, especially if you have lots of props and/or sound effects to utilize. 3) Arrive early and check the set-up. Make sure the teaching room is ready. - Verify that you have all your props, if needed. - Check in with the tech/sound person to make sure they understand how you want to time things. - If a microphone is available, make sure your microphone is working and that the sound is adjusted to an appropriate level. - Check in with any worship team members that are present.

Present: 1) Greet the children as they enter the room and direct them to the carpet circles. - Make the children feel welcome by saying hi, giving fives, saying their names (ON NAMETAGS), etc. Kids who feel you care will be more open to receiving your lesson. - Direct the children to their designated age appropriate carpet circles (keep the younger children towards the front to ensure that they are able to see the presenter). - Tech will play music as you wait for all the classrooms to arrive. Utilize this time to move from group to group engaging the children in small talk. All children should be wearing name tags which will allow you to address them by name. 2) Welcome, Rules, and Worship! - Once all classrooms have arrived, signal the sound tech to stop the music. - Welcome everyone to large group. Introduce yourself and go over the four Elementary Rules: Listen, Participate, Respect and Include. - Invite the worship team to begin worship. 3) Teach the lesson: - Speak loudly! - Be dramatic! Add your own personal flair, talent, style… - You may use a music stand for your script. The script should be available for you to refer to in case you forget something and/or lose track of where you are. - Always show them the Bible! Make sure they know that the story comes from the Bible, is true, and is God’s word to us. - If you make a mistake, don’t worry about it! The kids will never know (and if they do, just laugh with them!). - Feel free to re-word something if it would be more natural for you to say it another way. Just make sure to stick to the main points in the script and keep it simple. - Raise and lower your voice to highlight important parts of the story.


- Feel free to move around! Walk out into the group. You can take the music stand with you if you need to! - Allow the kids to interact whenever possible. For example: patting their legs to make the sound of rain; saying things like, “touch your nose if you have ever seen the ocean;” and “raise your hand if you think Abraham should obey God.” - Ask yes/no questions that the group can answer. For example: “Do you think Jesus is going to heal the man?”; “Do you think God will answer their prayer?” etc. 4) Maintain control: - It is the primary responsibility of the classroom teachers to maintain control, but you can help. - Feel free to stop and wait for the kids to settle. You can wait until you have regained their attention before continuing. You can also use sayings to indicate that they need to pay attention better. For example: “remember our rule- to be kind by listening;” “let’s see how quiet we can be when I count to three;” or “if you can hear me, raise your hand.” With the older age groups, it may be helpful to stand tall and say “I am waiting.” - Move around the room, which will naturally draw their attention- move into the group or stand in front of a carpet of kids that is being noisy; put your hand on the head of a child that is talking to remind them. - Realize that occasionally, things just won’t work. Despite your best efforts, the kids will be rowdy or noisy. Get through it and remind the children to do better next time. 5) Pray: - Pray after the lesson with the children and have the children join you in prayer. Explain that when we pray, we are talking to God. - When praying with the children, you may choose to use short phrases and have them repeat after you. This gives them the opportunity to learn how to pray and begin to feel comfortable giving an audible voice to their prayers. Or, see if there is a child who would like to pray for the group. 6) Dismiss the children:

Trust God: -You can be faithful to do your part. God will use these lessons in whatever way He chooses to glorify Himself. Trust that He will!