Elevated Concentrations of Lead in Particulate Matter on the

Elevated Concentrations of Lead in Particulate Matter on the...

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Elevated Concentrations of Lead in Particulate Matter on the Neighborhood# Scale in Delhi, India as Determined by Single Particle Analysis Hongru Shen, Thomas M Peters, Gary S. Casuccio, Traci L. Lersch, Roger R. West, Amit Kumar, Naresh Kumar, and Andrew P Ault Environ. Sci. Technol., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b06202 • Publication Date (Web): 14 Apr 2016 Downloaded from http://pubs.acs.org on April 15, 2016

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Environmental Science & Technology

Elevated Concentrations of Lead in Particulate Matter on the Neighborhood-Scale in Delhi, India as Determined by Single Particle Analysis Hongru Shen,1 Thomas M. Peters,2 Gary S. Casuccio,3 Traci L. Lersch,3 Roger R. West,3 Amit Kumar4, Naresh Kumar,5 and Andrew P. Ault1,6* 1

Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109 2 Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, 52242 3 RJ Lee Group, Inc., Monroeville, Pennsylvania, 15146 4 Society for Environmental Health, Delhi, India 5 Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, 33136 6 Department of Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109

*Corresponding author: Andrew P. Ault M6116 SPH II 1415 Washington Heights Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 Tel: 734-763-4212 E-mail: [email protected]

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Abstract High mass concentrations of atmospheric lead particles are frequently observed in the Delhi,


India metropolitan area, although the sources of lead particles are poorly understood. In this


study, particles sampled across Delhi (August – December 2008) were analyzed by computer-


controlled scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (CCSEM-


EDX) to improve our understanding of the spatial and physicochemical variability of lead-rich


particles (> 90% lead). The mean mass concentration of lead-rich particles smaller than 10 µm


(PM10) was 0.7 µg/m3 (1.5 µg/m3 std. dev.) with high variability (range: 0 – 6.2 µg/m3). Four


samples (16% of 25 samples) with PM10 lead-rich particle concentrations >1.4 µg/m3 were


defined as lead events and studied further. The temporal characteristics, heterogeneous spatial


distribution, and wind patterns of events, excluded regional monsoon conditions or common


anthropogenic sources from being the major causes of the lead events. Individual particle


composition, size, and morphology analysis indicate informal recycling operations of used lead-


acid batteries as the likely source of the lead events. This source is not typically included in


emission inventories, and the observed isolated hotspots with high lead concentrations could


represent an elevated exposure risk in certain neighborhoods of Delhi.

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Lead is one of the most hazardous chemical components of particulate matter (PM) due


to its high toxicity1 and widespread emissions.2 Exposure to atmospheric lead particles has been


associated with a variety of adverse health effects, including increased blood pressure3 and


gastrointestinal effects.4 Of particular concern is that lead exposure can impair the nervous


system and the neurological development of children.5,6 The largest single source of exposure to


lead particles was from leaded gasoline prior to its phase-out in most countries by the early


2000’s.7 Since then, the concentration of lead particles has decreased8 with global lead exposures


now dominated by non-road vehicular and industrial sources.9 As a result, worldwide blood lead


levels (BLL) have subsequently decreased.10 In the U.S., leaded gasoline has been phased out


since the mid-1970s, and the national annual maximum three-month average mass concentration


of lead particles has decreased from 1.54 µg/m3 in 1980 to 0.03 µg/m3 in 2014.11 Since the


1970s, BLLs above 10 µg/dl (a high BLL according to the guidelines of the Centers for Disease


Control and Prevention) in the U.S. have declined more than 70%.12,13 Today, the largest single


source of lead particles in the U.S. is emissions from the burning of aviation fuel, which remains


leaded to boost the octane of fuel.14 In 2008, the US national ambient air quality standard


(NAAQS) was lowered from 1.5 to 0.15 µg/m3 of the lead in total suspended particles (TSP)


based on demonstrated risk from even small amounts of lead in blood.15


Despite improvement in much of the industrialized world, high mass concentrations of


lead particles have been reported in cities of developing countries, even after the phase-out of


leaded gasoline in most locations.16-19 This is particularly true in the Delhi metropolitan area


(referred to as Delhi hereafter), reported as one of the most air-polluted area with multiple


sources in India.18,20-23 Even after more than a decade of the leaded gasoline’s phase-out in Delhi

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by the end of 1998, Pant et al. observed mean lead PM2.5 concentration of 0.6 µg/m3 (0.65 µg/m3


std. dev.) in 2014 winter, with a maximum of 2.5 µg/m3, at a road site. Pant et al. further showed


enrichment factors of 300-1500 for lead particles compared to continental crustal concentrations,


indicating substantial contributions from anthropogenic sources to lead particle concentrations.18


Khillare and Sarkar found the lead in PM10 in one residential area in Delhi ranged from 0.27


µg/m3 to 0.46 µg/m3.24 Based on a ten-year dataset from 1998 to 2007, Gupta reported that mass


concentrations of lead particles in Delhi are higher than those in other cities in India, including


Mumbai and Chennai.25 Moreover, seasonal variations in lead concentrations in Delhi have been


observed, with higher mass concentrations in winter and lower in monsoon season.18,22,26,27 Kalra


et al. showed that 36 of (12%) of 300 school children’s BLL in 2006 were ≥ 10 µg/dl, which


exceeds the CDC recommended BLL threshold, and that high atmospheric concentrations were


correlated with high BLL levels.16


While traditional sources of lead are reported in emission inventories (such as vehicles


and industrial sources), lead emissions from informal sources, such as, used lead-acid battery


(ULAB) recycling operations, are not typically included in most inventories.28 Recent literature


suggests that informal ULAB recycling operation may be an important source contributing to


lead particle emissions in Delhi.29-31 In these facilities, ULABs are recycled in a crude manner,


separating lead from batteries and melting them on a stove using inefficient combustion methods


(often open flames of biofuels or coal) in a backyard. These operation units typically do not have


appropriate engineering controls, and the use of personal protective equipment, such as


respirators, is rare.29 Poor hygiene and a general lack of awareness of the risks of exposure to


lead particles place workers at informal ULAB recycling operations at high risk of lead


poisoning.29 Gupt and Sahay reported that the current deposit refund system for batteries in the

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Delhi market is ineffective and unable to discourage informal ULAB recycling operations.32


Rajagopalan found that about 88.5% of lead scrap is sold to these informal operations due to


higher profits, lower storage costs, and a lack of taxes as opposed to government-sanctioned


ULAB recycling operations.33 Rao et al. found that in India the mean BLLs of battery workers


(87 mg/dl) was alarmingly higher than those of control groups (6.3 mg/dl) and >1,000 times


higher than CDC recommended levels.34


In this study, we employed single-particle microscopic analysis of particles collected


passively across Delhi to characterize lead particles and help attribute these particles to specific


sources. Specifically, this paper examines the geographic distribution of lead-rich particles by


their physicochemical properties (morphology, size, and chemical composition). Our results are


critically important for assessing differential risk of exposure to lead in the one of the most air-


polluted cities in the world.

98 99

Experimental Methods


Delhi Sampling Sites. PM2.5 mass concentration was estimated at 1,576 household locations


using PM2.5 measured at 113 sites spread across Delhi and surrounding areas.35 Fifty sites were


selected for passive sampling using an optimized sampling design that captured the maximum


semivariance of PM2.5 and minimized spatial autocorrelation.36 The detailed methodological


selection method was described in Kumar et al.37 Two households, with owners who consented


to participate in the study, were selected within 500 m of each identified sampling site. Each


household was paid Rs. 500 as an incentive to participate the study. Passive samplers (mounted


in a shelter)38 were affixed to a railing of a second-floor balcony (~3.5 meters from the ground)


and deployed at both households simultaneously for approximately two days. The two-day

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sampling period, relatively short for passive sampling in the US, was possible due to the high


particle concentrations typical of Delhi. The shorter duration sampling allowed us to use local


meteorology to help identify potential intermittent and/or local sources. The passive samplers


collected particles through gravitational settling39,40 on to polycarbonate substrates. These


substrates were chosen because of their smooth surface, which is preferred for the detection of


particles during the subsequent microscopic analysis, as well as to minimize the interference of


elements other than carbon and oxygen. It should be noted that the sites were chosen to capture


the variance in PM2.5 and without knowledge that lead would be observed in the samples.

117 118

Computer-Controlled Scanning Electron Microscopy (CCSEM) Analysis. For optimal spatial


heterogeneity analysis of metal-containing particles in Delhi, 25 samples (shown in Figure 1) out


of the 50 outdoor samples were randomly selected and analyzed by Personal SEMTM or PSEM


(FEI Aspex, Hillsboro, OR).41 Not all samples were analyzed due to funding constraints. The


location of the samples analyzed are shown in Figure 1, and the sampling start and end times are


listed in Table S1. The PSEM combines a scanning electron microscope (SEM), a digital scan


generator and an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) system incorporating a silicon


lithium (Si [Li]) detector under computer control. For PSEM analysis the sample area was


divided into a matrix of field images, and the sample was scanned for particles at one base


magnification (0.58 µm/pixel) using the backscattered electron (BE) signal. To detect metal-


containing particles, a BE image intensity value was set as the threshold to detect high atomic


number particles while ignoring lower atomic number particles (primarily carbonaceous). Once


detected, the diameter of the particle was measured using the electron beam to draw a series of


cords across the particle. The computer then positioned the electron beam on the centroid of the

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particle, and X-rays were acquired (10 seconds for Pb particles; 2 µm particles. Because the SDD


is more efficient than a Si[Li] detector in processing X-rays, the shorter acquisition times

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provided similar or increased X-ray counts as compared to the PSEM analysis. All parameters


obtained by IntelliSEM were similar to those of PSEM, except that carbon (C) and cobalt (Co)


were measured, but Ba was not. Overall, 13,638 particles were analyzed by IntelliSEM for the


three samples compared to 3,000 particles measured with the PSEM.


An intercomparison of IntelliSEM and PSEM is given in the Supporting Information.


Table S1 shows the number of lead-rich particles in each sample analyzed by PSEM and


IntelliSEM respectively. Table S1 compares the concentrations by size, percentages for the three


IntelliSEM samples and the analysis of those samples by PSEM.

163 164

K-means clustering. K-means clustering was applied to the PSEM-data following Ault et al.42


Briefly, the X-ray spectrum for each particle from the PSEM were imported into MatLab 2014a


(MathWorks, Inc.) as a matrix of relative elemental abundance for each single particle. These


data were clustered with k-means using 1 to 50 clusters. The fraction of total error, which is the


ratio of the sum of distance between each particle and its cluster centroid to the sum of distances


between all particles and the average spectrum, was calculated to determine the number of


clusters needed. Figure S1 shows that with the increase in the number of clusters, the fraction of


total error decreases asymptotically. Fifty clusters were chosen as it represented the optimal


trade-off between error minimization and chemical composition representativeness after


checking different numbers of clusters. These 50 clusters were identified as mineral dust,43-47


metal-rich,42,48-50 salts,51-57 carbonaceous (IntelliSEM only),58-62 and biofuel/biomass burning63-66


based on spectral similarity of the EDX clusters with studies of specific sources, as well as


ambient studies in multiple locations.42-44,48,50,54,59,60,64,65,67,68 Based on the similarity of elemental


composition and source, clusters were merged into classes of particles. During the k-means

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clustering for all PSEM-analyzed particles, one particle class containing lead-rich particles, with


an average atomic percentage of lead per particle equal to 93%, was identified. At greater than


seven clusters this cluster was always present with the same number of particles and chemical


composition, indicating a unique and homogeneous particle class. This particle class was


identified as a lead-rich particle class for the follow up temporal and spatial analysis.


Lead-rich particles were selected by a search criterion of Pb > 20% from the three


samples analyzed by IntelliSEM. This criterion was selected to include all the lead-rich particles


identified by k-means of PSEM data. Additionally, particles with more than 20% lead content


were identified by confirming the presence of lead L peaks (Lα at 10.55 keV and Lβ at 12.61


keV). These lead-rich particle data were further clustered using k-means with 1 to 20 clusters,


shown in Figure S1. Twenty clusters were merged into three particle classes based on their


chemical composition: Pb, Pb-Cl, and Pb-Cl-K particles. However, the X-ray energies for the S


Kα (2.31 keV) peak and Pb Mα1 (2.34keV, peaks overlap, which made it difficult for EDX


analysis to identify whether S is present, especially if only in small concentrations relative to


Pb.69 To improve the robustness of these data, off-line Gaussian peak fitting was also used to


deconvolute the S and Pb peaks and determine relative contributions.70 Further discussion on the


approach taken to handle the overlap of S and Pb peaks is provided in the Supporting


Information. Overall, 93% of lead-rich particles were determined to have ‘real’ sulfur signals, in


addition to lead.

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Results and Discussion


Lead-rich particles in Delhi. Mass and number concentrations of lead-rich particles in PM10 and


its fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM10-2.5) components over the sampling period are shown in Figure

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2. The mean mass concentrations of lead-rich particles were 0.7 µg/m3 in PM10, with 0.4 µg/m3


in PM2.5 and 0.3 µg/m3 in PM10-2.5. This mean mass concentration is consistent with most of the


previous studied conducted in Delhi, with further details shown in the supporting information.


As expected, mass concentrations of lead-rich particles in PM10 varied greatly across 25 sites,


with a range of 0.0-6.2 µg/m3. Within these 25 samples, four samples with mass concentrations


of lead-rich particles in PM10 > 1.4 µg/m3 were defined as lead events. At least one event


occurred in three different seasons: monsoon (July - September); post-monsoon (October -


November); and winter (December - January). The first lead event observed in September during


the monsoon season was associated with a mass concentrations of lead-rich particles of 4.4


µg/m3 in PM10, 2.0 µg/m3 in PM2.5, and 2.4 µg/m3 in PM10-2.5. For the event during the post-


monsoon period, two sequential lead events in early November were observed with elevated


mass concentrations of lead-rich particles in PM10 = 6.2 and 1.5 µg/m3, respectively (PM2.5 = 3.4


and 0.9 µg/m3 and PM10-2.5 = 2.8 and 0.6 µg/m3). The fourth lead event was observed in


December during the winter season. For this event, the concentration of lead-rich particles was


1.4 µg/m3 in PM10, 0.94 µg/m3 in PM2.5, and 0.42 µg/m3 in PM10-2.5. The sampling sites of these


four lead events are highlighted as diamond makers (monsoon and post-monsoon seasons) and


triangle marker (winter season) in Figure 1. The mean mass concentrations of fine lead-rich


particles across a 25 samples with and without these four lead events were 0.4 and 0.12 µg/m3,




Elevated number concentrations of lead-rich particles (> 0.2 µm) in PM10, PM2.5 and


PM10-2.5 were also observed for the corresponding four lead events. Overall, for all 25 samples


across three seasons, the mean number concentrations of lead-rich particles were 0.8 #/cm3 in


PM10 (0.7 and 0.03 #/cm3 in PM2.5 and PM10-2.5, respectively). For the three lead events that were

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observed during the monsoon and post-monsoon seasons, number concentrations (of particles >


0.2 µm) were 3.6, 6.1, and 2.1 #/cm3 in PM2.5 and 0.2, 0.3, and 0.06 #/cm3 in PM10-2.5


respectively, whereas 1.7 and 0.06 #/cm3 were observed for PM2.5 and PM10-2.5 in the winter lead


event. These data show that elevated lead concentrations occur frequently (4 out of 25 samples)


and are primarily associated with particles in the accumulation mode by mass (66%) and number




While a seasonal trend in mass concentration for lead particles, with highest in winter


season and lowest in monsoon season, has been observed in previous Delhi studies,18,22,27,72 the


four lead events observed in this study were observed as distinct episodes during all three


seasons. In these four lead events, the mass concentrations of lead-rich particles in fine mode


were 2-10 times higher than the average winter PM2.5 lead concentrations from Pant et al. (2015)


of 0.6 µg/m3, despite 3 out of 4 lead events occurring during the lower overall PM2.5


concentration monsoon and post-monsoon seasons.18 The observation of events during all three


seasons sampled indicates that the elevated regional PM10 concentrations due to strong


inversions during winter are unlikely to be the cause of these sporadic events.


In addition to regional weather patterns, common anthropogenic sources, such as local


industrial emissions and road dust resuspension, were considered as potential contributors to the


lead events. Previous studies have shown that lead in fine particles is mainly from industrial


sources, while the resuspension of road dust contributes to the majority of lead in coarse


particles. Further, the spatial distribution of lead-rich particles in PM2.5 and PM10-2.5, shown in


Figure 3, was investigated to determine if local industrial areas in Delhi or road dust were a


major contributor to these lead events. The four lead events with the highest mass concentrations


of lead-rich particles in PM2.5 were heterogeneously distributed in either central or the western

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region of the Delhi metropolitan area. Additionally, the lead event samples with elevated fine


lead-rich particle concentrations were in close proximity to other samples that had low,


background concentrations, indicating either an intermittent or local source of these lead-rich




Wind speed and direction analysis indicated that local industrial areas in eastern and


southeastern regions of the Delhi metropolitan area were unlikely to be major contributors to the


lead events. During the monsoon lead event, winds were either out of the SW to NW (62% of


sampling time) or calm (20%) and rarely from the ESE to SSE (15%) direction of the power


plants and industrial sources. In addition, two rain events occurred during this lead event


indicating that the source of lead-rich particles was likely local or from the northwestern


quadrant of the metropolitan region, based on wind direction. The sample immediately after the


monsoon lead event sample (collection starting one day later in close proximity) had winds


primarily from the NE (79%), as well as rain, resulting in lead concentrations at background


levels (PM2.5 = 0.28 µg/m3). During the first post-monsoon lead event the winds were mostly


calm (69%) or from the ESE (14%), while the second post-monsoon lead event had either calm


conditions (63%) or winds from the W to NW (28%). The sample after the second post-monsoon


sample was collected in a nearby location and had a low mass concentration of 0.01 µg/m3 lead-


rich particle in PM2.5. There were fewer calm conditions (47%) for this sample and winds were


primarily from between the E and SSE (36%), which is the direction of the power plants and


industrial sources, ruling out their contribution to the prior lead event. The winter lead event had


winds from between the SW to NW 66% of the sampling time and calm conditions the remaining


34%. Taken together three of the four lead events had winds primarily from the W or NW and


the wind direction provided no evidence that power plants or traditional industries were

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important sources. Moreover, neither of these two hotspots were located in industrial clusters as


evident from the spatial sampling analysis of Kumar et al.’s study.36 Most industrial processes


that emit lead also co-emit other species, which were not observed in our study, as shown with


the single particle analysis below.9,48


The four lead events with elevated concentrations of lead-rich particles in PM10-2.5 show a


similar heterogeneous spatial distribution and were mainly distributed in either central or western


Delhi. However, this heterogeneous spatial distribution of coarse lead-rich particles suggests that


road dust resuspension is unlikely to be a major contributor to these lead-rich particles. While


road dust from previously deposited vehicular lead emissions should be evenly distributed across


the city, a recent paper showed that lead contributed less than < 1.2% by mass to road dust


emissions in Delhi across seven sites.73 Additionally, the samples were collected a decade after


the leaded gasoline phase-out in Delhi and recent road-side studies have shown vehicles


contributions leading to a mean of 0.60 µg/m3.18 This further supports that vehicular emissions


are unlikely to be a major contributor to these events. Moreover, the morphology of road dust


particles would be expected to be ‘weathered’ and thus should be in irregular shape and mixed


with other minerals,74,75 which was not observed in our study as shown with the single particle


analysis discussed below.


Based on the intermittent and high spatial heterogeneity in the source driving lead events,


there is a strong possibility of informal ULAB recycling operations contributing to these lead


events. As noted above, despite 89% of lead recycled from ULABs in Delhi passing through


informal recycling units, ULAB recycling is not included as a source of atmospheric lead


particles in emission inventories.29 Though this could be a major contributor to the lead events


observed in this study, it is challenging to assess the impacts of these informal operations on air

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quality. This is because informal ULAB recycling units can be built or torn down within a short


period of time in backyards. Due to their illegal and unregulated nature, it is very difficult to


identify the specific locations of these informal ULAB sources.29 A previous study suggests that


informal ULAB recycling operations are scattered throughout Delhi, with a greater number of


sites in the northwest quadrant of the study area. This corresponds with the wind direction of 3


out of 4 lead events as discussed above.29

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Morphology and composition of lead-rich particles. Single particle analysis with the CCSEM


analyses was used to gain further insight regarding the source of lead-rich particles. Two distinct


morphologies were identified: spherical particles; and fractal agglomerates composed of


spherical subunits. SEM images, elemental maps (C, O, Pb, and Cl), and EDX spectra


representative of these two particle types are shown in Figure 4. Both particles had high atomic


lead content (80% for the sphere and 67% for the agglomerate) and showed strong lead peaks in


their EDX spectra (Pb Lα1 peak at 10.55 keV and Lβ1 at 12.61 keV, Pb Mα1 (2.34 keV), and Pb


Mβ (2.44 keV)). For the monsoon and post-monsoon lead event samples analyzed by IntelliSEM


peaks for both Pb (100%) and S (93%) were confirmed as real signals, despite spectral overlap


(further details in Supporting Information). For the spherical particle in Figure 4a, S, Pb, and Cl


were evenly distributed within the particle, whereas C was only detected from the polycarbonate


substrate, as shown by elemental mapping.


These particle morphologies are consistent with previous observations of the lead


particles emitted from high-temperature processes.76 The spherical shape of the lead-rich particle


in Figure 4a is indicative of high temperature combustion processes.76 When lead that has been


vaporized moves to a lower temperature portion of the flame, it condenses and forms a spherical

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shape, which is the thermodynamically lowest energy shape.77 During this process, elevated


gaseous HCl concentration from biofuels are co-emitted and form Cl that is incorporated in some


lead-rich particles.78 The second particle type, a fractal agglomerate, is composed of many


submicron spherical primary particles (Figure 4b). While similar to soot particles, which have


similar morphology and formation processes,79 these fractal agglomerates are much larger. Lead


is evenly distributed in each of the submicron particles of the fractal agglomerate, suggesting the


same source as for the submicron particles. The fractal agglomerate in Figure 4b is likely formed


by coagulation of individual submicron lead-rich particles during cooling.64

324 325

Physicochemical properties. IntelliSEM analysis was conducted to further probe the


physicochemical properties of the lead-rich particles in the three monsoon and post-monsoon


lead events. Most of the lead-rich particles detected fit into one of three classes: 47% Pb by


number; 34% Pb-Cl; and 20% Pb-Cl-K. The average spectra and digital color histograms of


these particle classes are shown in Figure 5. The heights of digital color histograms represent the


fraction of particles containing a specific element, and different colors represent different atomic


percent ranges. For example, 100% of the Pb-Cl particles contain Cl, while about 6% of these


particles contain between 10 – 15% Cl (atomic). All three classes had 30 – 100 % Pb content,


though oxygen was not measured and some lead maybe present as lead oxide.


The lead content in these particle classes is higher than previous SEM studies of lead-rich


particles.49 In studies of waste incineration and smelters, particles with high lead content are


typically present with other trace heavy metals, such as Zn and Cu, thereby eliminating


incineration as a potential source.48,80 Emissions from informal ULAB recycling operations


represent a highly likely source for particles with such high lead content, since Pb (or PbO2

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coated Pb) is the primary component of the negative and positive electrodes for most vehicle


batteries. The presence of S also corroborates emissions from informal ULAB recycling


operations since sulfuric acid is typically used as the electrolyte in lead acid batteries. Biofuel


combustion is typically used to provide the heat necessary to melt and purify the lead. A biofuel


flame temperature can easily reach 1000°C, which is significantly higher than lead’s melting


point of 600°C and will generate vapors that condense.81 As noted above, biofuels commonly


emit gaseous HCl, which will condense along with volatilized Pb to form Pb-Cl particles.64,80


Potassium is typically present in biomass burning particles,65,66 which supports the possibility of


biofuel combustion leading to K content in the Pb-Cl-K particles.82


The size distribution and circularity of Pb, Pb-Cl, and Pb-Cl-K particles are shown in


Figure 6. Pb particles had a size distribution peaking in submicron size range between 0.2-0.4


µm (Figure 6a). Pb-Cl particles were also primarily submicrometer with diameters ranging


approximately between 0.3-0.5 µm. Pb-Cl-K particles were the largest class of particles, with a


mode peak between 0.5-1.5 µm. These data indicate the lead particles are primarily in the


atmospherically long-lived accumulation mode.


The circularity of submicron and supermicron Pb, Pb-Cl, and Pb-Cl-K particles is shown


in Figure 6b. Circularity is a parameter that measures how close the shape of a particle


approaches a circle in the SEM micrograph (which implies a sphere in 3 dimensions), with a


sphere equal to one. Overall, submicron Pb particles (mode = 0.7), Pb-Cl particles (mode = 0.7),


and Pb-Cl-K particles (modes = 0.8) were more spherical than supermicron Pb particles (mode =


0.4). This agrees with the majority of submicron particles being spherical and supermicron


particles being fractal agglomerates of the spherical subunits.

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The above chemical and physical properties of lead-rich particles from the single particle


analysis further supports the hypothesis that informal ULAB recycling operations are a major


contributor to the lead events with elevated concentrations of lead-rich particles observed in



365 366

Atmospheric Implications


Lead events with mass concentrations of lead-rich particles in PM10 exceeding 1.4 µg/m3,


were observed in Delhi and surrounding regions across three seasons (monsoon, post-monsoon,


and winter). The presence during all three seasons indicates the observed lead events are not


mainly due to low inversion layers in winter, and the heterogeneous spatial distribution suggests


an intermittent and/or local source near the hotspots. The lead-rich particles are unlikely to be


from power plants or industrial sources based on wind direction and speed analysis. The wind


direction and local/intermittent nature of the high lead samples suggests emission from informal


recycling operations of ULAB. The physicochemical properties of the individual lead-rich


particles during the three lead events in monsoon and post-monsoon seasons support these


informal recycling operations as the likely source based on the morphology (spherical and


agglomerates of spherical subunits), size (submicron spheres indicating a combustion source),


and chemical composition (lead with chlorine and potassium from biofuel combustion and sulfur


from the sulfuric acid electrolyte). The presence of Cl could increase the solubility of Pb-Cl


particles in human bodies, leading to higher bioavailability of Pb and increased adverse health


effects.83 The submicron size of Pb-Cl and some Pb particles may also allow them to penetrate


deeper into the lungs, leading to oxidative stress and damage to endothelial cells.71

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The atmospheric implications of the hotspots of lead-rich particle are that a widely


varying lead concentration is likely occurring within different communities but not detected by


traditional monitoring sites. This can lead to potentially large lead exposure variation and health


risk on a neighborhood scale. Gupt in 2015 estimated that roughly 70 informal recycling sites are


operational in Delhi, and approximately 840 workers are employed in these informal


operations.29 In addition to the documented dramatic impacts on worker health,29 the findings of


this study indicate that exposure in the surrounding neighborhoods is a major public health risk


that needs to be addressed. Haefliger et al. reported 18 children’s deaths from a mass lead


intoxication through inhalation and ingestion resulting from the informal recycling of ULAB in a


suburb community of Dakar, Senegal between November 2007 and March 2008.19 To prevent


similar adverse health outcomes in the densely populated Delhi, additional efforts are needed to


assess body burden of lead, especially among children and workers living around the identified


hotspots, and engage communities in reducing and preventing exposure to lead-rich particles.

396 397

Supporting Information


Tables showing the PSEM and IntelliSEM analysis information for lead-rich particles and


comparison of mean Pb concentrations with previous studies; normalized S, Cl, K, and Pb peak


contents with different acquisition time. Figures showing fraction of total error from k-means


clustering; Gaussian deconvolution of Pb and S peaks for PbSO4 and Pb standards. This


information is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org/.

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This work was funded by NIH grants: ES014004 and P30 ES005604, pro bono analysis by RJ


Lee, and startup funds from the University of Michigan. The authors wish to thank the late Shri


M.S. Sharma and Mr. Vineet Kumar for coordinating sampling work in Delhi. The RJ Lee Group


is gratefully acknowledged for sharing the new user-friendly IntelliSEM Workbench for off-line


particle review and for conducting the IntelliSEM analysis. The Michigan Center for Materials


Characterization (MC)2 at the University of Michigan is acknowledged for assistance with


electron microscopy measurements.


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Figure Captions

668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677

Figure 1: Map of sampling sites across Delhi, India and surrounding area. The black triangles represent three major power plants in Delhi. Sampling sites are randomly masked with a distance of 250 m. Three sampling sites with highest mass concentrations of lead-rich particle are highlighted as diamond markers and further analyzed by IntelliSEM. Another sampling site with elevated mass concentrations of lead-rich particles but were not further analyzed by IntelliSEM are highlighted as triangle marker. Different colors represent the midpoint time for the two-day sampling period. *Note: One green circle and two green diamond markers are overlapping due to close proximity. The background is from ArcGIS 10.1 with the World Street Map basemap (Sources: Esri, DeLorme, HERE, USGS, Intermap, iPC, NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), MapmyIndia, TomTom).

678 679 680 681 682 683

Figure 2: Mass concentrations (µg/m3) and number concentrations (#/cm3) of lead-rich particles in PM2.5, PM10-2.5, and PM10 across the sampling period through monsoon (July – September, blue), autumn (October – November, yellow), and winter (December – February, grey) seasons. Average lead-rich particles in PM2.5 with and without the four lead events were plotted with solid and dashed red lines respectively. Mean lead concentration in PM2.5 from Pant et al. (2015) was plotted as black (winter) and grey (summer) lines.

684 685 686 687

Figure 3: The spatial maps of mass concentration (µg/m3) of lead-rich particles in a) PM2.5 and b) PM10-2.5 across Delhi and surrounding area. The background is from ArcGIS 10.1 with the World Street Map basemap (Sources: Esri, DeLorme, HERE, USGS, Intermap, iPC, NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), MapmyIndia, TomTom).

688 689 690 691 692

Figure 4: SEM images, elemental maps, and corresponding EDX spectrum of two representative lead-containing particles: a) spherical particle and b) fractal agglomerate. Elemental maps of C (red), O (green), Pb (purple), and Cl (cyan) are shown for each particle. Gaussian fittings for S (Kα 2.306 keV) and Pb (Mα 2.342 keV and Mβ 2.442 keV) were plotted as gold and purple areas in each particle’s spectrum. *Note C and O was primarily from the polycarbonate substrate.

693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700

Figure 5: Average spectra and digital color histograms for the different particle types observed for lead-rich particles: a) Pb, b) Pb-Cl, and c) Pb-Cl-K particles. Average spectra (left) are shown as average relative areas of 19 elements analyzed by IntelliSEM (C, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb). The heights of digital color histogram (right) represent the fraction of particles containing a specific element and different colors represent different relative area ranges. Note: Carbon (+) was primarily from the polycarbonate substrate. Sulfur (*) reported at low content in lead-rich particles may be false positives due to the close Xray energies associated with S and Pb peaks.

701 702 703

Figure 6: Size distribution and circularity by normalized counts of Pb, Pb-Cl, and Pb-Cl-K particles from IntelliSEM. Area scaling factors were applied due to multiple magnifications used in the IntelliSEM analysis. Page 26 ACS Paragon Plus Environment

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Figure 1: Map of sampling sites across Delhi, India and surrounding area. The black triangles represent three major power plants in Delhi. Sampling sites are randomly masked with a distance of 250 m. Three sampling sites with highest mass concentrations of lead-rich particle are highlighted as diamond markers and further analyzed by IntelliSEM. Another sampling site with elevated mass concentrations of lead-rich particles but were not further analyzed by IntelliSEM are highlighted as triangle marker. Different colors represent the midpoint time for the two-day sampling period. *Note: One green circle and two green diamond markers are overlapping due to close proximity. The background is from ArcGIS 10.1 with the World Street Map basemap (Sources: Esri, DeLorme, HERE, USGS, Intermap, iPC, NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), MapmyIndia, TomTom).

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Figure 2: Mass concentrations (µg/m3) and number concentrations (#/cm3) of lead-rich particles in PM2.5, PM10-2.5, and PM10 across the sampling period through monsoon (July – September, blue), autumn (October – November, yellow), and winter (December – February, grey) seasons. Average lead-rich particles in PM2.5 with and without the four lead events were plotted with solid and dashed red lines respectively. Mean lead concentration in PM2.5 from Pant et al. (2015) was plotted as black (winter) and grey (summer) lines.

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Figure 3: The spatial maps of mass concentration (µg/m3) of lead-rich particles in a) PM2.5 and b) PM10-2.5 across Delhi and surrounding area. The background is from ArcGIS 10.1 with the World Street Map basemap (Sources: Esri, DeLorme, HERE, USGS, Intermap, iPC, NRCAN, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri (Thailand), MapmyIndia, TomTom).

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Figure 4: SEM images, elemental maps, and corresponding EDX spectrum of two representative lead-containing particles: a) spherical particle and b) fractal agglomerate. Elemental maps of C (red), O (green), Pb (purple), and Cl (cyan) are shown for each particle. Gaussian fittings for S (Kα 2.306 keV) and Pb (Mα 2.342 keV and Mβ 2.442 keV) were plotted as gold and purple areas in each particle’s spectrum. *Note C and O was primarily from the polycarbonate substrate.

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Figure 5: Average spectra and digital color histograms for the different particle types observed for lead-rich particles: a) Pb, b) Pb-Cl, and c) Pb-Cl-K particles. Average spectra (left) are shown as average relative areas of 19 elements analyzed by IntelliSEM (C, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb). The heights of digital color histogram (right) represent the fraction of particles containing a specific element and different colors represent different relative area ranges. Note: Carbon (+) was primarily from the polycarbonate substrate. Sulfur (*) reported at low content in lead-rich particles may be false positives due to the close Xray energies associated with S and Pb peaks.

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Figure 6: Size distribution and circularity by normalized counts of Pb, Pb-Cl, and Pb-Cl-K particles from IntelliSEM. Area scaling factors were applied due to multiple magnifications used in the IntelliSEM analysis.


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