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Life Group Sermon Study

Theology that Informs Me March 15-16, 2014

Break the Ice:


(A key part of healthy group life is to make sure your group gets to know each other and builds good relationships. The purpose of these first questions is to help your group open up. Please don’t feel like you have to ask each question. Once you feel like the group is ready, move onto the “Inspire” section.)

• What do you really enjoy talking about? Sports, current events, books, hobbies, etc.? Why? • What did God teach you during the message this weekend? Did anything in particular stand out? Prayer: Take some time to pray for God to speak to your group through this week’s study. Questions:


(Each question has a lot to unpack. Since the group may need time to process each question, don’t let silence scare you. Try to avoid filling the space with unnecessary explanation or moving on from the question too quickly.)

1. Aaron said, “This week we are going to talk about theology: ‘the study of God.’ When you love something you want to know more about it. You naturally become a student of the things that interest you.” • Share some things that you know and love about God and His Word. If you can think of Scripture to support, share that as well. • Would you say you have a deep and enriched understanding of God? Why or why not? Do you want to study God and His Word more? Why or why not? Read John 17:3, Proverbs 9:10, Hebrews 6:1, Colossians 1:28, and Colossians 3:16. Aaron said, “Theology is not reserved for the classroom, boardroom, or for the imaginary ‘super-Christian,’ but for ordinary people saved by grace. Theology is simply growing in our understanding of who God is and what He is doing in the world.” • What are you currently doing to grow in your understanding of who God is and what He is doing in the world? Share.

Read 1 Timothy 3:14-16. • Why is it important for each Christian to spend time learning good theology? Discuss.

Read Acts 20:27-32. Aaron said, “Paul’s desire in his letters to Timothy was that he would learn good theology so that he could teach others, lead by example, and multiply other godly leaders within this church. If you aren’t familiar with God’s Word, then you won’t be able to detect false teaching when you hear it. You’ll just receive anything that sounds spiritual.” • What is your personal view of God’s Word? What is it’s purpose and how do you use it? Discuss. 2. Read 1 Timothy 4:1-2. Aaron said, “Just because someone writes something in the name of ‘spirituality’ or quotes a Bible verse doesn’t mean they speak for God. Many false doctrines contain enough truth to fly below the radar of detection.” • Have you been able to detect false teachings in your past? Give an example. • Do you think that you could detect a false teaching now? Discuss why or why not.

Read 1 Timothy 4:3-5. Aaron said, “In this context the false teachers, we’re taking good things God made and telling you, ‘that’s bad.’ False teaching occurs when we add to or take away from that which is essential to the gospel.” • (Just a note: We are all in different places in our maturity in Christ, so all of our answers to this question should look very different.) What does a typical Bible study look like for you? How do you study the Bible? Discuss. Aaron said, “We should ask the Holy Spirit who inspired the Scriptures to illuminate our understanding of His Word and we should come to it with a teachable heart and say, ‘God, I’m studying Your Scripture here because I don’t know what to do. Please guide my decision making by your Word.’” 3. Read 1 Timothy 4:6-10. Aaron said, “It means that right now God has his hands over you. As of now, He’s saving you from the implication, the complication, and the consequence of your sin. Eternity is upon us. There isn’t much between. If you are alive right now you are the recipient of God’s ‘common grace.’” • Is there a false doctrine that you may be operating under? Discuss • Do you have any questions concerning theology or doctrine? Discuss. (If a question is too big for the group to answer, please feel free to contact one of the discipleship pastors. We’d be happy to talk through your questions.)

Life Group Sermon Study

Theology that Informs Me March 15-16, 2014



(These questions will challenge your group members to apply the study to their daily lives. How can they live out what they take in? It is highly important that you go over this section with your group each week for the group study to be a success.)

Read 1 Timothy 4:11-16. Aaron said, “Keep in mind, this is a letter written to a church leader to help prepare other church leaders. If you serve at TPCC in some capacity, then you’re a church leader. You have to know God and who He is so that you can influence others to do the same. Set an example. Let your life speak for itself. Watch your mouth. Watch your behavior. Love others. Trust God. Live above reproach. Be faithful. Be consistent. Be pure. Live a godly life. Love Jesus deeply. Good theology fuels practical love.” • What action steps do you need to take to invest in good theology for the purpose of maturing in Christ and helping others do the same? Prayer: Take some time to pray over each group member’s identified action steps and life issues. Equip Your Mind: “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.” (Colossians 3:16, ESV)