Failure & Faith

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Failure & Faith: Journey to the Promised Land Part I Numbers 1: 1-46 1. Position of Israel in the _________________ (vv. 1) a. God kept His _____________ to Abraham. (Gen. 15; Gen. 50:24) b. God _____________Israel from Egypt. (Ex. 1-15) c. God took _____________of Israel at Sinai. (Ex. 19-24) d. God was _____________with Israel in the Tabernacle. (Ex. 25-40) e. God _____________Israel with the Torah. (Lev. 1-27) f. Numbers _____________the story of the church. 2. Registration of Israel’s _________________ (vv. 2-46) a. Commitment to the ________. i. We commit to ________God’s army. ii. We commit to ________God’s enemies. iii. We commit to ________God’s power. iv. We commit to ________God’s honor. v. We commit to ________God’s kingdom. b. Commitment to the ________. i. We commit through church ________________. ii. We commit through church ________________. iii. We commit through church ________________. iv. We commit to biblical ________________. c. Commitment to the ________. i. We commit to the cost of our ________. ii. We commit to the cost of our ________. iii. We commit to the cost of our __________. iv. We commit to the cost of our __________.