February, 2018

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Clairemont Lutheran Church / Iglesia Luterana

February, 2018 A s h W e d n e s day February 14, 2018 The season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday. We begin this season with opportunities for learning and devotion. We will have two different worship services on Ash Wednesday. First, at noon, we will gather in the Sanctuary for a spoken liturgy and hymns with the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion. This English only service will quietly and reflectively begin our season of devotion. At 7:00 in the evening we will gather as one congregation in two languages for a service of confession and repentance. During our bilingual service we will include the imposition of ashes and Holy Communion as well.

Miércoles De Cenizas 14 de Febrero a las 7:00

Special Noon Lenten Services on W e d n e s day Our Wednesday Noon Community Lenten services began with Ash Wednesday. Each Wednesday we gather in our sanctuary for this special worship and invite the entire Clairemont community to share with us the discipline of worship. Our time together will feature traditional Lenten hymns and meditation. Holy Communion will be offered as well. Our meditation theme will be “Bold Woman of Faith” looking at Biblical figures, church history and modern time women too. Please join us.

Estudio + Adoracion

Cada Jueves durante la Cuaresma a las 7:00 PM va a haber un breve tiempo de estudio bíblico seguido por oración y adoración.

Annual M ee t i n g

Saturday, February 3, 2017 5:00 Special Communion Worship 5:30 Potluck dinner 6:15 Call to order This year we will again have a special worship service prior to the pot-luck. The service is designed for those who cannot make it on Sunday mornings and an opportunity for members to reconnect for the potluck. We will offer rides to those without transportation, and hope that those who slow morning starters will be able to join us, With the special fellowship of the pot-luck following we hope to be able to catch up with some of those we have not seen in a while or are not able to get out often. If you would like to be here for this event contact the office so we can make certain you can join us. If you are able to provide a ride or help in any other way, please let us know that too. We want to welcome as many friends as we can for this event, and even make it an ongoing opportunity!

P.2 February, 2018

CLC Council notes and updates from January 9, 2018 meeting:

Your Pastors and Church Council send their thanks to the many volunteers and helpers that made for such a wonderful Advent and Christmas celebration here at CLC. With what Pastor Jonathan called a Christmas miracle of sorts, we received $71,500 in income for the month of December, and we ended the year about $2,000 to the good from a budgetary standpoint. With our First Communion celebration right around the corner, our special Saturday for the young people is January 20th, with First Communion on Sunday, February 4th. Interfaith shelter dates have been set for February 10th through the 24th, and we are joining forces with other local congregations to provide the necessary helpers and hosts. We will provide the shelter housing for just two weeks this year, with Our Mother of Confidence Church providing two weeks of housing, rather than strictly staffing our facility as in years past. Please recall that our church’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for Saturday, February 3rd – Worship service will begin at 5:00 PM, with a pot-luck dinner starting at 5:30 or so, and the meeting to commence at 6:00 or 6:15. Ash Wednesday falls on February 14th this year, and our theme is going to be Bold Women of Faith, to coincide with the theme from W-ELCA for the spring, and is appropriate in light of societal issues facing women leaders and public figures recently. Confirmation classes are upcoming – slated for January 14th and 28th, from 5:00 to 6:30, and our Youth Ministry will be meeting on January 28th at 4:00 PM to discuss the upcoming Youth Gathering.

The Evangelism Team will be meeting January 16th at 6:00 PM to set the 2018 calendar of events, and the “Joyful Noise” worship service takes place every 3rd Sunday of the month at 1:30 – Jan 21st is next. Pastor Nathan is planning a Health and Wellness Challenge during Lent this year – details to come! The Adult Education series focus for 2018 is on mental illness, with the first of the quarterly events to be held on February 21st. Pastor Nathan will be attending Stephen Ministry training in Anaheim, February 4th – 10th. As ever we are extremely proud of the great efforts put forth by the youth of our church; putting up decorations for members, kitchen cleanup for Thursday night dinners, ushering and service assistance. As the youth are looking for fundraising opportunities for the Youth Gathering trip – if you have fundraising ideas, don’t hesitate to share them with our Youth Leader, Damaris. Our Council President would like to acknowledge and thank Angela and our admin staff for their frugal and responsible handling of church related expenditures. Their attention to detail throughout the year when buying supplies and handling vendor expenses has been critical to the successful balancing of our annual budget. We are pleased to report that there are currently no anticipated major maintenance or repair items for our church campus – knock on pew wood ……. =) God’s Blessings to you all from your Church Council.

Special Activities

Actividades Especiales


February, 2018

T h u r s day N i g h t Holden Evening P r ay e r Starting February 22 every Thursday in Lent we will have a special service of Holden Evening Prayer. Our liturgy will be led by a small choir of volunteers. Please speak with Angela if you can help out. Our worship will include the usual candle lighting and prayer. Our meditation theme will be “Bold Woman of Faith” looking at Biblical figures, church history and modern time

C o m pa s s i o n at e C o mm u n i c a t i o n C l a s s be Offered


Thursday, February 8, 6:30 pm

Communication can often, especially with family and loved ones, at the workplace with bosses and co-workers, or even with neighbors, be experienced as strained and challenging! Empathic or Compassionate Communication is a simple yet EMPOWERing 4- step process that supports using

E va n g e l i s m T eam M ee t i n g February 20th at 6:00 PM Help us to continue to plan our evangelism efforts for 2018, all are invited!

V i s i ta a l O r fa n at o , Sonrisas De Angel Casa Hogar (Visit To The Orphanage In Tijuana)

23 de Febrero, saldremos a las 12:00 de la tarde de la iglesia February 23rd, we will leave from the church at 12:00 PM

language in self-responsible, respectful, compassionate & EMPOWERING ways that maximize the possibility of creating harmony, trust, and heart -centered connection so

W e l c o me TO C l a i r em o n t L u t h e r a n

that everyone can get their needs met respectfully!

Clairemont Lutheran Church welcomes visitors to

Please join Tera Gardner, CLC, S.D. area NVC coordinating

participate fully in our ministries. Our Sunday School,

team member/facilitator and Communication instructor

Bible studies and service groups are always ready to

for the SDCCD 21 years, for a life-serving and life-changing

receive interested people. We would like to tell you


more about our congregation and what we believe our

My intention is that this will assist you in connecting warmly

mission to be. If you are interested in learning about a

with all your relationships; at home with family & friends, in

more formal relationship with our congregation, the

the workplace with bosses & co-workers…and anywhere in

Lutheran tradition, or basic Christian teaching please

your daily life!

speak with Pastor Jon. Classes are now forming.

February, 2018

Other Activities


H ea l t h




Otras Especiales Stephen Ministry

The Stephen Ministry program is off to a wonderful start in 2018, and we have Stephen Ministers ready to serve and walk with anyone who

During the season of Lent we are inviting everyone

to participate in a spiritual and physical health and wellness challenge! There will be sign-ups on the patio the two Sundays before Ash Wednesday, and everyone will be split up into teams with one leader per team. Each day during Lent participants will awarded points by completing various tasks which promote both spiritual and physical wellbeing. These include things like eating sufficient fruits and vegetables, praying and reading the Bible, and acts of charity/kindness. This challenge is for all ages and is meant to be a fun, positive way to connect with God and each other and increase our overall well-being as God’s children! Invite your friends and family :) The team with the most points by Palm Sunday will receive a prize!

R emem b e r I n P r a y e r Patsy Bannach, Mary Jo Flattum, Jesús Mecina, Len Seegers, Sarah

might have a need . Each of our trained Stephen Ministers completed approximately 50 hours of training in a variety of subjects including, but not limited to, Christian Caregiving, Confidentiality, Using Mental Health and Community Resources, Ministering to those Experiencing Grief, Dealing with Depression, Helping Suicidal People Get the Help, Ministering to the Dying and Their Families and Hospitalization. At this moment three Stephen Ministers have already been assigned to care receivers. If you are experiencing sadness, grief, a feeling of loss, anxiety or other problems in your life, and think you could benefit from a listening ear or a comforting shoulder to lean on, please reach out to Pastor Jon, Pastor Nate, Ruth Andersen, or Gary Jaus. Each of them understand the benefits and limitations of the Stephen Ministry program and will help determine if it is the right resource for you.

Solomon, Marian Knipe and The Krapp Family at the death of Doris.

A d u lt E d u c at i o n a l F o r u m Hoarding


February 21st at 6:00 PM This is the first installation of quarterly events related to mental health awareness in our communities. We will hear from a variety of perspectives on this topic including personal and expert.

Youth & Children

Niños & Jovenes

February, 2018


Activities For Youth Group This Month


1 1th We will have our regular meeting in the youth room from 5 to 6:30 p.m

1 8th

BOWLING Lets have Fun! Time TBD


Plan for Youth Sunday on March 4th. We will meet at youth room from 5 to 6:30 p.m

Confirmation Schedule 11th & 25th From 5:p.m to 6:30 p.m

Keep Calm And


u n d a y c h o o l

will meet weekly at

9:45 a.m & 1 1:45 a.m

Come to youth Sunday on

March 4th


P.6 February, 2018 G at h e r Bible Study “Multiple Meanings: Learning from Other Interpretations” By Mark Allan Powell

The winter 2018 Gather Bible Study is going to engender a lot of discussion. Mark Allan Powell is a professor of New Testament at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio. He has also taught at seminaries in Estonia, Russia and Tanzania, edited the “Harper Collins Bible Dictionary” and written more than 100 articles and 25 books on the

ALL WOMEN are invited

Mark Your Calendars Mom’s Study Group: Friday, February 2, 6:30 p.m. Call Holly Doolittle at 858 352-6713 for more information. Bible Study Leaders: Tuesday, February 6, 10:00 a.m. Women of the ELCA Board Meeting: Tuesday, February 6 at 11:00 a.m. in Room 2. Piece and Sew: Tuesday and Wednesday, February 6 and 7 in Room C. Mission Quilters: Saturdays, February 10 and 24 at 10:00 a.m. in the Fireside Room.

Bible and religion.

Coming Up


Saturday, March 3, 2018 -

Text: Luke 3:3-17

Pacifica W-ELCA Spring Event

This story is about John the Baptist preaching to the crowds

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church

before Jesus comes to him to be baptized. It reports what

33501 Stonehill Drive, Dana Point

he said to people in general and to certain specific groups.

Bible With Daneen Pysz

in Room 2. PEACE CIRCLE: Monday, February 12, 10:00 a.m. in Room 2.

Love Gifts:Families Assistance Ministries (FAM)helping homeless women and children in Orange County.

PATIENCE CIRCLE: NOTE DAY & TIME CHANG Monday, February 12, 1:00 p.m. Hostess is Marilyn Mehr; Bible study leader is Harriet Morris. HOPE CIRCLE: Wednesday, February 14, 1:00 p.m. in

B o l d W o me n ’ s D a y

Theme: Christ Within Us Special Program: Performance of Women in the

RUTH CIRCLE: Thursday, February 8, 10:00 a.m.

Room 2.


Client Supplies Most Requested - Hygiene products: soap, deodorant, shampoo, razors; Oral Hygiene products: toothpaste, floss, toothbrush; Sunscreen, Large Diapers (4, 5, 6) and wipes

Celebrate the bold women in your life February 25, 2018

Bold Women’s Day—observed annually on the fourth Sunday of February—celebrates all Lutheran women who have acted or are acting boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. Some women are bold in their unceasing prayers. Other women are bold in their service to those in need. Still other women are bold in their advocacy or through their hospitality. Whether we live out our bold story of faith in the workplace, family home or community, our faith compels us to make a difference in the lives of others. It’s all about living out our baptismal call, about being a disciple of Christ. Are

you bold?

Church Info & Report

Info & Reporte de Iglesia

Attendance Averages: December 274 2014



February, 2018


Contacts: Senior Pastor: Jonathan Doolittle Cell 858-336-8340 e-mail: [email protected]


Bilingual Pastor: Nathaniel Allen Cell 626-627-5802 e-mail: [email protected]

2015 2016 2017

Christmas Eve Attendance totals:

Administrator: Angela Jackson

488 + 520 578 565 66 (Christmas Day) Total =554 2017 2014 2015 2016


e-mail: [email protected]

Office Hours:

Monday -Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

2017 December Financial Report: Income:


Budget $47,507

Actual $ 71,503

Budget $525,700

Actual: $516,517

Expenses: Budget $43,553

Actual $45,394

Budget: $525,115

Actual: $512,783

Net Budget$ 3,953

Actual: $26,109

Budget: $585

Actual: $3,734

God’s Vision, Nuestra Mision appeal: Given in 2017: $95,117 Total fund balance: $286,372 We had very generous congregational giving in 2017. We funded two full time pastors an intern and all our other staff. This was a year that truly reflected the generosity of the people of Clairemont Lutheran. For more financial information, look in the annual report and attend the annual meeting on February 3. Thank you to everyone who made pledges for the next year. We look forward to 2018 to have another fiscally sound year and continued success in our God’s Vision, Nuestra Mision appeal.

ASunday Worship Schedule For the Month: 8:30 a.m.

10:00 a.m.



1 1th

Service of the word

Celebration Worship


Table Prayer Liturgy

Table Prayer Liturgy

Service of the world

Celebration Worship



Doris Krapp Obituary

P.8 February, 2018 Our mother, Doris Krapp, a 54-year member of Clairemont Lutheran Church, passed into the presence of our Lord on Saturday, January 13 after a long battle with respiratory illness. We claim the promises of God that her soul was immediately in Heaven with Him and our father, Earl, who preceded her in passing in December, 2014. Doris was born and raised in Pittsburgh, PA. She met Earl in high school and they married in 1953. Their three children: David, Kim, and Diane, were born in Pennsylvania. After spending time in San Pedro while Earl was in the Army, they set their sights on returning to Southern California and, in 1963, they moved their young family to San Diego, first in Clairemont and then to University City. Once the three of us were in school, she returned to the workforce and began what would be a 30-year career as a secretary and administrative assistant, the majority of it spent with Washington Inventory Service. She tremendously valued the relationships she made with her co-workers and spoke often of them as friends. She viewed her role as one of making others successful, never taking credit herself. As a mother, Doris created a fun and loving home environment during our growing up years. We have many memories of weekend drives to new places, picnics in the park, and cross-country vacations to visit relatives back east. After dabbling in camping, they bought a small motorhome in 1974, and the whole family went on a 6-week circle of the United States followed by many other fun trips. She and Dad always made it a priority to keep God at the center of our family, participating in worship and church life activities of all kinds. Mom and Dad bought their dream home in 1981, and spent the rest of their lives together looking out over Mission Bay and enjoying the lights of the city.

They loved camping with church groups, holding family gatherings at their house, and proudly watching our families take shape and grow over the years. In retirement, Mom took up exercising with friends, playing the piano, and keeping up with relatives and friends. It wasn’t until her final years that she began to experience challenges with memory, and a return of childhood breathing problems. In her last days, Mom looked forward to visits from all of us. She especially loved to go out to eat, and often asked for ice cream as a favorite treat for dessert. She enjoyed drives around the city to see places that she and Dad frequented over the years. Though her memory was failing, she always recognized us, and her face would light up whenever she saw us. These are the memories that we, her children, will hold close. Mom did not want a fuss made over her, and so we are not holding a memorial service for her. Many of the people who know her saw her at Dad’s service 3 years ago – when she was still able to converse and relate. She would prefer that you remember her that way, and the many other good things about her and her life as you knew her. If you wish to honor our mother’s memory, in lieu of flowers or cards we recommend that you make a donation to your favorite charity in her honor. We know she would be happiest with that kind of recognition. Doris Krapp will be interred at Miramar National Cemetery in the Columbarium with our father, Earl. We decided to place their wedding rings in the niche along with them, because their life together was the most important thing to both of them. We look forward to the day when we will all be reunited with them and our Father in Heaven! David Kropp, Kim Daudert, Diane Stefano

12 8:00am TOPS 8:00am Men’s AA 10:00am Peace Cir. 7:00pm Patience Cir 7:15pm Sanctuary Choir 8:00pm AA Meeting

19 8:00am TOPS 8:00am Men’s AA 1:00pm Bunco 7:15pm Sanct. Choir 8:00pm AA Meeting

26 8:00am TOPS 8:00am Men’s AA 7:15pm Sanctuary Choir 8:00pm AA Meeting

18 8:30am & 10:00am Worship with Communion 9:45 & 11:45am Sunday School 11:30am Servicio de Adoración en Español

25 BOLD WOMEN’S DAY 8:30am Worship Service 9:45 & 11:45am Sunday School 10:00am Family Worship Service with Communion 11:00am Youth Choir Lunch & Fundraiser 11:30am Servicio de Adoración en Español

27 11:00am Staff Meeting 6:00pm Golden Leaguers 7:00pm Al-Anon

20 11:00am Staff Meeting 6:00pm Evangelism Team 6:30pm NAMI 7:00pm Al-Anon

13 11:00am Staff Mtg 1:00pm R.S.V.P. 6:30pm Exec. Com. 7:15pm Council Mtg

28 7:00pm Handbells

21 12:00pm Worship 6:00pm Adult Ed. Topic: Hording 7:00pm Handbells

14 ASH WEDNESDAY Valentine’s Day Clarion Deadline 12:00pm Worship 1:00pm Hope Circle 1:30pm Caregivers Support Group 7:00pm Worship

Youth Choir Spaghetti Lunch Fundraiser Feb 25th @ 11:00am

22 8:30am Sandwich Ministry 5:00pm EveningStar 5:30pm Thursday Night Dinner 5:15pm Youth/Children’s Choir 6:30pm Holden Evening Prayer

23 11:00am Food Distribution 12:00pm Trip to TJ Orphanage 6:00pm Al-Anon

15 16 8:30am Sandwich Ministry 11:00am Food 9:00am Bowling Group Distribution 10:00am MorningStar 6:00pm Al-Anon 5:30pm Thursday Night Dinner 5:15pm Youth/Children’s Choir 6:30pm Holden Evening Prayer

9 11:00am Food Distribution 6:00pm Al-Anon

11 8:30am Worship Service 9:45 & 11:45am Sunday School 10:00am Celebration Worship with Communion 11:30am Servicio de Adoración en Español

7 9:00am Piece & Sew 6:30pm Stephen Min Supervision 7:00pm Handbells

8 8:30am Sandwich Ministry 10:00am Ruth Circle 5:00pm EveningStar 5:30pm Thursday Night Dinner 5:15pm Youth/Children’s Choir 6:30pm COMPASSIONATE COMMUNICATION CLASS

6 9:00am Piece & Sew 10:00am WELCA Bible Study Leaders 11:00am Staff Meeting 11:00am WELCA Board 7:00pm Al-Anon

5 8:00am TOPS 8:00am Men’s AA 7:15pm Sanctuary Choir 8:00pm AA Meeting

4 8:30am & 10:00 Worship with Communion 9:45 & 11:45am Sunday School 11:30am Servicio de Adoración en Español

Youth Group meets weekly except February 4th!

2 11:00am Food Distribution 6:00pm Al-Anon 6:30pm Mom’s Book Study

1 8:30am Sandwich Ministry 10:00am MorningStar 5:30pm Thursday Night Dinner 6:00pm Youth/Children’s Choir 6:30pm Bible Study in English


Sunday School each week at 9:45 & 11:45 a.m.!






February 2018

24 10:00am LWR Quilters

2:00pm AGO Play-a-thon

17 1:00pm Art Guild 1:00pm SDCRS

10:00am LWR Quilters




CLC Volunteer Schedule Lay Readers

8:30 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

Feb 4

Bev Covey

Elizabeth Reynolds

Feb 11

Bonita Martinez


Feb 18

Myra Brandt

Steve Geitz

Feb 25

Jack Volkmann


Bonnie Keeney



Margaret Volkmann


Natalia Allen


Communion Assistants 8:30 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

Feb 4

Elizabeth Reynolds & Deanna Belter

Gabriella Anderson & Jeff Kammerer

Toby Neal


Feb 11


Pam Allen & Phyllis Zona

Jennie Newhouse


Feb 18

Stella Penyak & Ken Hanson

Marilyn & Tom Groot

Holly Timms


Feb 25


Josua Purba & Sandy McCauley

Carolyn Farrington


Deanna Belter


Len Seegers



8:30 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

Feb 4

Rachel Thomas & Phillip Allen

Gerg Buchanan & Kyle Dunlavey

Patricia McCormick


Feb 11

Jackson Snipas


Josua Purba


Feb 18

Daniel Solomon

Gavin Boisvert

Sally Hall


Feb 25

Jonah Doolittle


Phyllis Zona



Carmen Lecuona


Ernie Cline


Rita Leatherman



8:30 a.m.

10:00 a.m.

Feb 4

Carol Nichols and Wanda Boyce

Ruth Andersen and Janet Wood

Feb 11

Lewis and Lewis John TenHulzen

Pam Allen and Betty Black

Feb 18

Harriet Morris and Rob Newhouse

Harriet Carmona and Elaine Erickson

Feb 25

LaRae Rabe and Linda Wolfenden

Sandy McCauley and Kathy Farrington


8:30 a.m.

*If you have a birthday this month that is not listed please call the office! We don’t have it in our files. Thank you!

10:00 a.m.

Feb 4

Lewis TenHulzen

James Acosta

Feb 11

Terry Beckmyer

Phyllis Zona

Feb 18

Nancy Groesbeck

Youth Team

Feb 25

Gary Lange

Jeff Kammerer

February Altar Guild Team: Jennie Newhouse Thursday Night Dinner’s Clean Up Crew Feb 1

Spanish Ministry

Feb 8

Children’s Choirs

Feb 15

W-ELCA Group

Feb 22

Congregation Council

Altar Guild 10:00 set up/clean up Feb 4 & 11

Rita Leatherman & Angela Jackson

Feb 18 & 25 Gabriella Anderson & Heidi Acosta


Marco A. Laguna


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Clairemont Luthera Church / Iglesia Lutherana

Inside - Contenido

P2 -Council notes / Notas del consejo P3 -Special Avtivities / Actividades Especiales P4 -Other Activities / Otras Actividades P5 -Youth & Children / Niños & Jovenes P6 -Women / Mujeres P7 -Church Info & Report / Info & Reporte de Iglesia P8 -Doris Krapp Obituary P9 -Church Calendar / Calendario P10 -Volunteer / Voluntarios