February 2018

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Christ Church Vestry Minutes February 8, 2018 7:00 PM Present: Rand Barton, Ruth Beresford, Hardy Drane, Hal Erskine, Nancy Greenberg, Chris Grundner, Lee Kallos, Scott Poole, Greer Silliman, Al Smith, Lynne Swartz, Annie Woolard-Provine, Joe Zakielarz Absent: Sandy Van Wormer The meeting was called to order by the Rector at 7:02 PM. Opening prayer was offered by Rand Barton. The January minutes were approved as presented. 1st Vestry Priority – To Encourage Invitation & Welcome for Growth: Making Disciples Hal Erskine, Nancy Greenberg, Chris Grundner, Lee Kallos, Scott Poole, Al Smith, Sandy Van Wormer Al reported on Sunday attendance by service. Week to week variations are not significant. Goal is to increase ASA by 100 parishioners. The focus is on metrics on new members and prospects with a goal of 50 new members for 2018. There is the invitewelcomeconnect.com site, with a plan for a diocesan-wide workshop; the rector spoke with the bishop to plan one for this year. Work continues on upgrading the website, with a focus on welcoming outsiders. 54 attended the last Saturday Evening Service. 2nd Vestry Priority – Maintaining the Fabric to Encourage the Ministry, Connecting Members: Equipping the Church for Ministry Rand Barton, Hardy Drane, Greer Silliman, Lynne Swartz, Annie Woolard-Provine, Joe Zakielarz Team 2 will host a ministry leader dinner April 17. All vestry members are encouraged to attend. The purpose is to introduce the foundation of their work—the Two Great Commandments. Newcomers work continues. The team continues to look at all aspects of our services through the eyes of newcomers/visitors. Coffee hour is being rebranded to Coffee and Community. Vestry members are asked to work with the Newcomers Ministry to sign up as greeters. An Usher leader is needed for the 9 AM service. Rector’s Report Ruth gave an update on our presence at Diocesan Convention. The ending of the Cathedral congregation is now official. Others offered comments on convention experience. It was suggested that CCCH could offer more candidates for diocesan committees and positions to have a stronger presence in the diocese. Ruth has selected a new senior warden to succeed Joe Zakielarz. Joe and other retiring vestry members are the nominating committee and will begin to craft a slate of vestry nominees for May elections. There have been several deaths of parish members (or their parents) with services coming up. New invitations and thank-you notes are going out to England Choir Residency/Pilgrimage folks. The Choir Sponsor party will be held on April14 at the home of Linda and Steve Boyden. The 2017 audit is in progress. Maryann Younger, our aspirant, met with Bishop Brown and has been given the nod to move forward with seminary. Marta Illueca has completed her ordination exams and awaits news of candidacy and ordination to the diaconate. Clay Brown, who is a graduate of General Seminary, will be released as a candidate in the Diocese of Pennsylvania to start the process as an aspirant in the Diocese of Delaware. Review of Ministry Plan Draft Revision Joe Zakielarz discussed how vestry work and the vision of the parish align with the direction in which we are moving. Is there alignment between vestry and committee work? Ruth continued with the discussion of our purpose. Mission of the church is defined in the prayer book. Latest vision statement is to “be bold.” Ruth continued with a review of our strategy and key ministries and goals. The draft is a starting point for discussion and reflects what the vestry has been discussing this year.

How can we support the direction we are going? Discussion continued among all the vestry on our purpose, mission, strategy, key ministries, and goals. Establishing more tangible strategies and goals with metrics and timeframes makes the goals more attainable. The vestry noted that it is important to develop a communications tool to use to talk to members of the parish and groups in our community. Wording is important, but we need to put numbers and metrics to it and invest in new communications. Phone polling is useful in gauging what’s important to members. It was suggested we could ask these questions at the annual meeting. Fellowship Joys and Concerns There is positive feedback on changes to the chapel. The Saturday service is well received. Newcomers feel welcomed. There is a consistent group of kids participating in youth group. The Family Promise program is a very beneficial new ministry. Signs of a Growing Church: Discipleship, Fellowship, Care, Outreach Hearing His message, changing us. Who are we becoming? Look for signs of our growth. Closing prayer was offered by Rand Barton. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM. Next vestry meeting is March 8. Hardy Drane is assigned prayers. Respectfully submitted, Dana Robertson, Clerke