fruitfulness project

fruitfulness project -

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FRUITFULNESS PROJECT The following is due by August 7, 2017 Print and mail to the Rev. John Nupp Report on a significant disciples-making project you led during your time as a Provisional Member As directed by the 2016 Book of Discipline, ¶335.7 (Elders) or 330.4 (Deacons), you are to submit a written report on a significant disciples-making project you have led during your time as a Provisional Member of the BWC. This report should be no more than ten (10) pages in length, double spaced, in Times New Roman font with one inch margins. The following are suggested project possibilities but you are free to choose any project that you have already initiated or will be initiating prior to the August 7, 2017 report deadline. • • • • • • • • • •

Launching a new worship service Starting a new church or satellite ministry Launching a major outreach project to address a specific social justice issue Beginning a small group ministry to reach un-churched persons. Leading a mission trip Leading a long-term Bible study, targeting a new population Starting a new member class where persons were intentionally led to a profession of their faith and were integrated into the life and work of the congregation. Leading a confirmation class from start to finish Directing a major musical or theatrical production designed as an outreach event Starting a new music ensemble for potential new Christians.

Your report should address the following: • • • • • • •

Give a general description of this ministry Why did you decide to initiate this particular ministry? Describe your role in this ministry How did you fund this ministry? How did this ministry reach out to the community, and especially to persons not currently involved in a faith community? What specific fruit did this ministry bear? What did you and/or your congregation learn from this experience?