[PDF]GRACE CHURCH (Harborcreek) GUEST...

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Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. - Romans 15:7

GRACE CHURCH (Harborcreek) GUEST EXPERIENCE TEAM GREETING • Arrive at least 20 minutes before scheduled start time • Dress should be appropriate, clean and neat • Conduct must reflect a gentle godly spirit to all they serve • Welcome arriving guests with a warm and friendly smile creating a great first impression • One (1) member will be stationed at the Main Entrance into the Atrium (downstairs) and one (1) at the entrance upstairs (drop-off / handicapped) to hold the door and greet guests • One or two (1 or 2) member(s) will be at each door of the Worship Center to greet guests and pass out bulletins • Additional members welcome and assist with seating inside Worship Center • Be alert for any issues that may require attention (new guests that look lost, handicapped, etc.) • Close doors to Worship Center at beginning of the service • Continue to pass out bulletins and open the door to the Worship Center for late guests for an additional five to ten minutes OFFERING • Come stand in back of aisle a few minutes before scheduled time • Walk in unison together and bow in front as we are called to pray together • Pass each offering bag down their row, rotating every other row while observing the usher at the other end to make sure the flow is managed well • It is ok to continue to the next row when the offering bag is slow in a certain row • Bring bags back to lobby and at least two (2) members (including the Team Leader) take the bags to the Attic to separate the offering, put it into the locked bags and drop into the safe • After securing the offering, the Team Leader does a count of attended guests, records it in the binder in the Attic and texts it to the Central Accountant BENOVELENT (1st Sunday of Each Month) • One (1) member stands by each door with offering bags as people exit the service • Gifts are put into “Benevolent” envelope by at least two (2) members (including the Team Captain) and then the safe COMMUNION (1st Sunday of Each Month) • All members stand in back during scheduled time before being called by Service Host • Members will either dismiss people by row or pass the elements When dismissing by row:

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• One member will be in the back left of each section and direct the first person to go to

the table in the front of their section and then come back in the other side of their row. • Dismiss the rows at a pace that doesn’t create a long line When passing the elements: • All members come forward to get the bread and pass the trays just like the offering bags • When you get to the back, wait for everyone else to finish and then go forward to return the bread and pick up the juice to pass • When you get to the back, wait for everyone else to finish and then go forward to return the bread OR meet in the lobby and have someone take the juice trays to the kitchen to be refilled or cleaned OCCASIONAL • Members will be asked to pass out or collect materials during the service or as people leave

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Members (#6-10) doing the back sections will grab from Table #3 All will grab 2 trays from Table 3

Trays will then be put on cart outside the Worship Center (side entrance by the gym)

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