Growth Group Questions April 8, 2018 Aldersgate Alive

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Growth Group Questions April 8, 2018 Aldersgate Alive Sunday

1. Have you ever been the recipient of an intentional act of service? Please consider sharing the story with your Growth Group. How did you feel upon receiving that kindness? Did the experience affect your relationship with the person who served you?

2. Do you have a favorite story of serving someone in your community, either from Aldersgate Alive this week or from another time? How was the gesture received? What did you learn?

3.What was your reaction when you heard that Aldersgate UMC suspends its regularly scheduled worship services every year on the Sunday after Easter. How else might our congregation might be in service to the larger community?

4. If you participated in Aldersgate Alive this week, did you meet anybody at the church whom you had not met before? How can opportunities to serve bring our local church body closer together?

5.What is your understanding of service and its purpose in the life of a follower of Jesus? From where did your understanding originate, and how has it developed throughout your life?

6. Do you and your family incorporate service in your daily lives, in addition to your service through Aldersgate? In what sorts of ways do your reach out to your neighbors? Why do you choose to do so?

7. Read Philippians 5:2-7.What does it mean to have “the same mindset of Jesus” in relation to service? What is the nature of a servant?

8. Read 1 Peter 4:1-11.What gifts have God given you to serve others?

9. As a Growth Group, whom might you serve during your next service project? Begin planning your next time of service together. (The summer is a great time to serve, so you may spend some time together while Growth Groups are not meeting regularly.) Consider putting a date on the calendar and appointing someone to coordinate your efforts.

10. How could your Growth Group pray for you this week?