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Humility October 23, 2016 Humility is not: Low ________________________ Daniel 1:4

Lack of _____________________ Daniel 2:49 Daniel 1:19-20

Downplaying my _______________________ Daniel 2:24

Humility is: Serving _______________ Matthew 20:20-28

“It doesn’t mean we become a __________________. It means we become a ___________________.” -Larry Osborne

Who Do We Serve?

Those who ____________________ Those who ________________________________ Our ____________________ “If we want to influence our modern-day Babylon, we’ll have to change our tactics. Instead of avoiding or attacking the godless leaders of our day, we’ll need to begin to engage them in the same way Daniel did, humbly serving whomever God chooses to temporarily place into positions of authority.”

-Larry Osborne

Key Principle: Without _______________, there can

be no _______________ Biblical humility offers _____________ to everyone and is _____________________________ for people’s best interest Daniel 4:19

Humility has some problems: It is ________________________ Rarely ____________________ The payoff is never ___________________