Inorganic Chemistry - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

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Inorganic Chemistry EDITOR M. FREDERICK HAWTHORNE Department of Chemistry, Unirersity of California, Los Angeles, California 90024 ASSOCIATE EDITORS MELVYN State



HERBERT D. KAESZ University of California Los Angeles, California 90024

University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo, New York 14214

GALEN D. STUCKY Sandia Laboratories Albuquerque, New Mexico 87185


THEODORE L. BROWN University of Illinois Urbana,Illinois61801

J O H N P. FACKLER Case Western Reserve University Cleveland, Ohio 44106 MARY L. G O O D UOP Inc. Des Planes, Illinois 60016

T H O M A S J. M E Y E R The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514

K E N N E T H Ν. R A Y M O N D

H A R R Y B. GRAY California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California 91125


J O H N R. SHAPLEY University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 61801


Journals Department: Charles R. Bertsch, Head: Marianne C. Brogan, Associate Head: Celia B. McFarland, Senior Asso­ ciate Editor; John G. Frysinger, Staff Ed­ itor Production Department: Elmer M. Pusey, Jr., Head Research and Development Department: Seldon W. Terrant, Head

Advertising Office: Centcom, Ltd., 25 Sylvan Road South, Westport, Conn. 06881

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E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co., Inc. Wilmington, Delaware 19898

Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843 University of Texas Austin, Texas 78712


Columbia University New York, New York 10027




University of California Berkeley, California 94720

University of California Berkeley, California 94720

Editorial Information Instructions for authors and copyright transfer form printed in the January issue. Please con­ form to these instructions. Manuscripts for publication should be sub­ mitted to the Editor, M. Frederick Hawthorne, at his Los Angeles address. Correspondence regarding accepted papers and proofs should be directed to the Journals Department at the address below. Page charges of $25.00 per page may be paid for papers published in this journal. Payment does not affect acceptance or scheduling of pa­ pers. Bulk reprints or photocopies of individual articles arc available. For information write to Business Operations, Books and Journals Divi­ sion, at the ACS Washington address. The American Chemical Society and its Ed­ itors assume no responsibility for the statements and opinions advanced by contributors.

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American Chemical Society P.O. Box 3330 Columbus, Ohio 43210 (614) 421-6940, ext. 3171 TWX 810-482-1608

DUWARD F. SHRIVER Northwestern University Evanston, Illinois 60201 JACK M. W I L L I A M S Argonne National Argonne, Illinois

Laboratory 60439

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