INSTRUMENTATION Technological College. 2:40. Solvent Effects on...

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3:10 3:35 4:05 4:35

Microcatalytic-Chromatographic Technique and Its Application to Commercial Gas Chromatographs. L. S. Ettre, Nathaniel Brenner, Perkin-Elmer Corp. Gas Chromatographic Study of the Catalytic Isomerization of Cyclopropane. D. W. Bassett, H. W. H a b good, Research Council of Alberta. Identification of Hydrocarbon Peaks in Gas Chroma­ tography by Sequential Application of Class Reactions. Robert Rowan, Jr., Esso Research and Engineering Co. Gas Chromatography of High Boiling Compounds on Low Temperature Columns. C. Hishta, J. P. Messerly, R. F . Reschke, Bristol Laboratories.


PROPIPETTE Safety Pipette Filler holds liquids indefinitely • Time Tested • No moving parts • Simple to operate

Herman Liebhafsky, Presiding 2:00 2:05

2:20 2:40 2:55

3:30. 3:50 4:10 4:30

Introductory Remarks. Herman Liebhafsky. Differential Thermal Analysis of Natural and Syn­ thetic Hydrates of Calcium Sulfate. W. E . P. Fleck, M. H. Jones, R. A. Kuntze, H . G. McAdic, Ontario Research Foundation. Thermal Properties of Ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic Acid ( E D T A ) and Its Derivatives. W. W. Wendlandt, Texas Technological College. Solvent Effects on the Polarographic Reduction of Metal Ions in Nitriles. R. C. Larson, R. T. Iwamoto, University of Kansas. General Equation of the Polarographic Wave Appli­ cable to Solvents of Low Dielectric Constant; Effect of Ion-Pair Formation on Half-Wave Potentials. W . B. Schaap, Indiana University. .Applications of Complementary Tristimulus Colorimetry. C. N. Reilley, Ε. Μ. Smith, University of North Carolina. Use of a Secondary Standard Technique for Recali­ brating Infrared Spectrophotometric Methods. H. A. Barnett, W. H. Slack, U. S. Steel Corp. Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. J. W. Robinson, Humble Oil & Refining Co. Business Meeting, Division of Analytical Chemistry.

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S. Dal Nogare, Presiding

9:25 9:45


10:10 10:30 10:40 11:00 11:20



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Symposium on Gas Chromatography

Introductory Remarks. S. Dal Nogare. High Temperature Gas Chromatography. W. H. Hanneman, C. F . Spencer, J . F . Johnson, California Re­ search Corp. Analysis of Sulfonic Acids and Salts by Gas Chroma­ tography of Volatile Derivatives. J. J. Kirkland, E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Analysis of Volatile Food Flavors by Gas Liquid Chromatography. II. Neutral Volatiles from Bread Preferment Liquid. D. E . Smith, J. R. Coffman, Gen­ eral Mills, Inc. Analysis of Volatile Food Flavors by Gas Liquid Chromatography. III. Separation and Identification of 2,3-Butanediols from Bread Preferment Neutrals. J. R. Coffman, D. E . Smith, General Mills, Inc. Applications of Carbowax 400 in Gas Chromatography for Extreme Aromatic Selectivity. L. R. Durrett, Shell Oil Co. Application of Capillary Columns to Essential Oil In­ dustry. I. Terpenes and Hydrocarbons. B. M. Mitzner, Mort Jacobs, van Ameringen-Haebler. Application of Capillary Columns to Essential Oil Industry. II. Terpene Alcohols and Oils. Β. Μ. Mitzner, Mort Jacobs, van Ameringen-Haebler. Analysis of Chloromethylated Diphenyl Ether. W. B. Trapp, J. L. Pillepich, E. D. Ruby, Dow Chemical Co. Gas Chromatographic Characterization of Methyl Esters of Naturally Occurring Long-Chain Fatty Acids. T. K. Miwa, K. L. Mikolajczak, F . R. Earle, I. A. Wolff, Northern Regional Research Lab. Use of the Gas Chromatograph in Detection of Vola­ tile Substances in Body Fluids. I. Oxygenated Com­ pounds. R. C. Crippen, Crippen Labs., Inc.; Henry Friemuth, State Toxicologist, Baltimore, Md.



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