Is it time to refer?

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Is it time to refer?

Welcome to SimplyBiz Mortgage Club’s Masterclass Meeting 2015 SimplyBiz Mortgages Limited, The Galpharm Stadium, Stadium Way, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 6PG. Registered in England under Company No. 4829609

Why refer?

Referral: noun: the act of directing someone to a different place or person for information, help or action, often to a person or group with more knowledge.

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Why refer?

Do what you do best … ... then refer the rest

SimplyBiz Mortgages Limited, The Galpharm Stadium, Stadium Way, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 6PG. Registered in England under Company No. 4829609

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Who does complex best?

SimplyBiz Mortgages Limited, The Galpharm Stadium, Stadium Way, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 6PG. Registered in England under Company No. 4829609

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Trust Lincoln Chafee

 Trust is built with consistency

Ronald Reagan

 Trust but verify

SimplyBiz Mortgages Limited, The Galpharm Stadium, Stadium Way, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 6PG. Registered in England under Company No. 4829609

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Protection background

 We are living longer & surviving more illnesses  35% of households have no savings  Average is £1,205  Need to protect your children  £184,392 to raise a child

 1m people per year suffer prolonged absence from work West Yorkshire HD1 6PG. Registered in England under Company No. 4829609

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SimplyBiz Mortgages Limited, The Galpharm Stadium, Stadium Way, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 6PG. Registered in England under Company No. 4829609

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PMI background There were 5.4 million private sector businesses at the start of 2015. 

Of these, SMEs…. •

Account for 99.3% of businesses

Provide 60% of private sector employment

 Create almost one half of turnover BUT ….. • Only 4% have private healthcare …leaving 96%

ALSO …. • There are over 146,000 more smaller, non-employing business now, compared to 2012 • Employee turnover creates new group and individual opportunities Source: AXA PPP

Si West Yorkshire HD1 6PG. Registered in England under Company No. 4829609

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Your clients

How many of your clients are:  Company Directors?  Part of an LLP?  Self-employed?

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SimplyBiz Mortgages Limited, The Galpharm Stadium, Stadium Way, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 6PG. Registered in England under Company No. 4829609

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GI background

    

9m+ households are without buildings insurance 6m+ households have no contents insurance Over 6m households are underinsured 25% penetration rate £200bn+ of contents at risk

 It’s a contractual obligation

SimplyBiz Mortgages Limited, The Galpharm Stadium, Stadium Way, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 6PG. Registered in England under Company No. 4829609

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SimplyBiz Mortgages Limited, The Galpharm Stadium, Stadium Way, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 6PG. Registered in England under Company No. 4829609

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How to choose

 Talk to your peers  Talk to your club or network  Talk to providers

SimplyBiz Mortgages Limited, The Galpharm Stadium, Stadium Way, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 6PG. Registered in England under Company No. 4829609

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How to monitor

   

Ongoing DD is key Understand their business model Understand their staff make up It is not a one off relationship

SimplyBiz Mortgages Limited, The Galpharm Stadium, Stadium Way, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 6PG. Registered in England under Company No. 4829609

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Referral Friday

Referral Friday A concept that is becoming more popular

Achieving 100% of your business potential is possible if you integrate a robust referral system. When your business levels are manageable you are not likely to utilise the referral processes.

However, when business is busy, having a referral process available allows you to continue to maximise both opportunity and service.

SimplyBiz Mortgages Limited, The Galpharm Stadium, Stadium Way, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 6PG. Registered in England under Company No. 4829609

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 Understand the needs of your clients  Satisfy their needs using all of your resources  Spot the new opportunities  Work in partnership

 Are you ready to refer? SimplyBiz Mortgages Limited, The Galpharm Stadium, Stadium Way, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 6PG. Registered in England under Company No. 4829609

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Secured Loans





SimplyBiz Mortgages Limited, The Galpharm Stadium, Stadium Way, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD1 6PG. Registered in England under Company No. 4829609

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Is it time to refer?

Thank you