July 8 Bulletin

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July 8

Children & Parents Lunch Meeting 12:15

July 11

Church Picnic 5:30 Youth Parents Meeting 7:30

July 1320

Pastor Liza will be attending classes

July 22

Youth—Lake Day

July 24

Youth--Six Flags

July 30, Gift to 31,Aug 1 Pine Mountain Children and Parents are invited to meet today for a special time of planning and lunch at 12:15 in the FLC.

YOUTH: There will be a parents meeting for rising 6th-12th grade students following the picnic July 11 (around 7:30) If you are unable to attend, please contact Michael Marler for info. 706-993-6419 Sunday, July 22—following the 11:00 service, the youth (and their families) are invited to spend the afternoon at Lake West Point. A picnic/pontoon boat will be provided. Bring your swimsuit, towel, sunscreen and excitement! RSVP Michael. Tuesday, July 24-Six Flags! If we can get 10 people, tickets will be $45. I need to feel the excitement of multiple roller coasters before I start teaching again! RSVP-Michael Marler

Gift to Pine Mountain (& Surrounding Areas!) Free Workshops and Classes July 30, 31, August 1, 2018 Call 706-663-2538 to Register Class list is available at www.fumcpinemountain.com -Pre-registration is required. -Nursery provided with pre-registration. -Some classes limited in number of participants - may be a small charge for supplies in some classes Gift to Pine Mountain is presented as a sharing of gifts and talents by members of the First United Methodist Church of Pine Mountain. All are welcome!

First United Methodist Church of Pine Mountain July 8, 2018 Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World with loving hands and grateful hearts through inviting, reaching, serving, growing & learning, and worshipping our Lord Jesus Christ!

Paul Longgrear invites all Veterans to attend Man Left Behind Attendance July 1, 2018 Worship: 8:30 AM - 34 11 AM - 72 Total: 106 Vital Signs Year to Date 2018 Budgeted $212,901.26 Received $192,050.54

Summer Sermon Series Whether you are home or away, stay in touch through THE WORD! Join us all in reading 1 & 2 Samuel July 15 2 Samuel 6:1-5;12b-19

July 22 July 29

2 Samuel 7:1-14a 2 Samuel 11:1-15

Church-wide Picnic! Wednesday, July 11 5:30-8:30pm Aldrich Center Hamburgers & Hotdogs provided. Bring a dish to share!

Sunday School: 46 Last Week $8,104.57 $11,699.46

Next Week Servants -July 15, 2018 8:30 AM Usher/ Greeters Roy Westbrook Judy Westbrook Gary Zuerner

11:00 AM Cheryl Waddell Jacob Parker Rusty Houston Lee Riley

Technology Genie Clancy Jim Trott Children’s Church Seth Riley Acolyte Katy Williamson Children’s Sunday School Pre-K—1st Savannah Dunn 2nd-4th Jane Logan Altar Guild for July Sue Trott/Becky Gaar

Church Staff Rev. Liza Marler—Pastor 706-993-7679 cell Michael Marler—Interim Youth Director Pamela Bain—Admin Assistant

John Manseau—Music Director Amy Mabry—Child/Youth Choir Director Barbara Beam (BB)—Nursery Director

Jane Logan—Accounting Secretary

Sonja Williamson—Nursery Assistant

Mike Duncan—Facilities Manager

Mary King Kurrass—Noah’s Ark Director

Church Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-12:30pm

Order of Worship CHIMING OF THE HOUR Welcome, Announcements, Invocation Pastor Liza Marler Prelude

A Summer Song


†Opening Hymns The Battle Hymn of the Republic UMH 717

When We All Get To Heaven UMH 701 Faith of Our Fathers UMH 710 First Scripture

Psalm 48

Pastor Liza

Children’s Time

Amy Mabry

Giving our Gifts and Selves to our God Offertory †Doxology

God Bless America

Special Music

Do You Know My Jesus? Gary Dawson

Lynda Dawson

Alto Saxophone

The New King

Pastor Liza

2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10

†Closing Hymn

Marching To Zion

UMH 733

Benediction †Closing Voluntary

Gloria Patri *Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world with out end, Amen, Amen.

Rick Adams

Prayers of The People & Lord’s Prayer L: Lord in your mercy, P: Hear our prayer.


Weekly Prayer Concerns


†Please stand as you are able


Doxology *Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son & Holy Ghost, Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer *Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen

Our Homebound: Jessie Saint, Lois Wilson-Boyd, John & Irene Sale, Angie Barker, Jane Claire Culverhouse, Larry Parrish, Walter Cleaveland Church Family & Others: Ginny & Buddy Nelson, Brenda Mitchell, Jo Weiss (travel), Johanna Hittell, Reuniting Families, Tee Mabry, Sandy and Rod Wallace This Week Servants 8:30 AM Usher/ Greeters Harold Tarpley Jeri Bishop Bob Philips Technology Genie Clancy Children’s Church Acolyte

11:00 AM Alan Whitten Anita Whitten Dena Schaeffer Jacob Douthit Chris Willey Seth Riley Jane & Katelyn Riley

Children’s Sunday School Pre-K—1st Amy Mabry 2nd-4th Mary King Kurrass Altar Guild for July Sue Trott/Becky Gaar

We extend love and sympathy to the family of Mrs. Betty Roberts who passed away this week. A memorial service will be held in the near future.

For Our Guests: Welcome! We hope you enjoy the presence of God, the blessing of the holy spirit and the loving fellowship in this church. Please consider joining this congregation if you are searching for a church family. If you would like to schedule a visit with our pastor, Rev. Liza Marler, feel free to call her at 706-993-7679. If this is your first time as a guest, please pick up a welcome bag at the back of the Sanctuary.

join us each Sunday for coffee and fellowship in the Family Life Center following the 8:30 AM service.

*Register your attendance by signing the black attendance pad on the pew. When it reaches the end of the aisle, send it back the other way to greet one another by name.

When you visit other churches while on vacation, bring Pastor Liza a bulletin from that church. These will help us to map out the many places where we are all missionaries for Christ this summer!