Leadership in Common Core Assessment

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Leadership in Common Core Assessment & Accountability Doug Wells Illuminate Education

Basic Components of…

Assessment Leadership Organize Instruction

Simple, clear organization of the Common Core standards into interim instructional periods. Keep it simple, with freedom to teach and engage kids.

Assessment Development Know your target and goals (SBAC/ PARCC/state-specific); Use the work of others; Quick, efficient process; Avoid the “what if’s…and “on-thefly” policy making

Data Analysis

Clear, efficient, relevant data analysis of student data; Lead to instructional change in the classroom Specific to each role in the educational process; Plan and implement your data protocol at all levels

Review and Refine

Clearly communicate a plan for review and refinement; not excessive review – annual works great!

Illuminate Assessment & Accountability

Illuminate Resources & Support §  Instructional Organization: Base Standards Schedules •  Designed to be refined and create district-specific standards schedules

§  Assessment Development: Base Interim Assessments •  Designed to be duplicated & refined to the district standards schedules •  Based on SBAC/PARCC/state assessment specifications

§  Data Analysis: Illuminate Specific Data Protocols •  District Leader, Site Leader, Teacher specific data protocols •  Focus analysis to specific roles within the instructional process •  Simple, efficient, and relevant

§  Review and Refine: Annual (spring) review/refine •  Allows adjustments to a moving target

District Facilitated or We Can Help!

Key Data Systems Resources

SBAC Alignment of Attributes with Standards Key Data Systems web site: www.keydatasys.com

District Leadership in Assessment & Accountability

Illuminate Data Protocol

District Leadership in Assessment & Accountability

Illuminate Data Protocol

District Leader

Data Protocol

District Leader

Data Protocol

District Leader

Data Protocol

District Leader

Data Protocol

District Leader

Data Protocol

Common Core Assessment & Accountability

Some Pitfalls to Avoid 1.  Continual change A.  Have a clear plan from start to finish 1.  Avoid major changes once tasks are complete

2.  Acting/Reacting to “I heard…” A.  Be knowledgeable about different aspects of assessment & accountability 1.  If there is something that isn’t clear, research before you act

3.  Adapting standards schedules and assessments to a new text adoption A.  Causes confusion and devalues professional work of setting standards instruction by teacher groups B.  Teach standards and skills – not a text

4.  Continual revision of assessments during the year A.  Some get stuck continually making assessments and lose sight of getting to data analysis

Common Core Assessment Leadership


Standards Focus

Quality Assessments

Data Analysis

Quick, Concise, Efficient Standards Schedule Development

Quick, Concise, Efficient Assessment Development

Concise, Relevant Data Protocol

(no more than 1 day)

(no more than 1 day)

Well communicated – each teacher and site leader receives electronically and printed

Items locked, so teachers can utilize remainder of the item bank for CFA’s and classroom resources

Standards schedules drive instructional pacing – not a text

Built from “base” assessments

Review/Refine each spring

Review/Refine each spring

Use data to make all instructional decisions and provide support to school sites Data protocols at the district, site, and teacher levels are consistent, but designed for each role in the educational process

Provide Support to Sites and Classrooms All support and decisionmaking based on student need Keep data analysis positive and look for outstanding results All PD based on best practices and strategies


Contact Information: Doug Wells Illuminate Education [email protected] (951)642-9253