Margolati needs your help with a brand new sesqui...anhydrous

Margolati needs your help with a brand new sesqui...

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Margolati needs your help with a brand new sesqui...anhydrous Frank S. Margolati, ass't. product mgr.s FMC INORGANIC CHEMICALS DIVISION.

Where can you use it? Biocidal detergents? Cosmetics? Anhydrous sodium sesquicarbonate —a new product made by a patented FMC process—with 16% less water than ordinary sesqui. Because it's all chemical. An excellent absorber of non-ionic wetting agents and cationic detergents. An excellent buffer, too. Has a density of 50 lbs/ft3. Any ideas? Test a sample for yourself. We'll send some along with a data sheet, FMC ® CORPORATION, INORGANIC CHEMICALS DIVISION, 633 Third Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10017*