master teacher

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ANCIENT FUTURE OCTOBER 1 & 4 MASTER TEACHER LEADER INFO: • Attend the last Vision Gathering with your Disciple Group on October 13. Please RSVP at • Attend ONE Vision Ambassador Training (Choose from Oct 4, Oct 11 or Oct 18 at 1:30pm in the Sanctuary.) (We want all Disciple Group Leaders to attend one of these trainings to learn more about the Before All Things initiative.) • Sign ups for groups have now closed.

GROUP ANNOUNCEMENTS: • Next Baptism Class is Oct 5 6-7pm in Back Yard Bible Club in the CoE22 Kids area. RSVP only if you need childcare at • Next Discover Eleven22 is Oct 5th in the Sanctuary. Dinner and Childcare is provided. Register at • Next Covenant Membership Classes are: Fridays- Oct 16 9am-12pm and Oct 23 9am-12pm You must attend the couplet of classes and register at

TEXTS: Deuteronomy 6:4-9; Ephesians 2:10; Hebrews 12:1-2; 12-13, Philippians 3:12-16


We are not saved BY our good works but we are saved TO good works. -In other words: You are saved by works, just not by yours. Not only have you been saved by Jesus’ work but you have been saved to Jesus’ work. ACTION STEP FOLLOW UP (5 MINUTES)

Last Week: Rest in the truth of the Gospel and meditate on its beauty.

ACCOUNTABILITY QUESTIONS 1. How did the Gospel transform your perspective this past week?

THE RECAP (10 MINUTES) In Week 4 of Ancient Future, Pastor Joby focused on loving the Lord your God with all your might. Ephesians 2 states that we are God’s workmanship, created for good works. This is not to earn salvation, but because of our salvation we walk out good deeds. We were created to love God and love people by serving. God purposely created us with valuable gifts and talents and has laid out good works for us for His glory and our joy. QUESTIONS (FROM THE WEEKEND SERMON) 1. What stood out to you from the sermon?

TEACHING & DIALOGUE Facilitator, direct participants to confine discussion to the passage being studied. You can redirect comments back by asking “where does it say that in the passage?” Discuss: Have someone read Deuteronomy 6:4-5 out loud. 1. What is the importance of loving God with all your might?

To love the Lord with all your might does not mean you have to be in a strongman competition or even be able to open the pickle jars in your fridge. Loving with all your might is another response to how God has given us life through Christ. God has given us each the energy and power to accomplish His good works by His own strength. God gives us the breath we need, He gives us the talents to use, and He gives us the Gospel to forcefully advance the Kingdom of God. The Gospel is not something to sit on the sidelines with. The Gospel transforms and pierces hearts and when we bring it to people with all our might we are living out our God given purpose. 2. Who have you seen love the Lord with all their might? How did that impact you or others? 3. Are you leaving it ALL on the field for the Lord today? Would you say you are giving Him all you’ve got or are you holding something back? What are you holding back? 4. In this passage God is telling us how to love Him. Why do you think He listed these things in the order He did?

First, God wants us to open our heart to Him. He wants us to sing praises, to shout His name, to lay our emotions at His feet. He also desires us to spend time with Him and meditate on the Gospel. In this, we allow our Lord to fill our souls up completely; meeting our deepest needs until “our cup runs over” (Psalm 23). With our heart and soul abiding in God, we can then love Him with all our might, allowing the overflow of our cup to be poured out on all those the Lord places in our path. The fullest blessing of His love comes when it is shared. There is a physical aspect to loving God and loving others, which allows us to be the hands and feet of God here on earth.

Have someone read Ephesians 2:10 out loud. 5. If we are HIS workmanship, then we are always a work in progress. How is the Lord refining you right now?

The Lord tells us in Psalm 139:13 that He, “knitted me together in my mother’s womb.” He designed each of us for a unique purpose that can only be fulfilled if we let go of our desire to control and ideas about what needs to happen and fully surrender to His working in our lives. 1 Corinthians 3:9 tells us that “We are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building.” 2 Corinthians 6:1 urges us to work together with Him so that we don’t “receive the grace of God in vain.” 6. How often do you hear God’s message but not let it affect what you say and do? What is causing this block? Have someone read Hebrews 12:1-2; 12-13 out loud. 7. What weight or sin do you need to lay down right now to run the race Jesus is calling you to run? What in your life is dislocated and preventing you from serving the Lord?

Have someone read Philippians 3:12-16 out loud. 8. What areas of joy and gifting has God given you in regards to serving the Kingdom of God? (What acts of service bring you closer to the Lord?

With our identity firmly planted within Christ we can live with the freedom to serve God in the way He designed us to serve. It might not always be easy, but we don’t toil aimlessly because we know that God is victorious over sin and brokenness. We are no longer the last kid picked for Dodge ball, but God has chosen us and placed us in the game with a purpose.

SPIRITUAL GIFT EXERCISE: Draw a Venn Diagram1 to help you discover your spiritual gifts… Label one circle Affinity Label one Ability Label the last Affirmation Answer these questions and write the answers in the corresponding circle: Ability: What are you particularly good at? Affinity: What are you really passionate about in the body of Christ or the mission of God? Affirmation: Can you think of a time when people told you that God used you in their lives? What had you done?

When you find an answer in all three circles this is most likely one of your spiritual gifts. 1

Jesus Continued... Why the Holy Spirrt inside you is better than Jesus beside you by J.D. Greear

ACTION STEP: Use your spiritual gift by signing up to serve at CoE22. Go to Or fill out a response card or go to the Connect Center at the next service.