Morning Worship Nevertheless, God's solid foundation

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Morning Worship Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.” 2 Timothy 2:19 Call to Worship Welcome First Time Guests! Please fill out a Connection Card and bring it by the Welcome Center. Observance of the Lord’s Supper Worshiping in Praise Lord Reign in Me Holy, Holy, Holy (Hosanna) Holy, Holy, Holy (#2)

Giving of Our Tithes & Offerings (Children Ages 4 – 6 may go to KidzWorship) Sermon by Pastor Mike Gray Letters to the Church Examining Our Minds and Hearts Revelation 2:18-29 Invitation to Decision Breathe on Me (#238)

The Invitation is for public faith responses, to trust in Jesus as Lord, for recommitment to Christ, to present yourself as a candidate for membership, to answer God’s personal call for ministry, or to simply come forward for prayer. Benediction Benevolence Offering

Care Net Baby Bottle Campaign 2019 Small Change, BIG Impact… Fill a bottle. Change a Life! The Baby Bottle Campaign for Care Net Peninsula exists to inform and empower women. It’s easy to participate! Just pick up a bottle today and fill it with coins, cash, or a check. (Checks may be made out to Newington Baptist Church with Care Net written on the memo line.) Bring it back to the church Sunday, February 24th and know that your giving is making a positive difference for the women and children in our community! Re-Creation February 24th 5:00 Fellowship during a covered dish meal 6:00 Worship Celebration through Music Re-Creation’s is bringing the 44th Edition Live to NBC! An alive worship experience celebrating God’s mighty love and His eternal promise! Songs from every era of our faith journey! Praise & Worship, Traditional Hymns, Children’s Songs, Dramatic Works! Sign up on the FYI Board if you are available to act as a host or hostess to members of Re-Creation! Welcoming, what can we do better? (Greeter Training) Sunday, February 10 2:00 – 3:30 PM

Help make Newington a more welcoming church through your service in these areas: Parking Lot, Doors, Welcome Center Informants, and Pew Ambassadors. Newington Connection New Member Class February 10th, 17th, 24th 9:00 -10:00 AM (Sunday School Hour)

A class for new members and others interested in church membership. Learn about Newington’s Beliefs, Practices, Purpose, and Opportunities for involvement in Fellowship, Discipleship, and Ministry

Sermon Notes Letters to the Church Examining Our Minds and Hearts Revelation 2:18-29 ❖ The _________ :18 Eyes of fire and feet of bronze

❖ The Commendation _________ :19 I know your works

❖ The ____________ :20-23 You tolerate, I examine your minds and hearts

❖ The __________________ :24-25 Hang On to what you have

❖ The ____________ :26-28 To rule & the morning star

❖ The ________________ :29 Listen to the Spirit

February Operation Christmas Child packing idea: Accessories

KidzWorship Children’s Church Today: Steve Kancianic, Christina Pyatt Next Week: Steve Kancianic Worship Time Nursery Workers Today: Heather Adams, Cannie & Doug Hull Next Week: Billy & Marie Auker, Michelle Moore Celebrations Birthdays: 2/4 Dottie Hogge, Waverly Hogge, Daniel Johnson, 2/5 Billy Auker, 2/8 Fred Allder, Jean German, Mark Morgan, Sharon Shoener Anniversaries: 2/9 David & Patricia Stone Attendance January 27 Morning Worship: 114 Sunday School: 62

General Offering Designated Giving

Budget Needs

Giving 1/27 $4,189.00 $150.00

YTD $23,651.76 $720.96 $34,401.02

February 3 – February 9 Opportunities of the Week SUNDAY 3 G.U.E.S.T. @ NBC Sunday School Morning Worship

9:00 AM 10:15 AM MONDAY4

G.U.E.S.T. @ NBC CBS Teens Gray Community Group

6:00 PM 6:30 PM TUESDAY 5

Worship Planning Men’s BSF WEDNESDAY 6 Clothes Closet Prayer Meeting TeamKid & Youth Meeting Choir THURSDAY 7 Horrell Community Group FRIDAY 8 SATURDAY 9 GMM Prayer Meeting @ Courthouse Circle

6:00 PM 6:55 PM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM

7:30 AM

Prayer Requests & Intercessions

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Current Medical Needs: Christopher French, Jim Wright, Maureen Baldwin (Barbara Wiener’s sister-in-law), Kristen Hull (Doug Hull’s niece), Gerlinde Stephens, Billy Hankison (family of Ginger Maynor), Kim Hogge, Tabatha Dyess, Marie Schuszler (Juli Semanski’s sister), Michelle Monfalcone (Dorothy Ketterman’s daughter), Frank Wingfield, Tommy Weston Long-Term Medical Needs: Brad Moore, Larry Burton, Robert Holt, Sr., Betty Leigh Assisted Living & Shut-ins: Ellis Hall, Allene Mullinix, Lois Harrington, Louise Marsh, Lydia Rilee, Verlyn White, Helen Clements, Leola Hogge, Annette Wilburn, Fred & Betty Leigh, Charles & Sylvia Bradford, Barbara Clements IMB Missionaries: Leah and Andrew Snipes NBC Members in the Military: Bruce Barrett, Krista Cutts, Gordon George, Jesse Smith, Bryan Holland, Rich Cherkauer

February 3, 2019 Pastor Mike Gray: [email protected] Cell: 804-815-2786 Susan Hinson: [email protected] Office Phone: 804-693-2349

NBC Connect: [email protected] Web Site: Wi-Fi: NEWINGTON_HOTSPOT

Password: 17andmain