Moses, David and Transition

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October 21, 2018

“Moses, David and Transition” It is the Lord your God who will cross ahead of you; He will destroy these nations before you, and you shall dispossess them. Joshua is the one who will cross ahead of you… “ Deuteronomy 31:3

A chapter from the book. • David and Solomon • Attending to a slow and orderly transition David’s conviction: • ignoring God’s counsel leads to disaster. Moses’ conviction: • preferring my own way results in disaster.

The Bible frequently focuses on the transition issue.

Moses and David believed that the true leader of God’s people is God. “The Lord Himself will go ahead of you… Deut 31:3

• We can face the future with boldness and courage because of His presence. Our convictions today: 1) God is the Masterhand behind everyone that He uses. 2) The Lord knows what He’s doing when He calls for transition. Pastoral convictions: 1) That I will give answer one day. 2) A high view of the church. Pastoral Process: 1) Give the whisper some time. 2) Seek the counsel of wise people. 3) Lean into God’s direction. A Real-Life Situation of Transition