Nurse Scholar Program Course Offerings 2019

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Nurse Scholar Program Course Offerings 2019 Agriculture production provides a spectrum of risks for farmers and agricultural workers. Due to the depth of coursework in nursing colleges, and advanced practice programs, there is limited opportunity for practitioners in rural communities to access agriculture specific healthcare training. The AgriSafe Nurse Scholar program is a distance learning opportunity available to rural nurses. Distance education (a total of 18 hours), provided by experienced health & safety educators, will enable rural nurses to increase their knowledge base in prevention, identification and assessment of diseases related to agricultural work exposures. Classes are in the form of webinars that can be viewed live or OnDemand (your own time).

Tr ain in g Topics -


At Risk Popu lat ion s- youth, older adults, women, veterans, mobile work force In ju r y Pr even t ion Zoon ot ic Diseases Hear in g Con ser vat ion Ch em ical Exposu r es Respir at or y Healt h


Er gon om ics Per son al Pr ot ect ive Equ ipm en t Sk in Diseases Heat Relat ed Illn esses Beh avior al Healt h Far m w or k er Healt h Em er gin g Issu es

For more information about AgriSafe Nurse Scholar please contact us at 985-327-1748 or email Ansley at [email protected]

In cr easin g t h e Use of Hear in g Pr ot ect ion Am on g Far m er s: Best Pr act ices Object ives 1. Discu ss sever al r isk f act or s f or n oise-in du ced h ealt h pr oblem s com m on am on g f ar m er s. 2. Descr ibe m ajor f eat u r es of in t er ven t ion s sh ow n t o be ef f ect ive in in f lu en cin g f ar m er s' u se of h ear in g pr ot ect ion . 3. Discu ss best pr act ices f or clin ical applicat ion of f ar m n oise m it igat ion Marjorie McCullagh, PhD, RN, PHNA-BC, COHN-S, FAAOHN, FAAN Professor and Occupational Health Nursing Program Director, University of Michigan School of Nursing

ef f ect iven ess r esear ch .

Healt h an d Saf et y Issu es of t h e Agin g Far m er Object ives 1. Det er m in e t h e dif f er en ce bet w een ?n or m al? an d ?abn or m al? agin g pr ocesses. 2. Apply a sk ill set t o det er m in e t h e h ealt h n eeds of t h e agin g f ar m er . 3. Iden t if y r esou r ces an d m ak e appr opr iat e r ef er r als t o assist agin g f ar m er s in t h eir act ivit ies. 4. Ut ilize n ew k n ow ledge t o gu ide an d assist f am ily u n it s in m ak in g good h ealt h beh avior decision s.

Deborah B. Reed, MSPH, PhD, RN, FAAOHN, FAAN Professor, College of Nursing and Department of Preventive Medicine and Environmental Health, University of Kentucky

Pr even t ion of Heat -Relat ed Illn esses in Agr icu lt u r e Object ives 1. Explain t h e pat h oph ysiology of h eat r elat ed illn esses an d iden t if y h eat st r ok e, h eat exh au st ion , syn cope, h eat r ash , an d h eat cr am ps. 2. Recogn ize t h e dan ger s of a m in im u m of t h r ee pr e-exist in g h ealt h con dit ion s t h at con t r ibu t e t o h eat r elat ed illn esses. 3. Iden t if y at least t h r ee m edicat ion s con t r ain dicat ed w h ile w or k in g in ext r em e h eat con dit ion s. Charlotte Halverson, RN, BSN, COHN-S Nurse Scholar Program Coordinator and Lead Instructor, Clinical Director, AgriSafe Network

4. Iden t if y act ion st eps t o pr even t h eat st r ess an d locat e eviden ce based r esou r ces r ecom m en ded t o u se in pat ien t / clien t t each in g.

Respir at or y Healt h of Agr icu lt u r al Pr odu cer s in Clin ical Pr act ice Object ives 1. Review Ru r al Healt h car e Ch allen ges f or Pr ovider s. 2. Iden t if y t h e im por t an ce of an occu pat ion al h ealt h h ist or y an d a r espir at or y specif ic h ealt h assessm en t t ool. 3. Discu ss t h e r espir at or y h azar ds an d sym pt om s associat ed w it h agr icu lt u r al act ivit ies. 4. Im plem en t t h e r espir at or y h ealt h assessm en t t ool.

Sarah Hunt, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC Sanford Center for Digestive Health

Iden t if icat ion of Sk in Diseases Com m on t o t h e Agr icu lt u r al In du st r y Object ives 1. Identify at least 3 signs of potential skin cancer 2. Recognize at least 2 symptoms of dermatological responses to chemical exposures 3. Recognize a minimum of four dermatological symptoms of exposure to animals and vegetation common in agricultural areas Kelley J. Don h am , M S, DVM , DACVPM Consultant in Agricultural Medicine and the Rural Health Clinic of Eastern Iowa

4. Locate a minimum of four evidence based resources for use in clinical practice and patient education. 5. Integrate knowledge gained into identification, patient education, and treatment modalities for skin diseases common to the agricultural industry.

M u scu loskelet al Disor der s an d Er gon om ics: Case St u dy Dian e Roh lm an , Ph D Director, Agricultural Safety and Health Program, University of Iowa

Object ives 1. Identify a minimum of three work site hazards and potential resulting musculoskeletal injuries. 2. Recognize the role of the clinician in preventing disabling and lost time incidents. 3. Discuss the value of an occupational health history and a minimum of two action steps to reduce risk. 4. Locate at least three evidence based reference and patient/client education resources for use in rural practice

Nat e Fet h k e, Ph D, CPE Associate Professor Occupational & Environmental Health, University of Iowa

5. Integrate at least two assessment strategies into health history information and patient education protocol.

Th e Opioid Cr isis: Evolu t ion , Im pact on Wor ker s, M it igat ion St r at egies Object ives 1. Descr ibe w h at t h e opioid cr isis m ean s. 2. Un der st an d t h e r ecen t h ist or y leadin g t o t h e cu r r en t opioid cr isis. 3. List 3 h ealt h con sequ en ces of opioid u se an d w ays t o r edu ce t h e lik elih ood of opioid depen den ce. Rupali Das, MD, MPH, FACOEM Senior Vice President, California Medical Director, Zenith Insurance Company, and Associate Clinical Professor, Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, University of California San Francisco

4. Recogn ize t h e dif f er en ce bet w een ph ysical depen den ce an d addict ion .

In t egr at ion of Beh avior al Healt h f or Ru r al Pr act ice Object ives 1. Iden t if y a m in im u m of t h r ee com m on st r essor s pr evalen t am on g agr icu lt u r al pr odu cer s.

Christine Chasek, LIMHP, LADC, LPC Associate Professor / Department of Counseling & School Psychology University of NebraskaKearney

2. Descr ibe at least f ou r sign s an d sym pt om s of depr ession an d an xiet y. 3. Descr ibe a m in im u m of f ou r popu lat ion based an d in dividu al based beh avior al h ealt h in t er ven t ion s 4. Locat e t h r ee cu r r en t eviden ced based r esou r ces in t h e f ield of agr icu lt u r al beh avior al h ealt h .

Charlotte Halverson, RN, BSN, COHN-S Nurse Scholar Program Coordinator and Lead Instructor, Clinical Director, AgriSafe Network

Aller gic an d Non - Aller gic Respir at or y Disease in Far m er s Object ives 1. Recognize and determine allergic respiratory disease and discuss relevance with on farming community. 2. Discuss the diagnostic evaluation of occupational induced asthma. 3. Recognize the common causes of non-allergic respiratory disease among Jill Poole, M D

farmers including chronic obstructive

Professor of Medicine Section Chief and Medical Director of Allergy Nebraska Medical Center University of Nebraska Medical Center Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep & Allergy Division 4. Department of Medicine

pulmonary disease, organic dust toxic syndrome, and hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Discuss treatment options for respiratory disease in farmers.

Respir at or y Pr ot ect ive Equ ipm en t Select ion f or Agr icu lt u r al Pr odu cer s Object ives 1. List a minimum of four major agricultural workplace hazards 2. Describe at least two major respiratory illnesses caused by agricultural workplace exposures 3. Identify and describe a minimum of three types of Charlotte Halverson, RN, BSN, COHN-S Nurse Scholar Program Coordinator and Lead Instructor, Clinical Director, AgriSafe Network

respiratory protection used in the agricultural workplace. 4. Integrate four evidence based resources used in personal protective equipment education for clinicians and patient/client information.

For more information about AgriSafe Nurse Scholar please contact us at 985-327-1748 or email Ansley at [email protected]

Zoon oses: In f ect iou s Diseases We Sh ar e w it h An im als in t h e Far m En vir on m en t Object ives 1. Un der st an d w h er e w ou ld you go, w h o w ou ld you call, w h at r ef er en ces w ou ld you u se t o get f act u al in f or m at ion on su spect ed zoon ot ic in f ect ion s in a clien t or pat ien t 2. Recogn ize w h ich zoon ot ic in f ect ion s w ou ld you expect a r isk in a dair y oper at ion 3. Recogn ize w h ich zoon ot ic in f ect ion w ou ld you expect a r isk in a sw in e oper at ion Kelley J. Donham, MS, DVM, DACVPM Consultant in Agricultural Medicine and the Rural Health Clinic of Eastern Iowa

4. Kn ow gen er al r ecom m en dat ion s f or pr even t ion of zoon ot ic in f ect ion s in a livest ock pr odu ct ion oper at ion .

ion Sthr at Ch em ical Exposu rPr eseven an dt Healt Efegies f ect s Pr icu ot ect en m Wor g int oAgr lt u Wom r al Com u n kitin ies in Agr icu lt u r e Object ives 1. List a m in im u m of f ou r f act or s r elat ed t o w om en?s h ealt h an d saf et y in agr icu lt u r e.

Knesha Rose-Davison, MPH Health Communications Director

2. Discu ss a m in im u m of t h r ee pot en t ial solu t ion s t h at w ou ld addr ess t h e u n iqu e saf et y an d h ealt h ch allen ges t o w om en en gaged in agr icu lt u r e. 3. Locat e a m in im u m of t h r ee r ecom m en ded clin ical an d com m u n it y h ealt h r esou r ces t h at addr ess w om en?s agr icu lt u r al h ealt h an d saf et y pr ogr am developm en t an d edu cat ion n eeds.

Linda Emanuel, RN Community Health Nurse

Saf egu ar din g Ch ildr en Wh o Live an d Wor k on Far m s: A Clin ician's Gu ide Object ives 1. List t h e f ive m ost com m on h azar ds leadin g t o ser iou s in ju r ies an d f at alit ies of ch ildr en on f ar m s. 2. Descr ibe at least f ou r r isk f act or s f or in ju r y exposu r es t o ch ildr en on f ar m s. 3. Respon d t o par en t / f ar m ow n er s' r equ est s f or t ak e-h om e r esou r ces w it h saf et y st r at egies. Barbara C. Lee, RN, MSN, PhD Director and Senior Research Scientist, National Farm Medicine Center, Marshfield Clinic Health Systems, and Director, National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety

4. Un der st an d r u r al clin ician s' opt ion s f or advocat in g f or saf er con dit ion s f or ch ildr en on f ar m s.

Healt h an d Well-Bein g of Im m igr an t an d M igr an t Far m w or ker s Object ives 1. Def in e w h o ar e m igr an t an d im m igr an t f ar m w or k er s in t h e U.S. 2. Un der st an d som e of t h e ph ysical, beh avior al, an d social h ealt h ch allen ges f ou n d am on g m igr an t an d im m igr an t f ar m w or k er s. 3. Locat e r esou r ces t o ser ve m igr an t an d im m igr an t f ar m w or k er s.

Athena Ramos, PhD, MBA, MS, CPM Community Health Program Manager/ Instructor, Center for Reducing Health Disparities/ Department of Health Promotion, Social, and Behavioral Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center

Head t o Toe Per son al Pr ot ect ive Equ ipm en t Object ives 1. Identify and describe multiple types of personal protective equipment appropriate for agricultural workers 2. Identify work scenarios where personal protective equipment is important. 3. Review evidence based resource material for use Charlotte Halverson, RN, BSN, COHN-S Nurse Scholar Program Coordinator and Lead Instructor, Clinical Director, AgriSafe Network

in clinical and community education settings.

Ch em ical / Pest icide Exposu r es an d Healt h Ef f ect s in Agr icu lt u r al Com m u n it ies Object ives 1. Identify major types of pesticides used in agriculture in the U.S. 2. Discuss exposure pathways and interventions to prevent exposure in susceptible populations. 3. Integrate the use of biomarkers to identify exposure and health effects in agricultural research 4. 4. Discuss the nurses role in pesticide safety education with emphasis on the protection of vulnerable populations.

Diana R. Simmes, MPH Pesticide Medical Education Director University of California Davis Continuing & Professional Education and Courtesy Assistant Professor of Practice Oregon State University

For more information about AgriSafe Nurse Scholar please contact us at 985-327-1748 or email Ansley at [email protected]