Preschool Newsletter Templates COLOR

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September 2018 Newsflash Mrs. Traff & Ms. Ogren (M/W/F) or Mrs. Piilola (T/Th) [email protected]

School-to-Home Connections Snack Helpers We are very excited to have the opportunity to get to know you and your child throughout this coming school year. Together, we will investigate many different themes, explore God’s word through Bible stories, and learn letters, numbers, and so much more! We also have field trips and special events planned, including Dad & Me Sports Night coming up on September 17. This is going to be a great year! --Mrs. Traff, Ms. Ogren, & Mrs. Piilola P.S. Show and Tell Policy: We will bring items to share once a month, and I will let you know when that is happening. Students will also bring special items when they have their Star Student week.

Bring snack for full week unless otherwise indicated.

Week of…September 5 (W/F only) Hailey (Th only) Davin September 10 (M/W/F) Emma (T/Th) Hannah September 17 (M/W/F) Jeremiah (T/Th) Jackson September 24 (M/W/F) Henry (T/Th) Benjamin* *Denotes a birthday/^half birthday

First day of school: Everyone brings a favorite toy!

September Calendar 4th 12:00 or 5:00 pm Mandatory Parent Orientation in room 305; attend only one, no children 5th/6th First day; bring a favorite toy for Show and Tell 12th Scholastic book orders are due: Class code GZRMR at 17th 6:00-7:30 pm Dad & Me Night 25th/26th Northwoods Orchard Field Trip Coming soon…

October 18th-19th MEA, no school October 22nd Mom & Me Night

Star Students Week of…September 5 (M/W/F) None (T/Th) None September 10/11 (M/W/F) None (T/Th) None September 17/18 (M/W/F) Roman (T/Th) Cody September 24/25 (M/W/F) Kate K. (T/Th) None Star Student bag/instructions will go home with student. Return all Star Student materials on Monday/Tuesday.

This Month We Will Learn… September’s theme is “Healthy Me” and we will learn about healthy choices. Bible stories include Creation and Adam & Eve. We will study letters Aa and Ee, and we will identify shapes and practice counting to 10.

Kingdom Kids Contact Information  Kingdom Kids Office: (507) 282-4840 Website: