Psalm 23

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“The Blessings Of Belonging”

Psalm 23

This study guide is intended to be used for personal study and within your community group to facilitate discussion.

Read Psalm 23 One of the great joys we have as Christians is that we belong to God. In fact, Peter spoke of this great joy as being a primary reason why Jesus died and rose again.(1 Peter 3:18) For those who belong to Jesus, Psalm 23 provides and unpacks the many ways in which we experience a life of blessing, simply from being in daily relationship with the Chief Shepherd of our souls. (1) What did you find challenging, encouraging or convicting about this psalm? (2) David begins listing the many blessings he has experienced personally that have come His own intimate knowledge & relationship with God, who He refers to as his “Shepherd” (One who cares for him). Take some time to think about and discuss the ways in which you resonate personally with what David says to be true as a result of his relationship with the Lord: -Because he belongs to the Lord, he has no lack (v 1) -Because he belongs to the Lord, he has peace (v 2) -Because he belongs to the Lord, he is growing in holiness (v 3) -Because he belongs to the Lord, he is greatly cared for (vv 4-5) (3) How is it possible to experience rest, even in the midst of difficulty?

(4)) What are some things God is instructing/leading you in concerning your own personal holiness? Are you following His leading? According to Hebrews 12:1-3 & 2 Corinthians 3:18, what is the “prescription” for the pursuit of personal holiness? How is playing out practically in your daily life now? (5) What is your favorite part about your daily time with the Lord? Why is it enjoyable for you? *Announcements