QPC Minutes 11 11 2015

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Minutes of the Meeting of the Quality & Performance Committee held on Wednesday 11th November 2015 at 5.00 pm Held in S4.01 in the South Building Present:

Maggie Galliers Steve Logan (Principal) Russell Moseley (Chair) Carl Pearson Sandra Smith Steve Stewart

In Attendance:

Paul Aggett, Head of Quality Improvement Alina Bluma-Geka (Student) Clare Hatton, Assistant Principal MIS Jacki Hughes, Interim Vice-Principal Curriculum and Quality Nikki Goodwin, Senior Secretary to the Executive Jo Lawrence, Assistant Principal Student and Learning Services Olu Olaintan (Student) Anna Richards, Head of Teaching and Learning



Apologies were received from Stewart Fergusson and Charlotte Bosworth. Q46/15

Welcome and Introductions

Alina Bluma-Geka and Olu Olaintan were welcomed to their first meeting of the Committee in their role as Student Governors. Q47/15

Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest made. Q48/15

Minutes of the Last Meeting held on 17th June 2015

The minutes of the last meeting held on 17th June 2015 were approved as a true record, subject to some typographical errors being corrected.


Matters Arising from the Meeting and Actions’ List

The Actions’ List was reviewed as follows:i)

Under Q35/15 (v), English and Maths, it was confirmed that the Head of School had met with his team to discuss proposals to encourage students to attend, achieve and progress in English and maths;


Under Q41/15 of the Minutes, Courses in Special Corporation 2014-15, it was noted that a Special Measures’ Annual Report for 2014-15 should have been presented to the Committee at this meeting to include a revised process for 2015-16. It was agreed that this report would be taken to Corporation on 9th December 2015.


Learner Performance 2014/15

1. The Assistant Principal MIS presented Governors with the final Learner Performance figures for 2014/15. 2. Governors expressed their disappointment in the figures presented in the report, and queried why some figures differed from those presented at a meeting of the Special Corporation held on 21st October 2015. It was noted that changes to the way success rates are now calculated for Apprenticeships meant that transfers to another provider now counted negatively. This was a recent change to the methodology that had just been applied to the latest ILR. 3. Governors probed why the predicted success did not match actual success. In response, the Principal advised that some Schools had predicted accurately and others were very far from their predictions. The reasons for this were varied, but in many cases staff had genuinely felt that their learners would pass their qualification when predictions were made. Challenges for staff and learners had included management of some courses which was being addressed; ongoing assessment not being timely; how some learners had passed the practical elements of their course but struggled to pass the online exams associated with it and the shift in the curriculum offer from Level 3 programmes to Level 1 which present more challenging learners. 4. Discussion turned to the difficulty recruiting and retaining staff in key vocational areas and the impact on continuity of delivery. It was noted that the College is now implementing a new ‘Gateway’ staff induction to ensure that new staff are better supported and are familiar with all aspects of College systems before they begin to teach. 5. Governors noted the issues the College faces in keeping staff due to salaries being higher out of the sector and probed whether there was any correlation between staff turnover and high growth areas. 6. Governors resolved:i)

to express their disappointment in the learner performance 2014/15;


to note that the College was supporting new staff with a ‘Gateway’ induction;


that a report should be presented to the next meeting of the Committee examining the impact of staff recruitment, staff turnover and hard to fill vacancies and how this is affected by labour market shortages in high growth sectors.



Key Performance Indicators and Targets 2015-16

1. The Assistant Principal MIS presented Governors with proposed Key Performance Indicators and targets for Student Performance and Student Experience in 2015/16. The proposals were presented for discussion based on previous governor suggestions to consider floor and stretch targets. 2. Governors noted that aspirational targets had been set in 2014/15 at whole College level. However, these targets had not been achieved and actual performance dropped. 3. Target setting for 2015/16 had therefore been reviewed so that targets were stretching but more realistic and achievable. 4. It was noted that personal targets for students are also set within ProMonitor, which addressed academic, personal and behavioural goals. In relation to new students, progress was now being reviewed half-termly and a ‘right learner, right course’ review process had led to some poorly performing students receiving guidance and support and some being offered alternative courses. 5. Discussion then turned to floor and stretch or a single target approach. Discussions had been held at Special Corporation regarding the approaches. The Senior Management Team had also discussed their preferences. 6. Copies of both approaches were attached for members’ information. 7. The proposed lesson observation targets for 2015/16 were probed by Governors and it was agreed that these targets need re-visiting and a rationale added as to why they were set. 8. Governors scrutinised both approaches at length and queried whether the stretch target would be considered aspirational for staff or whether they would be content with reaching the floor target. 9. Following lengthy discussion it was agreed that the College should use the single target approach but that these needed further refining in light of discussions and recommendations of governors. 10. Governors resolved:i)

that the targets for lesson observations for 2015/16 be re-visited and a rationale added as to why they were set;


that the targets should be reviewed and refined further based on the agreed single target approach for Key Performance Indicators and Targets for 2015/16.


Higher Education

HE Committee minutes 1. The Principal presented the latest HE Committee minutes from the meeting held on 1st October 2015. 2. Governors resolved:i)

to note the HE Committee minutes from the meeting held on 1st October 2015.

QAA Higher Education Review Action Plan 3

3. The Principal presented Governors with the latest Higher Education Review Action Plan and reported on the feedback from the progress monitoring visit by QAA on 14th September 2015. They had been complimentary about the detailed action plan and the progress we had made. 4. Governors were informed that QAA will visit the college on 25th January 2015 to carry out a re-review of HE provision and indications are that all the original inadequate judgements will be lifted. 5. Governors resolved:i)

to commend the progress made in addressing the issues highlighted in the original QAA Review Report as evidenced through the Higher Education Review Action Plan.

Maintaining the Quality of the Student Experience 6. The Principal advised Governors of a requirement by HEFCE that institutions are asked to declare that they have reviewed their arrangements for identifying and addressing any early signs of concern about the quality of the student experience. 7. Governors noted that no complaints had been received in 2014/15 and that an updated complaints policy had been taken to HE Committee to incorporate the requirements of the Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA). 8. It was confirmed that any future concerns or complaints regarding Higher Education courses will be brought to the Quality and Performance Committee for scrutiny. 9. Governors resolved:-



to confirm that appropriate arrangements for the Corporation to monitor and scrutinise future formal complaints from HE students are in now in place;


to note there were no HE complaints in 2014-15;


to agree that the updated complaints policy be sent to the Chair for approval on behalf of the Committee

Summary of Draft Self-Assessment Report 2014-15


The Interim Vice-Principal Curriculum and Quality provided Governors with a summary of the College’s Self-Assessment Report for 2014/15.


Governors commended the Interim Vice-Principal for capturing where we are in such a short turnaround and confirmed their agreement that it was a true and honest reflection of the current position.


Confirmation was given that each curriculum area have written their own self-assessment report and this has been used to inform the College Self-Assessment report.


In particular, Governors scrutinised the Overall Effectiveness grading and probed whether the Grade 3 was achievable. In light of disappointing success rates, governors acknowledged that this grade may be difficult to support. However, they noted that performance in almost half of the college was close to national averages and Apprenticeship success rates, despite a decline, were still slightly above national averages. 4


Discussion turned to our strong destination data which stands at 80% known. Of the 80% known, 90% was a positive destination.


To further enhance the positive destination data it was suggested that it may be helpful to look at the trend of destination data for the last three years.


Extensive discussion took place and Governors endorsed the view that they felt that despite disappointing results the College was not inadequate and had improved greatly over the last two years.


Governors also felt that the College should look further at promoting the outcomes of our apprentices as this provides a positive picture.


After due consideration, Governors resolved: i)

to agree with the proposed grading for Overall Effectiveness;


that the SAR presented to them was honest and accurate and should be presented to the Corporation at their meeting on 9th December 2015.


Report on Cross-College Observation Process

1. The Head of Teaching and Learning tabled a report which gave a brief overview of the outcomes of the lesson observations undertaken during the week of 2nd November 2015. 2. External observers who are all current practicing inspectors observed some staff which brought more rigour to the process. 3. 116 staff had been observed during the week. Of these, 71% were graded ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’, which was lower than last year but was considered to be a more accurate picture of teaching standards. 4. The ‘good’ and ‘better’ profile of the observations undertaken by the external observers was 75%, which is slightly higher than our internal observations. 5. Feedback received from our external observers had shown that there was a mixed picture with more grade 4s identified in this round. Overall they felt that our teaching and learning was solid and gave a positive picture overall. 6. Governors probed the increase in ‘inadequate’ teaching and confirmation was given that agency staff made up 30% of the ‘inadequate’ teaching in the recent observations. 7. A positive experience of one Student Governor regarding agency teachers was noted by the Committee and how the teacher had worked hard to ensure good grades in their qualification. 8. Discussion took place on the salary being offered to new starters who teach in hard to fill vacancies and whether this needed to be increased to ensure that we could retain the best staff. The cost implications of advertising and the time spent in interviewing throughout the year was also noted. 9. Governors endorsed the view that the College should move to no notice observations in order to address issues where staff prepare more if they are aware of an observation.


10. Discussion also took place regarding the First Impression questionnaires following a view that an independent person should distribute these and not Course Organisers to ensure there is no comeback on students who may provide negative comments on their teaching. 11. Governors thanked the Head of Teaching and Learning for her report. Q55/15

Equality and Diversity Annual Report 2014-15

1. The Assistant Principal Student and Learning Services presented Governors with the draft Annual Equality and Diversity Report for 2014/15. 2. The report will be in the public domain and gave information on the specific equality duties that we are required to demonstrate. 3. Governors noted that the report highlighted specific characteristics that the College is focussing on in 2015/16. 4. The full Equality & Diversity objectives were not in the report but are being presented to the Equality & Diversity Committee on 18th November 2015. 5. Governors probed the change in the gender 3 year trend. Confirmation was given to Governors that this was due to an increase in Level 1 courses being set up in the traditional male areas of Engineering and Construction. 6. In discussing the report, Governors felt that the document could be enhanced with narrative to showcase the successful equality and diversity events that the College had held. 7. Governors resolved:-



to agree that the Annual Equality and Diversity Report for 2014/15 be placed in the public domain in line with our specific duty


that the document should be enhanced to include a narrative of the successful events that the College has held and add photographs to accompany the narrative Safeguarding Report

1. The Assistant Principal Student and Learning Services presented Governors with the with the Autumn Term 2015 Safeguarding Report. 2. As at the date of the meeting, the College had received 86 safeguarding concerns compared to 50 at the same point last year. It was noted that retention among these students currently stands at 82%. Governors noted that 16 of the 86 learners have withdrawn. 3. The reasons for referrals were summarised for Governors, and it was noted that ‘bullying’ and ‘family’ were the most common themes. Two Schools in particular represent the highest number of referrals and Governors noted that a number of bullying tutorials have been carried out to address this particular concern. 4. 58% of referrals had come from female students, and 17.71% from white ethnic categories. The College has seen the highest number of referrals from Level 1 study programmes. 5. The need for appropriate support for Looked After Children was also noted and the impact this has on them continuing to attend and succeed at the College. 6

6. Governors were informed of a very recent partnership for the College and Coventry Young Carers Society. Part of the partnership will include work experience and volunteering opportunities. 7. The College continues to address the Prevent agenda with tutorials and WRAP sessions for students and mandatory safeguarding training for staff as part of their induction process. 8. Governors resolved:i)

to note the latest safeguarding update;


to note the positive impact of the College’s support processes for vulnerable students;


Validation of the College SAR


Governors noted that the College SAR would be presented at the Corporation meeting on 9th December 2015.


It was reported that a small group of Governors would need to meet to validate the SAR before it is presented to the Corporation.


Governors resolved:i)


that diary availability of Governors be sought for week commencing 23rd November to arrange for validation of the SAR. Any Other Business

There was no other business to report on by members of the Committee. Q59/15

Publication of documents

The publication of documents was approved without exception. Q60/15

Date of the Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting was confirmed for 10th February 2016 at 5.00pm. Meeting opened 5.00 pm Meeting closed 6.53 pm NG