Settlement Charge Quote Request

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(Title Company)

Settlement Charge Quote Request (To Settlement Agent from Loan Originator)

Date: _________________________ To: _________________________________________Attn: ___________________________________ Sent by: _____________________________ (“Loan Originator”) Tel no. ________________________ Sent by: Fax to: ________________________________________

Email to: __________________

Borrower: ___________________________________________________________________________ Property: ____________________________________________________________________________ Sales Price: $______________ Settlement Date (e): _____________ Fixed rate/Adjustable rate Purchase/Refinance # of loans and amounts _________________________ Other info:___________________________________________________________________________ RESPA and other regulations require us to provide accurate estimates of Borrower’s closing costs for a covered loan transaction by providing a Good Faith Estimate (GFE) of settlement charges. Please provide the amounts for the following title charges that are required in the GFE: 4. Title services and lender’s title insurance This charge includes the services of a title or settlement agent, for example, and title insurance to protect the lender, if required. $___________ (1)(3) 5. Owner’s title insurance You may purchase an owner’s title insurance policy to protect your interest in the property. $___________ and 7. Government recording charges These charges are for state and local fees to record your loan and title documents. $___________ (2)(3) 8. Transfer taxes These charges are for state and local fees on mortgages and home sales. $___________ Some fees that are included (but not now itemized) in your “Title services and lender’s title insurance” (GFE#4) amount are never-the-less “prepaid finance charges” that can affect the Borrower’s Truth-InLending-Reg Z Disclosure. What (if any) of the following fees are included within your “Title services and lender’s title insurance” (GFE#4) amount? Settlement or closing fee (charged to Borrower): Express mail fees (charged to Borrower): Courier fees (charged to Borrower):

$________________ $________________ $________________

Settlement Charge Quote Request (To Settlement Agent from Loan Originator)

Provided by PeirsonPatterson | 800.800.9975 |


Return ASAP to ______________________________%_____________________________________ By: [__] fax to: ____________________ [__] email to: ____________________________________ Footnotes: (1) Include the total title insurance charges even if another party (Seller?) has agreed to pay for part/all of said charges. Assume all applicable and available title insurance endorsements will be required. Loan Originator may waive some/all at closing. (2) Assume the Security Instrument (prepared by Loan Originator’s Atty) is ____ (#) pages long and there will be a 1 page legal description exhibit added. (3) Also assume there will be ____ (#)Release(s) of Liens you will be required to have prepared and recorded. TOLERANCES: IF APPLICABLE, THE TRANSFER TAX QUOTE MUST BE AXACT. ALL THE OTHER FEES MUST NOT VARY BY MORE THAN 10% IN THE AGGREGATE FROM THE ACTUAL CHARGES IMPOSED UPON BORROWER AT CLOSING.

X________________________________________ Signature of Authorized Agent for Service Provider Printed Name: _____________________________

Settlement Charge Quote Request (To Settlement Agent from Loan Originator)

Provided by PeirsonPatterson | 800.800.9975 |


Last revised: Mar 27, 2012