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BUFFET LUNCH I Hladna predjela / Cold starters

Salata šefa kuhinje Salata od tjestenine s piletinom i graškom Salata od dagnji sa lukom i kaparama Izbor suhomesnatih narezaka *** Chef's salad Chicken and pasta salad with peas Mussel salad with onion and capers Cold cuts Ponuda salata / Salad bar Krastavci, zelena, rajčice, rikula, mrkva, kukuruz *** Cucumber, lettuce, tomato, rocket, carrot, corn Dodaci / Condiments Prepečenci od kruha, masline, lučići, kiseli krastavci, feferoni, kisele paprike, hren, senf *** Croutons, olives, pickled onions, pickled cucumbers, chili peppers, pickled bell peppers, horse radish, mustard Juhe / Soups Juha od goveđeg repa s domaćim rezancima Hladna juha od krastavaca s okusom kopra *** Beef tail soup with homemade noodles Cold cucumber soup scented with dill

Tjestenina / Pasta Fusilli s proljetnim umakom *** Fusilli with spring sauce Glavna jela / Main courses Pileća prsa s umakom od šampinjona Pečeni svinjski kare s umakom od češnjaka Pečeni riblji filet *** Chicken breasts with champignon sauce Roast pork chop with garlic sauce Grilled fish fillet Prilozi / Side dishes Sezonsko povrće začinjeno maslinovim uljem Riža s maslinama *** Seasonal vegetables laced with olive oil Rice with olives Slastice / Desserts Slastice po izboru šefa slastičarnice, najmanje 7 vrsta Voće *** Pastry chef's selection of at least seven desserts Fruit Cijena: 36,00 € po osobi Price: 36,00 € per person

BUFFET LUNCH II Hladna predjela / Cold starters

Salata od zelenih mahuna s jajima Salata Cesar s piletinom, sir Parmesan I prepečenci od kruha Riblja salata s krumpirom I majonezom Izbor suhomesnatih narezaka *** Green bean egg salad Caesar’s salad with chicken, parmesan and croutons Fish salad with potato and mayonnaise Assortment of cold cuts Ponuda salata / Salad bar Krastavci, zelena, rajčice, rikula, mrkva, kukuruz *** Cucumber, lettuce, tomato, rocket, carrot, corn

Dodaci / Condiments Prepečenci od kruha, masline, lučići, kiseli krastavci, feferoni, kisele paprike, hren, senf *** Croutons, olives, pickled onions, pickled cucumbers, chili peppers, pickled bell peppers, horse radish, mustard Juhe / Soups Krem juha od povrća Hladna Gazpacho juha *** Cream of vegetable soup Chilled Gazpacho soup

Tjestenina / Pasta Tjestenina s umakom od gljiva *** Pasta with mushroom sauce Glavna jela / Main courses Pureći medaljoni s gorgonzolom, umak od gljiva Dalmatinski vinski gulaš Prženi lignji s umakom tartar *** Turkey medallions with gorgonzola and mushroom sauce Dalmatian wine stew Fried squid with tartar sauce

Prilozi / Side dishes Njoki s krušnim mrvicama Varivo od zelenih mahuna I pršuta *** Gnocchi with breadcrumbs Green bean and prosciutto stew Slastice / Desserts Slastice po izboru šefa slastičarnice, najmanje 7 vrsta Voće *** Pastry chef's selection of at least seven desserts Fruit

Cijena: 36,00 € po osobi Price: 36,00 € per person

BUFFET LUNCH III Hladna predjela / Cold starters

Salata od kozica s rajčicom I paprikama Pikantna salata od govedine s gorušicom Grčka salata Izbor suhomesnatih narezaa *** Shrimp salad with tomato and bell pepper Spicy beef salad with mustard Greek salad Assortment of cold cuts Ponuda salata / Salad bar Krastavci, zelena, rajčice, rikula, mrkva, kukuruz *** Cucumber, lettuce, tomato, rocket, carrot, corn

Dodaci / Condiments Prepečenci od kruha, masline, lučići, kiseli krastavci, feferoni, kisele paprike, hren, senf *** Croutons, olives, pickled onions, pickled cucumbers, chili peppers, pickled bell peppers, horse radish, mustard Juhe / Soups Krem juha od cvjetače Hladna juha o pečene dinje *** Cream of cauliflower soup Chilled roasted cantaloupe soup

Tjestenina / Pasta Lazanje Bolognese *** Lasagne Bolognese Glavna jela / Main courses Pirjani juneći odrezak punjen kiselim krastavcima, paprikom i pršutom u slatko kiselom umaku Pečena piletina marinirana u narančinom soku i estragonu s blagim curry umakom Pečeni filet škarpine s dalmatinskim umakom *** Braised beef steak stuffed with pickles, bell peppers and prosciutto in sweet and sour sauce Roast chicken marinated in orange juice and estragon with mild curry sauce Baked fillet of scorpion fish with Dalmatian sauce

Prilozi / Side dishes Pečene rajčice Provencale Pečeni krumpir s lukom Varivo od mrkve *** Roasted tomato Provencale Roasted potato with onions Carrot stew

Slastice / Desserts Slastice po izboru šefa slastičarnice, najmanje 7 vrsta Voće *** Pastry chef's selection of at least seven desserts Fruit Cijena: 42,00 € po osobi Price: 42,00 € per person

BUFFET LUNCH IV Hladna predjela / Cold starters

Salata od dagnji Salata od paprika I maslina Salata od artičoke sa slanim inćunima I vlascem Izbor suhomesnatih narezaka *** Mussel salad Bell peppers and olive salad Artichoke and anchovie salad with chives Assortment of cold cuts Ponuda salata / Salad bar Krastavci, zelena, rajčice, rikula, mrkva, kukuruz *** Cucumber, lettuce, tomato, rocket, carrot, corn

Dodaci / Condiments Prepečenci od kruha, masline, lučići, kiseli krastavci, feferoni, kisele paprike, hren, senf *** Croutons, olives, pickled onions, pickled cucumbers, chili peppers, pickled bell peppers, horse radish, mustard Juhe / Soups Krem juha od gljiva Hladna juha od jagoda *** Cream of mushroom soup Chilled strawberry soup

Tjestenina / Pasta Lazanje od povrća *** Vegetable lasagne Glavna jela / Main courses Ramstek s gljivama i concaseom od rajčice Filet sabljarke u umaku od vlasca Svinjski odresci s rezancima od povrća *** Grilled rump staek with mushrooms and tomato concase Swordfish fillet with chive sauce Pork cutlets with julliene of vegetables

Prilozi / Side dishes Gratinirani krumpir Sezonsko povrće na pari Riža Pilaf *** Gratinated potato Seasonal steamed vegetables Rice Pilaf Slastice / Desserts Slastice po izboru šefa slastičarnice, najmanje 7 vrsta Voće *** Pastry chef's selection of at least seven desserts Fruit Cijena: 42,00 € po osobi Price: 42,00 € per person

BUFFET LUNCH V Hladna predjela / Cold starters

Salata od bulgura s pečenim rajčicama I paprikama Pileća salata s graškom I mrkvom Mesna salata s ananasom I kiselim krastavcima Izbor suhomesnatih narezaka *** Bulghur salad with roasted tomato and bell peppers Chicken salad with peas and carrots Meat salad with pineapple and pickled cucumbers Assortment of cold cuts Ponuda salata / Salad bar Krastavci, zelena, rajčice, rikula, mrkva, kukuruz *** Cucumber, lettuce, tomato, rocket, carrot, corn

Dodaci / Condiments Prepečenci od kruha, masline, lučići, kiseli krastavci, feferoni, kisele paprike, hren, senf *** Croutons, olives, pickled onions, pickled cucumbers, chili peppers, pickled bell peppers, horse radish, mustard Juhe / Soups Juha od graška Hladna juha od kivija *** Green pea soup Chilled kiwi soup

Tjestenina / Pasta Penne pasta s umakom od rajčica I maslina *** Penne pasta with tomato and olive sauce Glavna jela / Main courses Teleći frikando u umaku od gljiva Filet brancina u umaku od bijelog vina Dagnje u umaku od šafrana Svinjski filet u umaku od ružmarina *** Veal fricandeau with mushroom sauce Seabass fillet in white wine sauce Mussels in saffron sauce Pork fillet in rosemary sauce

Prilozi / Side dishes Mrkva s metvicom Pekarski krumpir Riža s graškom *** Carrots with mint Bakerman potato Rice and green peas Slastice / Desserts Slastice po izboru šefa slastičarnice, najmanje 7 vrsta Voće *** Pastry chef's selection of at least seven desserts Fruit Cijena: 44,00 € po osobi Price: 44,00 € per perso

BUFFET LUNCH VI Hladna predjela / Cold starters

Salata od sipe Salata od rajčice I sira Mozzarella Pečeno povrće s umakom od meda I balzamičnog octa Izbor suhomesnatih narezaka *** Cuttlefish salad Tomato and Mozzarella salad Grilled vegetables with honey and balsamic vinegar sauce Assortment of cold cuts Ponuda salata / Salad bar Krastavci, zelena, rajčice, rikula, mrkva, kukuruz *** Cucumber, lettuce, tomato, rocket, carrot, corn

Dodaci / Condiments Prepečenci od kruha, masline, lučići, kiseli krastavci, feferoni, kisele paprike, hren, senf *** Croutons, olives, pickled onions, pickled cucumbers, chili peppers, pickled bell peppers, horse radish, mustard Juhe / Soups Krem juha od brokula Hladna juha od breskve *** Cream of broccoli soup Chilled peach soup

Tjestenina / Pasta Ravioli od tartufa s umakom od oraha *** Ravioli with truffles and walnut sauce Glavna jela / Main courses Pileća prsa punjena sa šparogama Francuska pita s dalmatinskim pršutom Filet lista s kuhanim krumpirom u umaku od limunske trave Ragout od kunića *** Chicken breasts stuffed with asparagus Quiche with Dalmatian prosciutto Sole fillet with boiled potatoes in lemongrass sauce Rabbit ragout

Prilozi / Side dishes Crveni kupus s lukom Pečeno povrće sa sušenim rajčicama Riža na pari *** Red cabbage with onions Roasted vegetables with sundried tomatoes Steamed rice Slastice / Desserts Slastice po izboru šefa slastičarnice, najmanje 7 vrsta Voće *** Pastry chef's selection of at least seven desserts Fruit Cijena: 44,00 € po osobi Price: 44,00 € per person