Spring 2015

[PDF]Sunday Morning Bible Classes Winter/Spring 2015...

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Sunday Morning Bible Classes Winter/Spring 2015 (February 1 – May 24 , 2015) st


Semester Elective Classes TIME



9:30 AM


A Culture of Evangelism: In Your Life & In Your Church – Craig Harris, Dave Bruner & Joe Diamond This course is not intended for people who simply want to learn about sharing their Faith. This course is not designed for experts or professional evangelists. This course is designed for people who want to, by the grace of God, learn how to better tell others about the Savior who came to rescue sinners from the wrath of God. This course is intended to be put into practice. For most of us, if we are honest, evangelism is intimidating. We believe, however, that God can and will give us abundant grace to be faithful in telling others about His Son.

11:00 AM


Parenting: Beyond Behavior Change to Heart Change– Jonathan & Gail Jellema Parenting is hard, but there are a few things in life that rise to this level of importance. We often choose to settle for trying to mandate good behavior. God has chosen parents to shape the hearts of children. This is what they need most and what God has designed as best. Learn how to become an instrument of heart-changing grace in the lives of your children.


How to Study the Bible – Andy Boyer, John Bruner & Richard McEvoy Do you feel like you can fruitfully read and study the Bible? Do you ever think you would like to teach the Bible? God speaks about Himself in the Bible. Understanding the Bible helps us understand God, and our lives in the world in relationship to Him. That is why we are told to study and handle the Bible well. This class will help you to better understand the Bible, whether your goal is personal understanding or teaching others.


From Age to Age: How to Understand the Bible From Cover to Cover & Why it Matters to My Everyday Life – Rick Mosteller The Bible is a big book. It has one divine author and many human authors, and was written over a period of over 1000 years—covering more than 2000 years of history. At the same time, it tells one story of God’s saving work. Come and learn how looking at the “big picture” will help you better understand each particular verse, passage, book, and section of the Bible in a way that goes beyond information to transformation.

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On-going Elective Classes TIME


9:30 AM


College Life – Josh Romine This class is for all college students who attend ECBC. College students from all of the schools in the Charleston area are welcome, as well as those who are away at college and home visiting for the weekend or on break.

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Young Adults – Danny Beech A class for young adults in their 20’s and early 30’s. We study scripture, theological topics, and cultural issues that are relevant to the life of young adults.

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Young Married Plus (20’s-30’s) – Mike Dorrity & Craig Dellinger A class designed for those who are laying the foundation in the earlier years of a career, marriage, or family who desire to build their work, home and family life with Christ as the center. The class consists of Bible study and current topics with a focus on prayer and relationships.

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Senior Adult Men – Jim Pierce The focal point of these studies is to challenge a generation of men already full of life’s experiences, to discover new ones in their service to the Lord, and to pass on to younger generations the legacy of their faith.

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Senior Adult Women – Betty Pierce The focal point of these studies is to challenge a generation of women already full of life’s experiences, to discover new ones in their service to the Lord, and to pass on to younger generations the legacy of their faith.

9:30 AM


Empty Nesters – Topic: Worldview & Apologetics (50’s-60’s) – Bill Wallace This class is generally composed of couples and singles in the 50+ age range. Designed for those in the stage of life characterized as the “empty nest”, this class strives to minister to each other through the study of the Word and exploration of Godly learned life principles.

11:00 AM


Newlyweds – The Caldwells & Heubers This class is for newly married couples without children. It is intended as the natural follow-up to the pre-marriage classes that are required of all engaged couples at ECBC.


Life in Action – Topic: Song of Solomon (30’s-50's) – Gary Wall, Brad Williams & Eddie Bostic This class is for adults who are in the time of life where it seems like everything is non-stop action. Jobs are challenging and demanding. Relationships are a priority, but are often hard to fit in the schedule. Marriage and parenting occupy both time and thinking for many. Join others who are navigating “life in action” as this class looks at God’s Word together.

11:00 AM


All Ages/All Stages – Topic: Ezra, Nehemiah & Esther (30’s- 50’s) – Mark Leiendecker & Carl Jackson We will look at a time of revival and renewal in the nation of Israel as they returned to rebuild the temple and the walls of Jerusalem, after experiencing God’s discipline in Babylon. In these books, we see God’s care for His people and His on-going concern for their growth in their understanding and experience of God. We will learn about how the good hand of God continues to bring about our growth in Christlikeness as we move forward during various rebuilding times in our lives, into times of revival and renewal.

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Choir Room

Choir & Orchestra - This class allows choir and orchestra members, who serve in both services, to be involved in a Sunday Morning Bible Class without missing half of their class. We bring the class right to the choir room so they can start right into their class when they are finished singing or playing without having to walk over to the “B” building. Consider joining the choir or orchestra and becoming a part of this class!

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Middle School – Leland Brown This class is for all students in grades 6th – 8th. High School – Van Barnhill This class is for all students in grades 9th – 12th.