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Families r o f n u F r e m Sum

t, n e r a P l o o ch s e r P r r a e D me of outdoo ti zy la a to in lting

me busy ther keeps us ys of spring are a a e d w sy u rm B a ! w re e h more time wit Summer is h evening with ons. The extra e ti th ca a to v y in il r m te n. fa la fun and our activities s tend to loose e sh n u ti p u s ro y a n d e r h e is a time w and the long ble. Summer a il a v a rs u o h daylight me of u will keep so o y e p o h I s, ie your mmer activit e security for su id s v n ro la p p y lp il e h m less to As your fa d to become tines in place n u te ro t rs n le a o rt o o h p le, presc ions that your more im is unpredictab a few suggest fe re li a n e re h e H W r. s. u le le anxio preschoo metimes a litt so d n a e v ti . ra coope nse moments te se o th n e ss mily time will help le ltimes, and fa a e m , e m ti d ary the e you have to v as possible. B If . ch fe u li m s s r’ a le e o , n o ti h Keep a rou ts. For instance nes in a presc n ti e u v e ro se le e b th ta f ic o d utine tinuance are secure, pre e wake -up ro time and con e m th sa e to th ld p o e h e rity to , try to k place, try to ndma’s house ss will add secu ra ce G ro g p r in it ia il is v m re fa if you a ild. This ne for your ch ti u ro e m ti d e or b our her day. olers to give y o h sc re p r fo ropriate even activities app tivities might c n a fu e r e th f m o m e n su O ories. Try some of happy mem rs u o h y n a m y famil dition! mer family tra m su a e m co ling of e b aintain her fee m l il w r le o o h e less ily. Your presc ool. She will b m ch fa S a y a s a d r n e u l S th Work toge Sunday Schoo e to take her to ly u k e n e ti n w f co o u e o n y p a routi der security when e if you develo Sunday, consi m n ti o n s o te ti a ra st a r p o enjoy er cities fretful at se t other people a are visiting oth th u o y rn a If . le l ce il n w a hooler attend h so your presc does. rc u ch g in d n e att mily er just as her fa church togeth . nes will return ti u ro y il m fa r d you uickly pass an Summer will q mmer! enjoy your su We hope you

Bible Teaching for Kids Music and More for Babies, 1s, & 2s Enhanced CD Summer 2012 © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in U.S.A.

Shed Your Shoes

Take off your child’s shoes and go on a walk outside. Let him feel the grass or sand under his feet. Try walking on other surfaces made of rocks, bricks, or concrete. It will be fun to experience the various textures and also help develop eye-foot coordination when balancing on different surfaces. Say words of thanks to God for healthy bodies.

Wagon Ride

Take a walk through your neighborhood as you pull your preschooler in a wagon. Talk about the sounds and sights around her. Stop to watch a bird or a neighbor’s cat. Imitate the sounds you hear, like a dog barking or a horn blowing. Be sure to let your child walk when she is tired of riding. Thank God for the beautiful summertime.

Feet Painting

Put a bathing suit or old play clothes on your child. Put a small pan of washable paint and a large piece of paper on a hard surface outside. Hold your child’s hand and allow him to step into the paint pan with his bare feet. Tell him to walk across the paper to make prints with his painted feet. He will enjoy watching the trail he leaves on the paper. Say a prayer sentence thanking God for your preschooler.

Sight Seeing

Take your preschooler for a ride in the family car. Point out things to her and name the objects she sees. Stop the car to spend more time observing interesting things like a flock of birds flying overhead or a neighbor taking his dog for a walk. People-watching can also be fun. Relate family members to the people your preschooler sees. Talk about colors and loud and soft sounds you hear. Take time to enjoy each sight. Say a prayer thanking God for your preschooler’s eyes and ears.

Visit a Zoo or Aquarium

Visit a local zoo or aquarium with your preschooler. Enjoy the beauty of nature that God made. Share your excitement through your facial expressions and the pitch of your voice. Watch your child imitate your excitement and learn to express his feelings with words and smiles the way you do. Talk about how much God loves your family. Bible Teaching for Kids Music and More for Babies, 1s, & 2s Enhanced CD Summer 2012 © 2012 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in U.S.A.