The Beacon

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The Beacon

June 16 & 17, 2018

Welcome to Shalimar UMC We are so glad you’ve chosen to worship with us this week! Hearing assistance devices are available for the Sanctuary. Please see an usher to obtain these aids. Enjoy fellowship, coffee, and snacks in the Family Life Center Gym between worship services.

O ur Visio n Christ-centered, multigenerational, family and community relevant ministries through worship, discipleship, and mission.

O ur Missi on REA C H, T EA C H, and S EN D We REACH out to our congregation, community, and the world to TEACH the word of God as provided in the Holy Scripture, and SEND our members and missionaries to be witnesses to God’s grace and His promise of eternal life to us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Wors hi p S ervices B reak F re e Our Saturday evening service begins at 6:00 pm in the Family Life Center. This transformational service involves modern music, multimedia, and a style of preaching that is practical and participatory. T raditions At 8:00 and 11:00 am Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary we celebrate through the rich traditions of our faith such as hymns led by organ and piano, seasonal vestments, and traditional Methodist liturgy. Our Chancel Choir leads the 11:00 service. Conn ect At 9:30 Sunday mornings in the Sanctuary we engage in a four-fold service of gathering praise, service of the Word, Holy Communion with candle stations for prayer, and sending forth. The music is a blend of contemporary praise songs and upbeat hymns. Fre edom At 11:07 Sunday mornings in the Family Life Center Gym we worship through modern music, multimedia, and a teaching style message in a non-traditional atmosphere. We come to God as we are to experience the freedom of not having to stay that way.

Traditions Worship Service Prelude

Mary Jo Horner and Joel Lane

Faith of Our Fathers

Church Life and Celebrations Hymn of Praise

*Rev. Faith Parry **Rev. Brian Dale

All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name

Affirmation of Faith

Hymn No. 154 Hymn No. 881

Gloria Patri

Hymn No. 70

Morning Prayer

Rev. Brian Dale

Music Message I Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now *Gloryland Behold He Comes **Chancel Choir

How Great Thou Art

Offertory Hymn

Hymn No. 77

Offertory Prayer

Rev. Brian Dale

Giving of God’s Tithes and Our Offerings


Stand By Me


Hymn No. 95

**Children’s Dismissal Prayer

Rev. Brian Dale

Scripture Presentation , Mark 10:14-15; Daniel 3:16-18 Sermon Hymn of Response

Dr. Philip McVay

Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah

Closing Prayer Closing Song Postlude

Hymn No. 127 Dr. Philip McVay

God Bless America Mary Jo Horner and Joel Lane *8:00 , **11:00 service

Children’s Church for the 11:00 and 11:07 am services, meet in these FLC Rooms: PreK/Kinder-105, 1st & 2nd Gr-211, 3rd/4th/5th Gr-207

4th Sunday after Pentecost Parament colors - Green

Serving Sunday, June 17, 2018 Altar Care ............................................................................................................. Pat Gross Children’s Church .................................................. PRE-K/KINDER Stephanie Parham ................................................................... 1st/2nd GRADES Audrey & Morgan Masek ................................................................................... 3rd/4th/5th GRADES Kathy Curry Communion Servers ................................................ 9:30 Denise Bowen, Janet Norris ................................................................................................... Cheri Penas, Terri Wilkins Connection Table ................................................................................ 9:00 Marilyn Oest .............................................................................................................. 10:30 Becky Carter Flower Delivery .................................................................................... Don & Pat Brown Greeters ........................................................................... 8:00 Mary Morgan, Pat Gross ................................................................................................. 11:00 Terry & Diane Rowe Pew Care ............................................................................................... Angie Goodpaster Prayer Room ................................................................................................ 8:00 Bev Bain .................................................................... 9:30 Suzy Chapman, 11:00 James Brantley Sorters ............................................................................ 8:00 Dick Cannon, Lee Jackson ........................................................ 9:30 Mike Kiser 11:00 Bruce Smith, Becky Carter ................................................................................ 11:07 Larry Mundy, Tammy Morgan Ushers ........................ 8:00 Mark Bethea, Brance Parker, Phil Richter, Jon Sheperd ....................................................................................9:30 Casey Brennan, Sue Langdon ....................................11:00 David James, Jonathan James, Bob Estep, Mike Qualls Westwood Driver ....................................................................................... Chatt Johnson Stay Connected! Facebook: Shalimar UMC

Visit us online:

After Hours Emergency Pastoral Assistance: Dr. Philip McVay (850) 607-1133 Rev. Brian Dale (404) 597-6242 Rev. Faith Parry (850) 420-9888

Text to Give 850-203-3057

Ministerial Staff Dr. Philip McVay - Lead Pastor Rev. Brian Dale ........................................................................... Executive Pastor Rev. Faith Parry ....................................................................... Connection Pastor Dr. Brad Bradford ......................................................................... Worship Pastor Rev. David Garvin ........................................................................... Youth Pastor Ben Savage ........................................................... Worship Ministries Associate Karen Jadin .............................................................................. Preschool Director Jennifer Guidoni ..................................................................... Children’s Director Dawn Rozofsky ............................................ After School Care/Summer Camp Kim Margold .............................................................................. Program Director

Altar Flowers The flowers placed in the Sanctuary today are given to the Glory of God

Carl Newberg, Happy Father’s Day and birthday, June 21st, in heaven. ~Love Dorothy The roses placed in the Sanctuary today are given to the Glory of God.

In loving memory of Gerald Kelly ~Love, Pat, Tami, Sugg Flower bouquet and rose reservation book located in Narthex or contact the church office at 651-0721 Bouquets $40 each / Roses $4 each

Hickory Smoked BBQ Pork, Baked Beans and Cole Slaw Spinach Hot Dogs

WELCOME New Members We celebrate that on Sunday, June 10th at the 11:00 service Kayla High and Colton High, joined SUMC at the 11:07 service Michael Wilkins, joined SUMC Welcome to our church family

Philip’s Focus A Church on the Move Shalimar United Methodist Church is a Church on the move! In the last two weeks alone, we have had our church approve the purchase of the Presbyterian property next door, welcomed two new staff members, hosted over 300 children for Vacation Bible School; ten of us attended Annual Conference; four adults were baptized and reaffirmed in the their baptism; and we hosted our youth choir concert and commissioned 38 students and chaperones for the Shalimar Youth Choir Tour of 2018. Whew! God is good. Shalimar UMC is on the move! We give thanks to God for the approval to purchase the Presbyterian property next door. What a blessing it is to have our Trustees, Finance Committee, Church Council, and Charge Conference approve this purchase unanimously. At our Charge Conference, our District Superintendent, Dr. Tim Trent, also showered our congregation with praise celebrating the good ministry of Shalimar and calling us a great church! We now offer this action to God that His higher purposes may be accomplished in the coming years of Shalimar UMC! Again, we are humbled by this opportunity and pray for our Presbyterian neighbors in their new season. We open arms and open doors to the Presbyterian members who have not made other plans. We would love for you to be a part of Shalimar United Methodist Church! Shalimar is blessed to have two new staff persons begin at the same time. We welcome our new Youth Pastor, Rev. David Garvin, and our new Director of Children’s Ministries, Jennifer Guidoni! We can already feel the difference their presence is making on our campus! Welcome David and Jennifer! We are so glad you are here! Our Vacation Bible School ARK-E-OLOGY was very successful! We had over 300 kids and over 100 volunteers. There were over eighty preschoolers involved in the count. We estimate around 50% of these children were from outside of our church. A special thanks goes out to Kathy Curry who unbelievably took over the reins of leading on short notice and did an incredible job of leading each day. Each day began with prayer and truly the week brought many blessings to behold! Last week, we had Annual Conference in Montgomery. It was a great Annual Conference under the leadership of our Bishop David Graves. Our congregation had a total of twelve people from our church attend. Rev. David Garvin was commissioned as a provisional deacon. We are now blessed on our pastoral staff to have two elders, one provisional elder, and two provisional deacons. Alexis Tibbetts, who chairs the Episcopal Committee gave another glowing report of our Bishop and honored his wife Nancy. On the final day, all three of our appointed pastors, Rev. Brian Dale, Rev. Faith Parry, and myself were reassigned to Shalimar UMC for the next year. We look forward to sharing with you what the Lord has in mind this year! As I said four years ago, I am double blessed to have been appointed to Shalimar UMC two times, once in 1983 as Associate Pastor, and for a second time in 2014 as Lead Pastor. Thank you for receiving us all back this year. God is up to something with Shalimar United Methodist Church. We look forward to sharing in God’s journey with you! Finally, we ask our congregation to keep in prayer the thirty eight students and chaperones who left for Choir Tour on Wednesday. They will be singing in seven states

including a special opportunity to sing in the United States Capitol Rotunda! It was great to be the first ones to hear their musical last Wednesday, commission them, and send them out as a part of our reach, teach, and send mission. There are other wonderful things happening in our congregation! This is all my space permits for now! We are a church on the move and we believe this is because we serve a great God moving in and through Shalimar United Methodist Church!

Shalom, Philip Dr. Philip McVay, Lead Pastor [email protected]

MPC (Master Planning Committee) will meet Monday, June 18th at 7:00 pm in FLC Room 106. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

United Methodist Men’s Breakfast Sunday, June 17th at 7:00 am, FLC, Room 106 ALL ARE WELCOME Mr. Nathan Monk, the Executive Director of One Hopeful Place, will be the guest speaker.

Shalimar UMC Youth Choir Mission Tour 2018 “Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Through their faith, the people in days of old earned a good reputation.” Hebrews 11:1-2 (NLT)

Participants Girls



Sofia Andreozzi Megan Archer *Lea Bean Fynn Blake Jordyn Brake Jasmine Daugard Haylee Dubose Tiffany Jordan *Peyton Keeler *Nicole Kiser Keilana Leibold Myrannda Preece Joanna Newbold Laura Price *Hannah Rozofsky *Savannah Tilburg Faith Tovrea Rio Vanderford

Blake Archer Landon Baugh Jeremiah Blair Scott Carter Tanner Dubose Cody Jaehnig Kristopher Jordan Jacob Martin Kevin Newbold Ryan Savage * Joshua Wood

Carl Archer Robin Baugh Becky Carter Holli Daugard Josie Kiser Angelina Perry Ben Savage Melanie Schenck Laurel Tovrea Pastor Brad Bradford

* Denotes Graduated Seniors

Concert Schedule and Ministry Info Wednesday, June 13

Shalimar UMC | Shalimar, FL Home Commissioning Concert | 5:45pm Departure | Shalimar, FL Load - 10 pm | Leave - 11 pm

Thursday, June 14

Atria Weston Place | Knoxville, TN Presentation | 10:00 am Courtyard Senior Living Center | Knoxville, TN Presentation | 1:30 pm First Baptist Church | Tellico Village, TN Presentation | 8:00 pm

Friday & Saturday

Travel Days June 15-16

Sunday, June 17

Arlington Community Church | Arlington, VT Presentation | 10:00 am

Monday, June 18

Lazarus House | Lawrence, MA | Mission Work | 1:00 pm

Tuesday, June 19

New England Aquarium | Boston, MA Sight-seeing | 9:30 am USS Constitution & Museum | Boston, MA Sight-seeing | 1:30 pm Duck Tour | Boston, MA | Sight-seeing | 5:00 pm

Wednesday, June 20

Foundling’s Day Hab Program | West Nyack, NY Presentation | 12:20 pm

Thursday, June 21

Wicked | Times Square, NY | Theater | 7:00 pm

Friday, June 22

Capital Area Food Bank | Washington, D.C. Mission Work| 1:00 pm Sing at Capitol Rotunda & Private Tour Presentation | 7:30 pm Begin Journey Home | 10:00 pm

Saturday, June 23

Travel Home | Shalimar, FL | Arrive | 3:00 pm


Not in a group or class? Check these out! or pick up a Places to Grow flyer at the Connection Table in the FLC.

This Week’s Guide for Groups & Individuals There's a big word that's used to describe God, "omnipotence." Simply put, this means, "He is all-powerful; He can do anything He desires to do everything consistent with His rational, moral nature."1 God can do anything because he is all-powerful. The scriptures refer to God as the Almighty 345 times. Read Daniel 3:1-6, 13-18, 25-26  What stands out to you in this reading?  How did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego prove God's power?  Would God have acted if they had not made such a bold statement about him? Re-Read Mark 10:15-16.  How has this passage grown for you over the past weeks?  Has it changed the way you look at God?  How did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego show childlike faith? Bringing it to a close. Many times people believe that God can, but don't think that he will act for them. This is many times limiting the power of God. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego believed that God had the power and that he would show his power.  Have you ever felt that God wouldn't use his power to help you? Why?  When has God shown his might and done wonderful things?  What is one thing you will do this week as a result of something you've learned from this message and this series? Follow us on Facebook to receive daily scripture readings to help remind you each day that "My God Can Do Anything." #LikeaChildSUMC 1 Faith Parry, Connection Pastor [email protected]

Pastor’s Class Join us in FLC Room 106 each Wednesday at 6:00 pm

We Welcome Our New Staff Members! The last two weeks have been very busy! We have had Vacation Bible School, the Youth Choir commissioning concert, Annual Conference, and the start of summer camp. Pastor Brad and Ben Savage are traveling with the youth choir to engage in some meaningful mission and sharing of the gospel. In the midst of all that, we have also had some personnel changes. After months of handling children's ministry and After School Care, Jennifer Leibold has accepted a new employment opportunity, and we wish her well. She and her family have not left the church, of course, so we will continue to be blessed by their presence and service. Dawn Rozofsky has worked with Jennifer as co-director, and continues to lead our After School Program. More about that in a future article. We are so indebted to both of them for their tireless efforts and loving labor. Jason Theriault, meanwhile, has been overseeing our youth ministry, and we are grateful to him as well. We have a terrific and dedicated team of adult leaders for our youth ministry, and Jason's work to keep things going has set a good beginning for our new youth pastor. David Garvin has begun his work as our new Youth Pastor. He brings fresh ideas, youthful energy, and a loving spirit to Shalimar. Having recently graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary, he is now a provisional deacon in the Alabama-West Florida conference. We are looking forward to seeing him advance our ministry to youth in the FWB area in the years to come.

Jennifer Guidoni comes to us from South Florida with her husband, Joseph, and their son, Alonzo. She brings with her many years of experience in children and youth ministries, much of it in the United Methodist Church. When we offered her the job, she came immediately, because she did not want to miss our VBS. In her two weeks here, she has already begun making an impact. Jennifer is enrolled in Asbury Theological Seminary, with the goal of eventually getting her MDiv. For both Jennifer and David, their goal is to focus on family ministries, so this is not just a stepping stone for them; this is their mission field. We are so fortunate to have these two professionals called by God to take our family ministries to the next level! On Sunday, July 8th, our Fun 'n' Fellowship Committee will host an ice cream social, which will be a great opportunity for everyone to get to know David and Jennifer better. You won't want to miss it. Again, many thanks to Dawn Rozofsky, Jennifer Leibold, and Jason Theriault for their faithfulness to our church during this transition. Thanks also to Susan McLain and Jonathan Lefler for their good work in Children and Youth ministry. See you at Shalimar, Pastor Brian

Brian Dale, Executive Pastor [email protected]

Appreciation Baskets Baskets for cards of appreciation to welcome Jennifer Guidoni, new Children’s Director, and David Garvin, Youth Pastor, and in appreciation to Jason Theriault, will be located in the Narthex and Family Life Center. Gift cards would be appropriate and appreciated.

Park & Ride Please consider using the shuttle during this busy season at SUMC, to allow visitors to park in our main lot. Shuttles begin at 9:00 am and continue until last run at 12:30 pm. Thank you!

At Be ac h B aptism on Saturday, June 9th June 14



Michael Wilkins Michael Lewellen Kayla High

Michael Qualls

Attendance, June 9 & 10, 2018 Saturday night


11:00 am service


8:00 am service


11:07 am service


9:30 am service






NW Florida Chapter of Blue Star Moms is collecting items and letters for the troops’ Christmas in July packages. Packing in Family Life Center | June 29 | 3:00 pm Volunteers welcomed! Collection boxes are in the Life Center & have lists of suggested foods (snack sizes), toiletries (travel sizes only please) and other items. If you have someone deployed and would like a package sent to them please email [email protected] before June 25th.

Pete Peter [email protected] Michelle Carmical [email protected]

Merge Young Adults Michelle Carmical - Lead Facilitator | 850-217-0391

Shalimar UMC Merge



Single Young Adults (18-30-ish)

Colossians 2: 6-9 Young Adult Couples (before children)

Thursdays | 6:30 pm | #10 2nd Street

Sundays | 10:00 am | #10 2nd Street

Merge is for young adults 1830's who want to grow in their faith together. This group is made up of single young adults who are seeking God’s guidance in life. They meet in the #10 house on 2nd Street.

Calling all couples, before children, in your 18-30's. Come grow in your faith in a relaxed group environment on Sunday mornings at the #10 house on 2nd Street, directly behind the church. You will have opportunities for fellowship and spiritual growth through a wide variety of studies. CHECK IT OUT !!!

SUMMER and BOOKS seem synonymous to many of us and what a treat to have our own well-stocked “book source” within easy reach. Our church library welcomes you to your summer reading treasure trove! Bring the kids and introduce them to some of the best books ever written, all with good messaging and offering the kind of summer reading you want for them. Of note are the Great Illustrated Classics for young people, of which we can now “boast” of having over 30 classic titles! Thank you, thoughtful donor, for making this collection available to our young readers! And while the kids are choosing their books, check out our Christian fiction shelves and popular authors like Karen Kingsbury, Catherine Palmer, Wanda Brumstetter, Joel Rosenberg, Alexander McCall Smith, or Francine Rivers, just to name a few. Max Lucado’s books, are always treasure-filled with easily understood spiritual messages, though not fiction, offer so much encouragement and “light” that we’ve given him his own shelf, so to speak! And among his many, you will find a Lucado “rarity,” a work of “heavenly fiction” called Miracle at the Higher Ground Café. There is soooo much in our library, including well-chosen movies on DVD for an occasional summer “rainy day!” COME ON IN AND CHECK US OUT !!!

Rev. David Garvin, Youth Pastor 850-651-0721 x 113 | [email protected]


YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30—10:30 am in Youth Rooms

NO FUSION TONIGHT Enjoy Father’s Day with Dad!

BEACH BIBLE STUDY WEDNESDAY 5:30—8:15 PM Meet at the FLC GET INFORMED Text “@FusionSUMC” to #81010 for weekly updates

2018-19 PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION Preschool registration for the 2018-19 school year has begun. If you are registering for our VPK program, then you MUST FIRST go on-line and get the VPK certificate. The website is Once you have the VPK certificate, bring it in and fill out our registration form. Registration forms are available in the preschool office. Any questions, please call Karen at 651-0721

New Tai Chi for Health Class Starting Tuesday, June 19th, we will offer a new Tai Chi class in the gym. It will offer a slow and gentle exercise routine designed for health, arthritis, and balance issues, but appropriate for all. Our teacher Ilona, is a certified Tai Chi for Health Instructor and will lead this from 8-9:00 am. Come in comfortable clothes and no special equipment is needed – just $10 per class. For more details regarding the class contact, [email protected].

Jennifer Guidoni, cell 772-626-8000 Children’s Director Dawn Rozofsky, cell 850-294-2384 After School/Summer Camp Church 651-0721 | [email protected] SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL PreK - 5th Grade After signing in at the Family Life Center all children in the 9:30 am Connect Service will sit on the front three rows for worship time. At 9:45 am Jennifer Guidoni will take the students over to the Music Suite for a lesson, fun, and crafts. Please pick up directly after the service at the Music Suite. CHILDREN’S CHURCH 11:00/11:07 am Please sign your child in at the Family Life Center. After worship time in the service the children will be dismissed to their age appropriate room for fun, Bible stories, and games. Please pick up directly after the service at their age appropriate rooms in the Family Life Center. SUMMER CAMP Summer camp is having a blast! Make sure to support and please thank Ms. Dawn Rozofsky for all of her hard work! The kids are traveling everywhere and having such a wonderful time. Check us out on Facebook @ SUMC Kidz Ministry We post updates, photos, and news to this page regularly for all events happening in Children’s ministry. Email: [email protected]

Jesus Others Yourself

Matthew 22: 37-39

Just So You Know…Gates on the church playground are open from 9:30 until 12:15 each Sunday.

Overnight Scrapbooking Friday, June 29th Noon - Midnight Saturday, June 30th 7:00 am - 4:00 pm

Weekly Schedule Sunday, June 17th Worship Times Traditions Worship ............ 8 & 11 am Connect Service ...................... 9:30 am Freedom Service ................. 11:07 am Freedom Band Rehearsal ....... 8:00 am Sunday School for all ages ..... 9:30 am Rooted Young Couples ........10:00 am Children’s Church ........... 11/11:07 am Grief Share ................................ 3:00 pm Youth Band Rehearsal ............ 4:30 pm SUMMER CAMP Mon - Fri 7:30 - 5:30 pm Monday, June 18th Threads of Love ....................... 2:00 pm Connect Team Rehearsal ....... 5:30 pm Alanon ...................................... 6:00 pm Back 2 School Bash Planning 6:00 pm Lighthouse Ensemble.............. 6:00 pm Monday Bible Study ............... 6:00 pm One + ONE Singles ................. 6:00 pm Security Ministry Team .......... 6:30 pm BSA Troop 529 Scout Hut ..... 7:00 pm MPC Meeting ........................... 7:00 pm Emerald Coast Pops ............... 7:15 pm

Tuesday, June 19th Tai Chi........................................ 8:00 am Annex Action Team ................ 5:30 pm Journeymen ............................. 6:00 pm Missions Meeting .................... 6:00 pm Prayer Group ............................ 6:00 pm Medical Team-Disaster .......... 7:00 pm Finance Committee ................. 7:00 pm Wednesday, June 20th Fellowship Dinner ................... 5:00 pm Youth Beach Bible Study ....... 5:30 pm Gloryland Ensemble ................ 6:00 pm Orchestra Rehearsal ............... 6:00 pm Pastor’s Class ........................... 6:00 pm Rejoice ....................................... 6:00 pm Chancel Choir .......................... 7:00 pm V-Crew #529 Scout Hut ........ 7:00 pm Thursday, June 21st 12 X 12 .................................... 10:00 am Break Free/Freedom Teams . 5:30 pm Merge Young Adults ............... 5:30 pm Alzheimer/Dementia Grp ...... 6:00 pm Emerald Coast Barbershop ... 7:00 pm Friday, June 22nd NO ACTIVITIES Saturday, June 23rd Worship Time Break Free Service ................. 6:00 pm Break Free Band Rehearsal ... 4:00 pm

1 Old Ferry Road • P.O. Box 795, Shalimar, FL 32579 (850) 651-0721 • • [email protected] Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8 am - 4 pm • Friday 8 am - Noon