The Kingdom Harvest - Pastor David Gross

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The Kingdom Harvest - Pastor David Gross Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 What is a parable and why did Jesus teach this way? παραβολη = to “throw _________________” Parable = real life ______ “thrown alongside” a ____________ reality or truth for the purpose of ________________ 1. Jesus used parables to make His ______________ Kingdom _______________ 2. Jesus used parables to distinguish between ______________ and __________________ 3. Jesus used parables to stimulate ______________ and invite a ________________

What does Christ reveal about His Kingdom in the parable of the wheat and weeds? Christ’s Kingdom is under His sovereign __________ and _____________ (vss 24b, 37-38) Christ’s Kingdom can either be __________________ or _______________ (vss 25-26, 38) Christ’s Kingdom has a very real ______________ who is trying to produce _______________ (vss 25-28, 38-39) Everyone in Christ’s Kingdom will receive their just _________________ or ____________ (vss 30, 39b-43)