The Lord is the Living God

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Treasuring Christ :: Year 2: The Prophets and Writings

Connecting Church and Home Quarter 3, Week 1 :: The Lord is the Living God Treasure Story: Psalm 16 There is an old saying that goes, “The only certainties in life are death and taxes.” While some people may be able to cheat the taxman, nobody cheats death—nobody except Jesus. In today’s Treasure Story, David had confidence that death was not the end because of his confidence in the promised Messiah. David knew that the Messiah would rise again and that he would one day see Him face-to-face.

Connect Even though bodily resurrection seems strange to us, it is quite central to the truth and beauty of the Gospel. For an example of the truth and reality of the resurrection, look to the accounts of Jesus on the road to Emmaus and later with His disciples in Luke 24. They give us an exciting preview of what it might be like to live in a glorified body. Here are a few ways that you can talk with your children about the hope we have of bodily resurrection from the grave: • No More Band-Aids: Whenever your children have a bump, cut or bruise, take the opportunity to remind them that these things are temporary. Excite them with the truth that one day we will have resurrected bodies that will no longer experience pain. We have this hope because Jesus died for us on the cross and rose again on the third day. • Plant a Seed: With your children, plant a seed in a cup full of dirt. Tell them that they will watch over the seed for the next several days to see what happens. Make sure that children help water the seed and keep it in the sunlight. When the seed sprouts, talk with your children about how our bodies are like seeds. One day the bodies of those who follow God will be planted in the ground, but God will raise them up one day and change them into something better, just like the seed changed into a plant.

My Mission As Parent • How often do you consider the resurrection? Is it something you long for? • Are you confident like David in the work of the promised Messiah? • What can you do to instill confidence in your children that they too do not need to fear death but should trust in Christ?

Prayer Points • Ask the Lord to help you acknowledge the reality of death but the hope of Christ’s victory over death and sin. • Pray for the Lord to help you apply the beauty of what Christ has done to every area of your life. • Praise the Lord together with your children because of the hope we have in Christ. Because Christ lives, we too will live forever with Him.

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. Copyright © Providence Baptist Church, 2014. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for reproduction only for the study of Life Bible Study curriculum by a licensed church during the licensed year. No online or other duplication is permitted