WALL ST. OF CHEMISTRY - C&EN Global Enterprise - ACS Publications

WALL ST. OF CHEMISTRY - C&EN Global Enterprise - ACS Publicationspubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/cen-v022n002.p144Nov 4...

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NEW CHEMICALS We are offering the following new chemicals in limited amounts for experimental work and expect to have them available commercially after the war.



CH^-O-O--(1H--CH, Molecular Weight Specific Gravity Boiling Range BoilLig Point Melting Point Flash Point Refractive Index

157.0 1.296® 28° C. 58-65 $ 13 mm. Decompose* less than - 3 2 ° C. 153 e F. 1.444 φ 20° C.

A water-white liquid immiscible with water but miscible with alcohol and ethyl ether. Reactions:—forms thiaxoles with thiourea and like compounds. — splits to acetyl chloride and cbloroaoetaldehyde in presence of mineral adds. — forms chloroacetals with alco­ hols.


Cl-.CH,-CH α 1rs

VA\ ' )'UF1V

WALL ST. OF CHEMISTRY™ Atlas Plywood Corp. h a s registered 150,000 shares of additional c o m m o n stock w i t h the S E C . Proceeds are t o be used t o increase working capital a n d for other general corpo­ rate purposes. D o w Chemical has declared dividends of 1.25% on preferred and 75 cents per share on c o m m o n stock, payable F e b . 15 t o stock­ holders of record F e b . 1. Hercules declared D e c . 29 a regular quarterly dividend of 1.5% o n preferred, payable F e b . 15 t o stockholders of record Feb. 4.

Hooker Electrochemical is considering the· sale of $5.000.000 n e w preferred stock, p r o » ceeds t o be used to retire outstanding p r e ­ ferred and bonds. M c K e s s o n Λ Robbins 5 . 2 5 % preferred^, called for redemption O c t . 2 9 , haa been* stricken from listing and registration o n t h e N e w York Stock Exchange. Westinghouse m a d e a n d shipped moreequipment during t h e first nine m o n t h s o f 1943 than during all of 1942. according t o George H . B û c h e r , president. Monthly sales are now well o v e r $70.000,000.


104? British Celanese Celotex Corp. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. Glidden Co. Illinois Zinc Co. Ν or walk Tire es Rubber Co. Liquid Carbonic Corp. West Virginia Pulp & Paper Co.

£403.495 S 931.187 12.481.129 1,853,752 464,763 142,350 1,402.495 2,789.248

Î94S £348.403 S 530.199 15,183.383 1.998.199 439.257 1*2,165 1.309.935 2.610.496



$1.23 5.04 1.70 4.88 0.55 1.80 2.05

$0.54 6.40· 1.87 4.56 0.65 1.61 1.86




Dow Chemical Co.



American Council of Commercial Laboratories Officers

Cash Gifts to Columbia University

At the Annual Meeting of t h e American Council of Commercial Laboratories, held in Chicago, D e c e m b e r 13 and 14, announcement w a s m a d e of t h e election of t h e following officers for 1944: president, W . P . P u t n a m . D e t r o i t Testing Laboratory, Detroit, Mich.; v i c e president, H . L. Sherman, Skinner